Series "Grozny" (2020): Release date, actors, Roles, Russia-1


In the last month of autumn 2020, Russia-1 decided to diversify the full melodram of Ether to the historical drama, offering a permanent audience to watch the series "Grozny", based on events from the past Russia. The release date of the project, returning the audience in the era of the Board of John Vasilyevich, came on Monday, November 23.

On the plot of the new TV show, actors and their roles, as well as the entertaining facts related to the multi-versatile film - in material 24cm.


Sometimes the human fantasy was abundant, but still the most interests of readers and viewers use the documentary events. All sorts of projects, based on the events that occurred, the type of transmissions, "the investigation conducted ..." or a series of films from the first channel - Rurikovichi, Romanov, and so on, are The resulting product of the audience will not tear off.

The series "Grozny" tells about the contradictory era of the Board of Ivan IV. Early orided, forced for years to endure mockery from the Boyar Tips, who has experienced not one betrayal of the closest associates, but not wished to surrender. Such appears in the new teleproject the ruler, who knew in the life path not only the sweetness of victories over opponents, but also bitterness of irrevocative losses, among whom the only love of the sovereign.

Actors and roles

In the series, the main roles were performed by the following actors.:

Alexander Yatsenko - Young Ivan, Heir to the Grand Duct. It is to him, early orphaned to the heir of Vasily III, a state to be used in the future. Enter the famous lawnier, which is a new set of laws of Russia. Reform army and judicial system. And also change the structure of public administration, including at the local level. It is destined to stay in the chronicles under the name of Ivan the Terrible.

But until then, Ivan still needs to grow, overcoming the grief and on the way. Starting from a derogatory relationship from the guardians seeking to cover their own divids with a figure of the young heir. And ending with the betrayal of people who trusted the young ruler. Ivan to meet faithful friends and love, and subsequently lose. And become the ruler, whose personality and later, does not leave historians indifferent.

Sergey Makovetsky - Ivan the Terrible, the main character in the adulthood, who passed through a lot and is considerable. Behind his back, it was not only loud victory over numerous enemies, both internal and external, as well as successful reform activity, but also the death of loved ones - wives and son, as well as treason near the nearest associates.

The personality of the Sovereign of All Russia under the oppression of the experience is undergoing changes, enveloping the gloomy veil of omensity, the fierce soul and heart. And after the king himself, the style of his control is changing, becoming more severe and bloody. So that Ivan IV himself awarded the nicknames of Grozny, and his acts as a reformer remained in the shadow of actions, and in the century attributed to the terrible Tiran.

Tatyana Lyalina - Anastasia, the first wife of Ivan IV. According to the assumptions of a number of historians, was the only woman that the Sovereign of All Russia truly loved and the death of which, together with the death of the Son, was left in the soul of a deep mark in the soul after these events.

Also in the series were filmed : Arthur Ivanov, Artem Tkachenko, Lyudmila Polyakova, Vitaly Khaev and Victor Dobronravov as Fedor Basmanova.

Interesting Facts

1. Director Alexei Andrianov, who shot the series "Grozny", has already managed to attend the "Russia-1" channel on the Niva of the Creating Historical and Art Projects, which became the "Sofia" and "Goduns" earned earlier. Also in filmography of cinematographers, such works as the full-length "warrior" and "spy".

2. Since Ivan the Terrible on the screen was embodied by two actors, Sergey Makovetsky and Alexander Yatsenko, then the Grimers had to work seriously, making artists like. So, on the reincarnation of one actor, "workers of the crowd" went through two or three hours daily.

3. It is worth noting that the series "Grozny" became for the makeup of a difficult test, because the latter had to work on the appearance of one and a half hundred people, and one third of the characters had to be portrayed at different ages.

The series "Grozny" - Trailer:

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