Kirill Zelensky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Son Vladimir Zelensky 2021



2019 turned out to be rich for events for Vladimir Zelensky and his family. First, on May 20, he joined the position of President of Ukraine. Secondly, his daughter Alexander turned 15 years old. Thirdly, the younger son of Kirill went to the 1st class of the Kieyeva's 1st Lentperse School. Many media, lightningly reacting to the last news, rushed to count the cost of his stay in an educational institution.


The only son of the President of Ukraine appeared on January 21, 2013, 9 years after the birth of the older daughter Alexandra. The girl came to this world for the next year after the wedding celebration of the parents - July 15, 2004.

The great-grandfather of Semen Ivanovich Semen In the years of the Great Patriotic War, he commanded at first a mortar platoon, and then a rifle rose, for which he was marked by two orders of the Red Star. Grandfather Alexander Semenovich gave Mongolia 20 years old, where the joint venture "Erdenet" was built, and, like the second grandfather, Vladimir Kiyashko, had a scientist degree and experience in teaching in a higher educational institution. Grandmother Rimma Vladimirovna worked with an engineer all his life.

Thanks to the personal account of the mother, it became known that on September 2, 2019, the boy went to the 1st "b" class of the same private new-screen school, where his older sister studied. Woman on this day published a touching post in "Instagram":

"Our son Cyril is now a first grader. Today, he will first sit at the desk, will see his first teacher and classmates. In the next 12 years, he learns what friendship is and, perhaps, disappointment. Cyrill will assimilate the school curriculum and learn to live in the country of change. "

However, the festive line was not quite smooth for the family. The spouses were indignant by the fact that an unfamiliar man tried to remove their child to the amateur chamber. Elena Zelenskaya had to close the lens with his hand, and her husband - contact a video operator with a strict question and a request to stop. In principle, it can be understood: it is also not so often indiscriminates their subscribers on social networks of children's photos.

Overall journalists managed to find out not only the cost of learning for first-graders, but also the fact that the heir to Vladimir Zelensky visited the lessons to the second shift from 12:30, and the form of a well-known designer Lilia is straightforwards.

Because of the young age, Kirill's biography did not multille in rich events, except for the fact that he was baptized in May 2013 in St. Ilyinsky Church on Podol. By the way, the politician did not hide from the public and such intimate facts as the behavior of the kid on the first in the life of the Orthodox sacrament:

"During the sacrament, Kirill behaved calmly. He is not capricious at all, although cheerful and movable - I went to me. Much depends on the father. With his son, he talked gently, and he listened to him with interest. I cried, only when it was delivered from the font - maybe I wanted to swim. But quickly calmed down. "

Kirill Zelensky now

January 21, 2020, the son of Vladimir Zelensky turned 7 years old. On the eve of the festive celebration, the President of Ukraine looked into Planet Toys toys Store, where I purchased a designer from the LEGO Mindstorms series for a birthday program. This information was available to the public due to the pictures of the seller-consultant Darya, which was able to take a picture of the memory with a politician.

A year earlier, Kirill, together with his family, visited the concert "League of laughter. The Champions Cup ", which took place in the Summer Theater of the Marine Station Odessa.

The boy is now very friendly with his older sister Sasha. For example, with her, he willingly rented funny videos for the popular Tiktok platform.

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