Pavel Fishing - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Warrard



The name of Marshal Pavel Semenovich fish is connected with the history of glorious victories in the Great Patriotic War. At that time, he commanded tank troops and for the skillful leadership of the army and personal heroism twice became the hero of the Soviet Union. Starting a military career during the First World War as an ordinary, the end of the Second World Fishello celebrated in the rank of Marshal armored troops.

Childhood and youth

Paul was born in 1894 in the family of a factory worker and housewife. Motherland fishing - village Small Vestior Kharkiv province. Feeding seven children was not easy, and therefore they began to work from an early age. So Paul already went to the sugar factory, where she worked with a lathe with a latter, and on Sundays went to school at the temple, where he compiled the basis of literacy and the law of God.

At 18th, the guy moved to live in Kharkov. By that time, he had already mastered the profession of Tokary and settled on the local plant, where the locomotives were built. However, 2 years later, the First World War began, and the young man among others was mobilized in the ranks of the Russian tsarist army, where he served in the rank of ordinary, fighting on the south-western front as part of the Infantry Division.

I do not care what kind of war, in 1916 I left the front of fishing, going to repair the roller mills in Zbarazh and Ternopil. By the time in his military biography, such events such as Brusilovsky breakthrough, a siege of motley and offensive operations on Bukovina.

In the meantime, the civil war began in his homeland, which he met as part of the Red Guard. During this war, everyone happened: a young man and in the partisan detachment consisted, fighting with Petlurovtsy and hetman Scoropadian, and captured the Germans, and the Grigorievsky uprising was suppressed. By 25 years, Paul has already become a commander of the fighting group, and a brilliant military career was waiting ahead.

Personal life

There would be no happiness, but misfortune helped: Pavle Semenovich's personal life has developed due to the most fun circumstances. He met the future wife, passing treatment from typhus in the hospital. Nadezhda Davydovna worked there sister of mercy. In marriage, the nurse and the commander was born the son of Vilen, whom was called in honor of the leader of the world proletariat, but they were affectionately called Villa.

Vilena could expect a brilliant civilian career, but in 1941 the Great Patriotic War fell. The commander refused to "harbor" the Son under his own wing and did not seek warm places for him. The young man went to the front, having no privileges. By 1942 he managed to finish a tank school, and therefore fought in the rank of lieutenant. However, the first battles have developed for the Villa tragically: during the retreat near Kharkov in May 1942, the younger fish died.

For a long time about his death, nothing is known, and Vilen was in the status of missing. As a result of persistent searches, his father learned the details about the feat of the son burned in the tank along with other crew members. The joint photo of the Father and Son is preserved, where both are sitting in military uniform.

Military Career

When the civil war ended, fishing remained in the army and served in the Caucasus, and then in Moscow. In 1935 he was awarded the rank of colonel. In the pre-war period, he worked as a military adviser in China and Poland.

1941 caught fishing in Moscow. Here he headed the Department of Intelligence Higher Special School with the General Staff of the Red Army. Long and persistently Pavel Semenovich demanded to send it to the front, but before January 1943 he did not accept participation in hostilities. At first, the man was authorized to engage in the acquisition of tank armies.

Lieutenant Lieutenant General heads the 3rd tank army, which conducts battles on the Voronezh Front and in Kharkov defensive and offensive operations. Together with the 3rd Guards Tank Army in 1943, the commander participated in the battle for the Dnieper, in the Kursk battle and Kiev offensive operation, for which he was awarded the medal "Golden Star" Hero of the Soviet Union. In 1945, the second award of this dignity was received in 1945 in the rank of Colonel Tank General, as a member of the Lviv Sandomira and Berlin Operations.

In June 1945, Pavel Semenovich became Marshal of armored troops. With the end of the war, the hero took a leading post in the Soviet Army - first was the deputy commander of armored and mechanized troops, and since 1947 he began to lead a unit.


A little known about the details of the death of Marshal fish. That is why there are speculation and doubts about this. 53-year-old Pavel Semenovich was laid in the Kremlin hospital with a kidney disease. Moreover, eyewitnesses say that the famous commander entered the walls of an elite laspier and full of strength, and after a time he began to look like a seriously sick: Marshal was yelling, his skin is desirable. To him stopped allowing visitors.

On August 28, 1948, the Soviet newspapers informed the people that the famous commander did not become. The cause of death was called a protracted disease, which to this day is questioned. In a conversation with each other, shortly before the death of fishing called the hospital "Beloystnaya Prison" and dreamed of something from her to get out. It is possible that Marshal in a number of other colleagues got under the mass "stripping", which Joseph Stalin subjected to the military color of the nation. There is a theory: The leader of the peoples feared that the commander of the tank units would organize the seizure of power, uniting with other marshals and generals.

The funeral of fishing was held in Moscow at the accumulation of thousands of grief, who came to say goodbye to the hero of war. Under the marches of military orchestras, the coffin with the body was submitted to the Novodevichy cemetery, where the man was buried. A monumental monument, carved from marble, was erected over the grave, where the marshal of armored troops appears with a breast, awarded awards.


  • 1943, 1945 - Honey "Golden Star" Hero of the Soviet Union
  • 1943 - Cutuzov 1 degree Order
  • 1943, 1945 - Order of Lenin
  • 1944,1948 - Red Banner Order
  • 1944, 1944,1945 - Order of Suvorov 1 degree
  • 1944 - Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky 1 degree
  • Medal "For the Defense of Moscow"
  • Medal "For Defense of Stalingrad"
  • Medal "For victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945."
  • Medal "For Taking Berlin"
  • Medal "For the Liberation of Prague"
  • Medal "XX Years of the Worker-Peasant Red Army"
  • Medal "30 years of the Soviet Army and Fleet"
  • Medal "In memory of the 800th anniversary of Moscow"

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