Tiberius - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Roman Emperor



Tiberius Julius Caesar Augustus, the second ruler of the Roman Empire, belonged to the Dynasty of Juliyev-Claudiyev, who gave birth to a number of famous men. Having passed the path from the commander to the head of the powerful state, he was remembered to contemporaries and descendants as an outstanding citizen.

Childhood and youth

Tiberius was considered a direct heir to the Roman politician Nero Senior, who belonged to the genus of Claudiyev, known from ancient times. Among his ancestors were patricians who had the responsibilities of the consuls who had blood connections with carriers of noble names.

The grandfather of the future emperor, allegedly, was a legacy participating in pirated battles in the south and east of the country. Father, an influential citizen of the state, also noted in battles, but managed to make a hand to raise sons from the first wife.

Libya Druzill, who became Mother Tiberius and his brother's friend's friend, according to historical sources, belonged to a noble family. She cared for children and led a household until the spouse mined glory at the next bloody war.

After the head of the family supported the consul Lucius Anthony, anger of the strong world of this world was collapsed on the patrician genus of Yuliyev-Klavdiev. Falling from persecution and punishment, Nero and Libya fled to Greece and lived there for some time, without notifying anyone.

Then the exiles took advantage of the amnesty and returned to their homeland, where Tiberius lost his mother, and Nero senior is a legitimate wife. The case was that the married beauty attracted Caesar Octavian Augustus, and she had to become a legitimate wife of the hero of Peruvinskaya war.

Such situations in ancient Rome were not considered something amretered, so the relationship with the Roman emperor became a plus for young children. Tiberius moved to the house of the stepfather after the death of a biological parent and was educated with the help of the best teachers.

At the funeral of Nero Senior, the boy showed the skill of the speaker and won the love and respect of high-ranking persons. When Octavian took a step on the celebration of victory in the battle of the action, none of the approximate emperor was truly surprised.

In the 26th year BC NS. Rome's ruler began to look for successors, considering as candidates of the second wives of the second wives. As a challenger on the highest post of Tiberius at the age of 17, it was used to work for the benefit of the country.

Personal life

The details of the personal life of the second ruler of the prosperous Roman Empire took place from those interested in people. It is known that Tiberius in his youth married the daughter's brand Vipsania Agrippa, and the firstborn was born in this marriage became the only one of the sons.

The spouse, whose bust came to the descendants, was externally similar to Junoon, and Octavian chose the beautiful daughter of the comrades for the young man as a legitimate wife. Young people experienced sincere mutual feelings to each other, and first did not suspect their days of happiness are considered.

In 12 BC NS. Octavian forced a stepper to become her husband of Yulia's daughter senior, who remained without a spouse in the color of the years. Due to the end of a prosperous marriage with a beloved Agrippina, new romantic relationships gradually came up.

A representative of the speakerphone did not complain about a noble man, nevertheless gave birth to a child who was deceased in infant years. Over time, the woman traded Tiberia on the famous statesman, and the second marriage of the future of the Roman emperor in the blink of an eye turned into dust.


Tiberius's political career began under the leadership of Octavian Augustus, who appointed him as a questor at the age of 17. Then the young man received a position, respected in ancient Rome, and thanks to the instructions of the elders deserved authority in society.

In his youth, the member of the emperor became famous as an excellent speaker, speaking in open events and uttered speeches in the courts. In 20 BC NS. Tiberius went to Armenia and soon realized that his place in subordinates to the ruler of the troops.

After successful operations in Europe, the young man returned to his homeland and became the official successor of Oktavian as an emperor of the country. But the path to power was complicated due to pilgrimage in Greece, associated with the political situation and the loss of the first wife.

After spending time at Astrologa, Tiberius learned about August disease, which was caused by the death of a grandson and a number of other personal reasons. The emperor returned to Rome's exile and conducted a adoption procedure, thereby making a promising young man in the most powerful of men.

Becoming the second person in the state, the descendant of the famous Glavodiev participated in military campaigns in order to establish new borders. In the age of 14, Oktavian Augustus died, and Tiberius headed the society of higher political persons.

Being a ruler of the Roman Empire, the former commander initiated reforms, but never defeated public opinion, Yaros defended principles. Having rebuffed from politicians, the owner of the supreme power devoted a certain situation a number of outstanding quotes.

The ideas of freedomity and equality, alien to the existing embezzle, led to the emergence of a layer of citizens who criticized the highest power. The adoption of the law on insult in 15 helped Tiberius and senators did not lose their chairs.

Having made the conclusions, the emperor engaged in the internal policy of the state and for a very short time before the failure filled the treasury. Radical measures, overnightly touched by folk and patrician assemblies, with the descendant of Nero were painless thanks to tactics and the mind.

A supporter of republican traditions has stabilized the Roman economy, forbidding the monuments and temples for money collected from the citizens of the country. In parallel, the war began in the ancient society, which bought from poor things for a third or half of the price.

In the foreign policy, the achievements of the Second Roman emperor were the refusal to new territories and a solid establishment of boundaries. By order of the head of state, the provinces stopped hostilities and were able to inspect possessions with combat chariots.

Tiberius, during the years of his reign, defended the territory of Rome during his reality, so he won the support of the army, which was commanded by Lucius Elia Seyan. The departure of the emperor to Kapatonia because of the conflict with the elderly mother excited and puzzled thousands of loyal citizens.

In 31, the opponents of the successor of Octavian decided to capture the Supreme Throne with the help of a conspiracy. As a result, the state power stood, and the representative of the imperial authorities was appointed commander Quint Neva Cord Sutory Makron.


At the end of his life, Tiberius communicated with close relatives and comrades who were present at his death for unknown descendants to reasons. When it seemed that the emperor had already met with the creator, an unexpected sigh and the parish in consciousness was shocked by several strong men.

According to historians, Guy Julius, Germany, famous for the name of Kaligula, ordered to strangle Tiberia with the help of a number of clothes. The young representative of the Claudiyev dynasty became the third supreme ruler of Rome, who was heard as a symbol of injustice and unfulfilled human hopes.

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