Lyudmila Gurchenko: biography, personal life, 2020, death, movies, songs, husbands


Behind this actress over hundreds of roles in films and serials and more than two dozen different awards and premiums. She admired the talent of the audience and circled the head of men with beauty, which is only worth the number of men of the artist - six.

On November 12, 2020, the 85th anniversary of Lyudmila Gurchenko would celebrate, with the death of which in 2011, in the expression of Nikita Mikhalkov, was gone by a whole epoch. On the curious details of the personal life and the creative biography of the late celebrity - in the material 24cmi.

1. Lucy.

Lyudmila Gurchenko herself preferred to be called Luce. After all, this name was given her parents at birth - under the impression of the film "Shark New York", the main character of which was the name of Lucy. However, the employees of the registry office in such a form to write a girl did not agree, motivating the refusal by the fact that such names in the Soviet state were not accepted. So, instead of Lucy Gurchenko, he became a passport by Lyudmila.

2. Young talent

To show the artistic talent of Lyudmila Markovna early - in preschool age. In order to survive in the war and feed yourself and the mother, during the occupation, Gurchenko came to German soldiers - danced and performed songs. For such entertainment, the latter shared with the young artist of food, which was enough and Lyudmila itself, and her mom.

And in the school years, Lyudmila Gurchenko has not yet doubted that a career of artist awaits her ahead. And therefore not only diligently studied, the greatest attention is paid to the Russian language with literature (as necessary to fulfill the objects conceived in the future), but also sought to keep up with fashion trends. Girl's outfits Mastered with his own hands, transplancing the old mother's daisies.

3. Balconies as sophisticated symbols

Lyudmila Gurchenko did not endure balconies throughout his life. They reminded her about the cold and hungry years in the occupied Kharkov, when the Germans captured the city kicked out a small Luju with a mother from his native house - the place seemed to them suitable for the placement of the commandanta.

Having lost housing Mom and daughter had to move to another apartment, just had a balcony. And although there was light and purely, but the feeling of someone else's home and a feeling of longing for the familiar from birth, the native situation did not let go of a small Luce.

4. With a song in life

For a long time, Lyudmila Gurchenko diligently hid that he writes songs. According to her, the reason for such a decision was covered with respect to critics. So, in 1965, the song "Holiday Victory", which came to taste across the country, which Gurchenko wrote, and fulfilled Margarita Suvorov, was in the Pooh and the dust was separated by television reviewers. The artist was accused of speculation on the feelings of people.

5. On the grass of firewood

They say that in his youth, the artist had a characteristic Ukrainian language. Fearing that because of such an "accent", it will be expelled from theatrical university, the actress, without ceasing, the tarators of all sorts of patterings. The method gave the result - there was no trace from the confused Gurchenko "Defect".

6. Swimming duet

It was rumored that Lyudmila Gurchenko and Boris Moiseev associated relationships, more close, rather than just friendship. However, these speculations did not receive confirmation, and shortly before the death actress artists and all seriously collapsed.

The cause of a quarrel, according to Moiseeva, was the fact that during the tour in America, he, being a director of the show, excluded from the program of the song Gurechenko "Jacket in a cell". The artist considered that in this way the partner decided to heal, and offended. Also, Boris Mikhailovich does not exclude that professional jealousy became the true cause of the disadvantage - in the US, he was raised better than Lyudmila Markovna.

7. "Musical" trauma

On the filming of the movie "Mom" Lyudmila Gurchenko for the fault of Oleg Popova (the famous Soviet clown played in the musical tale of the bear) broke his leg. The bone scattered on two dozen fragments, and to restore it, it took five operations. And years after the injury, the artist was limited in motion, because one leg became shorter than the other - the surgeons cut off part of the bone. And Popov never once visited the partner on the site in the hospital.

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