Series "Black Narcissus" (2020): Release date, actors, roles


At the end of the autumn of 2020, the series "Black Narcissus" was released on the screens on the novel of Margaret Rummer Somedenly. The project is addressed about the themes of faith and internal conflict, with whom you have to face the heroes. Actors and roles, as well as curious facts of a psychological mini-series with Horror elements - in material 24cm.


5 Catholic nuns are sent to Himalayas to organize rural schools for local residents and ambulatory. The brides of Christ will have to settle in the "Harere" palace, which must first be re-equipped under the monastery. Local residents are wary of the girls, and the unusual atmosphere brings memories.

Catholifices have to face the ghosts of the past, to resist the overwhelmed instincts, as well as cope with the desires awakened the flesh. Whether the nuns will be able to preserve faith in difficult weather conditions and the atmosphere of hostility - tells the series "Black Narcissus".


  • Jamma Arthon is a sister of Klodag, who will have to organize medical care and education for children from poor families in a remote village. Soon, the girl understands that Nosha was unbearable. The actress is known on the films "New Era Z" and "Holy Ionna", where she played the role of Jeanne d'Ark.
  • Diana Rigg - Mother Dorothea. The star debuted from the main heroine in the Avengers franchise in the middle of the last century. And the young generation, the performer is known for the role of Olenna Tirell in the Motheric film "Game of Thrones", as well as work in the picture "Doctor Who". The series "Black Narcissa" became the last in the career of the actress, she died in 2020.
  • Alesandro Nivola - Mr. Dean. The actor of the second plan was remembered by the Russian audience according to the role in the film "Coco de Chanel" and the Thriller "Neon Demon". In 2021, it was preparing to show the series "Clan Soprano" - "Multiple Saints Newark" - with the participation of celebrities.
  • Eshwing Franchosi - Sister Ruth. Irish actress is familiar to the Russian audience for the role of Lian Stark from the franchise "Game of Thrones". In 2020, the premiere of the series "I know it is true" with the participation of celebrities.
  • Jim Brdball - Father Roberts. The performer is familiar with the role of the Father in the trilogy about Bridget Jones. Among the work of recent years, the films "Iron Lady" and "Premonition of the End" can be distinguished.
  • Gina Makka - Sister Adela. The star of the series "Bordjia" was remembered by the audiences also on the Motheric project "Ekaterina Great" and the film "Ghostly Thread", where Henrietta Harding fulfilled the role.

Interesting Facts

1. The release date of the project - November 23, 2020.

2. This is the second screen version of the Narcissus novel. In 1947, a full-length film was released, which won two Oscars and the Golden Globe for operating work. The main role was then performed by Deborah Kerr. In the series 2020 3 series are expected.

3. The director of the project was Charlotte Kristensen. Earlier in the film director, there was an operator experience in the films "Quiet Place" and "Big Game".

4. Amanda Kou ("Apple Dvor") worked on the script.

5. Rummer is suiten, whose work formed the basis of the script, became inspired by 13 film projects. The series "Black Narcissus" will be released on the screens after 22 years from the moment of the author's death.

The series "Black Narcissus" - Trailer:

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