Overcome irritation in communication: ways, advice, method, how to cope, reaction


How much easier could life be, if it were not sometimes sometimes did what reluctance would do. For example, an annoying person is annoying, and it is not easier to meet with him at all. But it is impossible - a colleague, or even worse - a relative. Well, not to change the decent work or, especially since the family because of one particular personnel! But the problem is solved.

How to cope with the natural reaction to the unusual interlocutor and overcome irritation in communication with him - in the material 24cm.

1. Understand and forgive

Among the most effective methods, overcome irritation in dealing with a specific person, it is possible to distinguish the following way: try to remove from your own reaction to a particular individual and figure out what exactly derives from yourself. The Council is able to seem non-serious, but in reality it is very effective.

The fact is that often people in others annoy some specific moments, whether it is an excessive massive nose or too unleashing a manner of communication. At the same time, the consciousness of the machine becomes in the position "not to bother" and does not give to consider the true situation of things: sometimes forcing him to hate to a tooth crossed man turns out to be quite an adequate and pleasant interlocutor, if you cut concrete irritant factors.

That is, rushing with hanging labels and an assessment of others, based only on a superficial impression, it is not worth it. After all, it may be that one grurely, it's just got used to cut the truth-uterus in the eyes (and this is horror as annoying!). And himself - kind heart, soul, and a friend is reliable.

2. Abstragging

Unfortunately, the first way to solve the problem with dislike to man and overcome irritation in communicating with him extremely rarely applicable. Or for the first impressions it is impossible to see nature, because consciousness reacts too rapidly. Or the primary assessment will be true. After all, if a person behaves like a reptile, then inevitable doubts that this character is also becoming. And often suspicion justified for all hundred.

And in this case, it will be necessary to solve the problem in other ways. For example, abstract from the attempts of the "stimulus" provoke a conflict - an aggressive response, spurred a fair fraction of anger, can only bring a negative result. So it remains extremely correct and polite, without responding to opponent's pensions, and also seeking to limit such unpleasant communication.

3. Try to negotiate

It is impossible to refuse such a chance to create comfortable conditions in dealing with a person who annoys how an attempt to negotiate. Perhaps, if you voice the reasons for our own discontent with the accompanying request to the interlocutor, it is no longer anymore, it will turn out to come to some consensus.

After all, there is a considerable share of the likelihood that the "stimulus" is not so "toxic", as it seems. Only not aware of which of his habits are becoming interpreted by others, pushing the latter for a negative assessment. After all, people are often not ready in the open to say to the interlocutor about its shortcomings.

So, if there is a desire to normalize the atmosphere, and not creak in the corner of the teeth from irritation, you will have to take a mission to report to an opponent of information about its negative features.

4. in ignore or repulse

If a person who annoys, seeks to bring out of equilibrium, hanging out comments addressed to the object of its aggressive interest, then the best way to put it in place will be complete ignoring his comments. Nothing does not care for the poisonous to the language of the wit, as their verbal exercises left without attention.

And if you go to the attack by myself, moving the point of attention from your own shortcomings, so firmly underlined by the "toxic" ill-wisher, on it, then it is possible to force the opponent to "reter to the battlefield." Indeed, in his own eye, a person is often able to not notice the logs, noting the presence of grains in the "visual instruments" criticized.

Yes, and please specify the pickwicks capable of leaving the ill-wisher for a long time. If you can disassemble the essence of claims from him - excellent. Perhaps it will be useful, because it is necessary to work in itself inener. If not, it will only become an additional stimulus for the "stimulus" to retreat, in order not to be raised on the laugh.

5. Team

Another way to level irritating exposure is to find like-minded people. Communions who will support (albeit only moral - and this is a lot!) After another unpleasant conversation with a person, "stimulus".

Or and at all will help to look at the situation from the side. Those, having made an estimate of the emerging conflict more objective - suddenly unpleasant comments of the opponent will be valid shortcomings that it is worth corrected. Instead of entering confrontation.

The feeling of a friendly shoulder is much easier to overcome irritation in communicating with the enemy. And at the same time, the presence of witnesses will help not fall to the mud in a conversation, in order not to believe themselves. So, makes it restrain and carefully control your own behavior. Well, after another unpleasant conversation with the "stimulus" with comrades, it is possible or married to fucking bones, or to work out joint countermeasures.

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