Show "Where is the logic?" - photo, history of creation, essence of the program, news, participants 2021



"Where is the logic?" - A popular Russian-made show, combining entertaining and intellectual components. The charming lead not only helps players to solve tasks, but also accompanies every transmission with funny comments. The format of the series makes it suitable for family viewing.

History of creation and essence of the program

Comedy Club Production has been engaged in the production of the program. The first release started on the TNT channel on November 29, 2015. It was assumed that Pavel Will would be to lead the project. However, as a result, the place was taken by Azamat Musagaliyev. The concept of the transfer was successful - here organically merged the features of the quiz, intellectual game and a humorous show.

Participants of the new issue - 2 teams, the number of players in each of which is 2-3 people. During the air, 5 rounds are held, in which the project creators offer the guests of the studio to demonstrate the ability to build logical chains, find links between phenomena, characters, items depicted in pictures.

The task of each command is to give more correct answers. Who will be smarter, he gets 1 point (at all levels, except for the final, where glasses are accrued for each correct version). The first right to answer are those players who will quickly press on the red button.

If the task seems difficult, guests are asking for a handsome help. " Then the lead tries to bring stars to the rayster through the prompts. The winner is determined by the total number of points. In the studio, the teams are sitting along different directions of the same table (2 tables were used in the early releases). The main prize becomes the Iron Logic Body.

The 1st round called "Find Generalies" remains unchanged from the 1st season of the show. The essence of the stage is as follows: 3 pictures appear on the screen. The purpose of the players is to understand what the images combines. For example, in a riddle with photos of Lady Di, pea pod and jasmine twigs, the princess turned out to be a common word. Participants, putting forward versions, explain what they pushed them into these thoughts.

The following rounds range from transmission to transmission. The tasks are aimed at using the logical activity of guests, as well as viewers who observe what is happening in the studio and on the other side of the screen. In the contest "Two in one" portraits of popular persons, combined into a general image. Players must call each person.

In the test "Who lives in the room?" One of the team members together with the opponent is sent to the studio stylized at the hotel number. Taking a camcorder with you, each of them carefully examines the "rooms", where it removes the things-evidence. The fixed material is projected to the screen so that the guests remaining with the leading can build guesses, who from celebrities could live here.

So, in one of the releases based on the presented objects - the beer "Neva", cigarettes, journalistic pass from the channel "Match TV", Tomika Pushkin, a poster with Victoria Beckham - Guests "calculated" the leader of the Leningrad group of Sergey Shnurov. In the game "Cinema rebuses" based on 3 pictures it is necessary to determine the name of the film, a series or cartoon.

For example, the images of a laughing child, moose and bundles of balloons as a result turned into the name of the popular animation project "Smeshariki". And the photo of an ancient statue, a chemical formula and a spiritual session led the players to the comedy directed by Mark Zakharov "Formula of Love".

Portraits of media personalities appear in "secret materials" before guests. The complexity of the stage is that these persons are captured in childhood. You need to think well to understand whose photo on the screen. In the "Boy with shadow", the attention of team participants focuses on the silhouette of a well-known person. Guess who it is helping the pictures-tips.

In the round "Formula of all" from 2 images you need to make a general concept. For example, the pictures of the Pig's Pig and Lightning lead to the answer "Electric socket", and saws and frank - to the "violinist" reply. In this part it is important to be able to conduct associations between the presented photos.

The final stage is a blitz in which players work for speed. This block uses different thematic tests. So, in the "classic of the genre" with the help of pictures with veiled answers, you need to solve an encrypted phrase from the song and a film or a well-known proverb.

In one of the issues, the participants were offered pictures of the Russian flag, men with a camera and nuns. The correct answer was the quotation from the comedy Leonid Gaiday "Diamond Hand": "Rousseau Tourist - Found Morale." And the photos of the lady, the cube with the sign "=" and the pictograms "Man" opened the phrase "Woman - she is also a man" from the film "White Sun of the Desert".

Also, the finals include rounds under the names of the "nonsense of a dog" and "something is missing." In the first case in images, data on the screen, there is an extra element. The task of commands is to understand that there is a "subjected". In the 2nd, on the contrary, the participants guess the missing elements.

Leading Show

The Azamat Musagaliyev show is leading, familiar to the audience in the KVN games, as well as on the project "Once in Russia" and the TV series "Interns". The delicate sense of humor, the ability to instantly improvise and suggest helping the comic to stay in transmission for several years. Only in the last release of the 2nd season, the role of the lead program was played by Ruslan White, and Azamat and his wife acted as guests of the project.

Participants of the show "Where is logic?"

Participants of the program are popular performers, humorists, athletes. Some of the invited stars appeared in transmission several times. So, for example, Valery Meladze with Albina Janabaeva opened the 1st season of the game, and later, in 2020, met with Olga Buzova and Alexander Gudkov, who also participated in the project.

One of the seasons was under the name "Women against Men" - here the "Ladies" teams fought with the teams "Knights". So, in the studio they met a couple of Agata Motzing - Aiza Anokhina and Marvin - Nathan. Also, a large number of views scored a series, where the roles of the series and humorists were opposed to the rivals - "Beetles against Standap".


Frequent guests of the transfer - Sergey Lazarev, Anton Shtun, Timur Batrutdinov. The studio faces rap and humor: for example, in the release, where the participants of Comedy Woman Tatiana Morozova and Marina Kravets met with the performers of the Bass and Kyivstone. In one of the programs, the rivals were pairs of Egor Creed - singer Hannah and Zoya Berber - Anton Bogdanov.

"Where is the logic?" now

In the spring of 2020, the new 6th season of the popular project started on the TNT channel. The participants in tradition were the stars of the Russian show business. Now the program, as before, leads charming and witty Azamat Musagaliyev.

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