Dzhango Fett (character) - Photo, "Star Wars", Bob Fett, helmet, actor, face


Character History

Dzhango Fett is a character of the famous Space Siepelieopoeia, who debuted in the film "Star Wars. Episode II: Clone Attack. " He received the fame of the best mercenary in the history of the Galaxy, after which he became a genetic template for the formation of the army of clones.

History of character creation

The prototype became Cowboy Django from the Italian Western of 1966. As with the character of "Star Wars," there was a hard past behind his shoulders, he was obsessed with revenge.

It is known that George Lucas was going to call mercenary differently, and shortly before the release of the 2nd episode on the Lucasfilm website was registered by the domain But information that the present name of the hero is Ambu Fett, there is neither in the canon or in legends.

In the film, the role of an experienced fighter played Teumer Morrison. The actor voiced this character in a number of video games - Star Wars: Republic Commando, Star Wars: Bounty Hunter and Star Wars: Battlefront II. In other games belonging to the media professional "Star Wars", the American artist Jeff Bennett involved.

In 2012, The Walt Disney Company bought the rights to the franchise, and after 7 years, the TV series "Mandalorets" came out at the Disney + service, which caused a wave of discussion regarding the main character. In the 1st series it becomes clear that it refers to Mandalorsk culture.

According to George Lucas, neither Django, nor his clone Boba in no way relate to this race, although there are plenty of reasons in the "attack of clones" for reflection on the topic.

Despite the external similarity - armor and helmet, the hero of the series has nothing to do with the famous mercenary. True, persistent fans continue to believe that the character of "Star Wars" survived. The same dissonance caused the appearance of iodine baby in the series.

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Fetta costume and gear, taking into account the errors in Bob's ammunition. The appearance eventually saved the overall features characteristic of Mandalorian warriors. The differences appeared only in color: instead of white, it was preferred gray, blue and black. Some accessories and trophies were also discarded.

As the Teamer Morrison admitted, the shooting was steel for him a real test for strength. The costume was not waterproof, and the mask is something and the case flew from the face at the most inopportune moment. It is known that the New Zealand actor per day has changed to 3 sets of suit, and his double and more.

Image and biography of Dzhango Fetta

Django family, including his older sister Arlu, lived at Concord Down. This agricultural planet belonged to the Mandalor sector, but, as already mentioned, there is no information about the accessories of Fetta to this race.

In early childhood, the boy faced the death of loved ones. The civil war between the "True Mandalortians" and the group called the "Death District" began on his planet. When the conflict reached the birthplace of the hero, his father went to meet Jasterely, giving that shelter.

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Soon in the estate burst "Watching the Death" led by the Visno. He took the boy hostage to make opponents leave refuge. Dzhango saved his mother: a brave woman shot from Blaster in one of the broken. Using the confusion, the child ran away from the house.

His parents were prepared another fate - they were killed, and the estate was burned. Dzhango showed heroism and helped the "True Mandalorts" to get away from the pursuers. It was nowhere to go to the fetto, so Jaster took a siroto under the custody.

Thor, deciding that his opponents are dead, arranged a big holiday in the city. But "True Mandalorsi" was expected in ambush. When the battle began, the killer attacked his parents to Dzhango, but she could not cope with the Junca - Provincial Fett managed to dodge the vibrationalink and defeated the deaths of the shots.

Jaster began to raise and train the boy, as if she saw a successor in it. A little later, it became known that Avay's death managed to Arles, but because of a long stay in captivity after the liberation, the girl was in a psychiatric clinic.

Django continued to fight on the side of the least. Jaster put him as a commander of the squad. During one of the operations, Fett once again ran into the torus. After the betrayal of one of the members of the "True Mandalortians", the leader was mortally wounded and died on the hands of a reception son.

As a result, he took Django. He continued Mission for sat, not forgetting about his plans to revenge. During the surgery for the suppression of the uprising on Galidrane, the mercenary demanded from the customer, the governor of the planet, indicate the location of the visa. But the latter himself declassified, attacking the leader with a group of soldiers.

The man was forced to escape. Soon revealed the truth about the Union of the Governor and Torah. The latter planned to blame the "True Mandalortians" in the murder of children and women. For this, the visa appealed to the advice of the Jedi and even presented some evidence. Fett tried to get ahead of the enemy and warn his squad about the plans of the enemy.

He was late - the camp attacked the "Death Watch" along with the advice of the Jedi. In this battle, Dzhango showed himself as a real hero - without a weapon rushed to the Jedi, having time to kill six. But significant advantage in the number predetermined the sad finale. Fett after arrest was sold to slavery.

During the pirated missing, a man managed to escape from the transport ship. He hurried to Galidaraan, penetrated the castle and found his armor, which was kept in the hall as a relic. He managed to determine the location of the Vislian ship, and with the help of a jet waller did not make difficulty to penetrate the porthole on board.

In the battle of Tor struck by the mercenary with a blade treated with poison. In response, the hero wounded him into the stomach. The smell of blood attracted the flock of terrible cats, which and broke the visa. Fett finally killed his enemy, aventing the death of parents, mentor and other members of the True Mandalortians.

After these events, the man left his post and became the head hunter, moving along the galaxy on the ship called the "Heritage of Jaster".

Martial merit and rich experience caused the spread of fame about Fette. Later he gave permission to ensure that its genetic material was used for cloning to create the Great Army of the Republic. But the hero asked for an instance and for himself. So he had a foster son - Bob Fett.

During the clone's war, Obi-Van Kenobi managed to find the elusive mercenary along with the fire. Fetty managed to escape this time and jam to the count of the Duku.

The death of the character on the battle with Mace Windu. Despite the skills and acquired experience, Dzhango could not overcome the head of the Supreme Council of the Jedi. By inheritance, the armor of the deceased hunter was moved to the heads, who swore a revenge for the death of his father.


"I'm just a man who wants to find his way in the universe." "Fighters will greatly cope. I guarantee it. "" Always glad to meet with the Jedi. "

Interesting Facts

  • Head of the hunter for heads 183 cm, weight - 79 kg.
  • At the annual Disney Festival in 2010, the audience saw how Bob Fett dances under Michael Jackson's hits and Lady Gaga.
  • During the career, Dzhango mercenary earned more than 5.5 million credits.
  • In the biography of the character there was no place for long-term relationships with the opposite sex. The only one to whom he was experiencing emotions - Bob.


  • 2002 - "Star Wars. Episode II: Clone Attack »

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