Vadim Bakatin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Last Head of KGB 2021



Vadim Bakatin managed to make a brilliant career in politics, headed the Ministry of the Interior and the State Security Committee, was engaged in reforms in law enforcement agencies. But in history, he went longer as a traitor and a person who destroyed the KGB.

Childhood and youth

Vadim Viktorovich Bakatin was born on November 6, 1937 in Kuzbass, by nationality he is Russian. The childhood of the boy passed in the village with the mine under construction, where he sent his parents. Father was a mining engineer, and his mother worked in medicine.

Vadim Bakatin in youth with children

Vadim since childhood was diligent, he studied well, graduated from school with a silver medal. He was fond of painting, talent to which he inherited from his grandfather on the maternal line, but did not become the artist. But for life, the love of art retained and gave pictures of faithful friends.

After graduating from school, the young man decided to enter the Engineering and Construction Institute in Novosibirsk, there was also training at the military department. When the diploma was in her arms, Bakatin decided to return to Kuzbass to make a career in construction.

Personal life

Personal life The policy has developed successfully, in his youth he married his beloved Ludmila, who gave birth to a man of the sons of Alexander and Dmitry.

Career and politics

Already in the first years of service, the guy showed himself a good employee who has a confident leader's deposit. He quickly rose from the master to the chief engineer, won the authority among the local authorities. Nothing amazing that he soon recommended for party work.

In subsequent years, Vadim worked in the Kemerovo Gorkom of the CPSU, was the second secretary, then the head of the construction department, and soon rose to the General Secretary. But on this, the party career of a young man was not over, because he attracted the attention of Egor Ligacheva, who was engaged in the selection of personnel to work in the CPSU Central Committee.

Vadim Bakatin with his wife Lyudmila

So, in 1983, Bakatin arrived in Moscow, where he received the position of an instructor under the Central Committee of the Party. In parallel, he studied at the Academy of Social Sciences, after the end of which became the first secretary of the Kirov Region. His appointment to the post coincided with the arrival of Mikhail Gorbachev.

A year later, Vadim Viktorovich entered the CPSU Central Committee, became a deputy of the Supreme Council. This contributed to the career growth of a man, who was headed by Mikhail Gorbachev headed the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. In this position he investigated the incident with the fall of Boris Yeltsin from the bridge.

During the work as Minister Bakatin continued the creation of a riot police, ordered the receipt of rubber clubs to weapons to the Soviet militiamen, introduced the practice of using paid informants, ensuring that the detainees in the SIZO began to feed hot food.

Vadim Viktorovich was remembered by contemporaries as a strict, but a fair leader. It was against the use of riot police and the Ministry of Internal Affairs to suppress folk unrest, because of which he had disagreements with Gorbachev. As a result, in 1990, the minister was forced to resign, but remained working under the President of the USSR and was listed in his Security Council.

A year later, politician nominated his candidacy in the elections of the President of the RSFSR, where in the end he took the last place. Journalist Leonid Mlechin believes that the reason was in a non-professional approach to training. Bakatin abandoned the help of image creation specialists, output of campaign leaflets. He was also not engaged in the elaboration of election speeches.

During the August coup, Vadim Viktorovich opposed the creation of the State Committee for Emergency and participated on a trip to Foros for Mikhail Gorbachev. After the President of the USSR president, Bakatin received the position of the new chapter of the State Security Committee. Later, Boris Yeltsin wrote in memoirs that the purpose of the policy was to get rid of the KGB as an organ of intimidation and suppression.

From that moment on, the former Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs began restructuring the Committee. As a result, a law was adopted, according to which, instead of the KGB, such organizations were created as the Committee for the Protection of the Borders of the Soviet Union, the Interrepublician Security Service and the Central Intelligence Service.

Minister of MVD Vadim Bakatin

But to complete the reforms Vadim Viktorovich did not have time because of the scandal, which happened in 1991 and put the cross on his career. The man conveyed to the Americans to the installation of listening devices at the Moscow Embassy.

When the hype began, Bakatin said that he did it with the permission of Yeltsin and Gorbachev to strengthen friendly relations between countries. In addition, the installation of the listener in the American embassy has long been known in the United States. But the situation only heated disputes, and in the press, they wrote about the beta of Bakatin for a long time and called him a co-worker of the Motherland.

After that, the man was fired from security agencies. For some time he was without work, despite Yeltsin's invitations to do the public service. Then she worked in the Reform Foundation, he was an adviser in several companies and soon resigned.

Vadim Bakatin now

Currently, almost nothing about the former minister is not known, in 2020 he does not appear in public, does not advertise the photo on the network and prefers to lead a closed lifestyle. According to information from open sources, now the politician lives in Moscow.


  • 1982 - "Kuzbass in the XI five-year plan"
  • 1992 - "Relief from the KGB"
  • 1992 - "Exemption from illusions: View of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR for events"
  • 1999 - "The road last time"
  • 2007 - "Conquered by Siberia: the story of our kind"

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