Lunar calendar for December 2020: haircuts, gardery, gardener, sowing, weddings


At the end of the outgoing year, the moon will add vital energy that will pour over the edge and pull to the adventure. Do not forget about romantic trifles, give warming gifts in Stuzhu and appreciate communication in the last days of the outgoing year. Lunar calendar for December 2020 - in the material 24cm.

Moon phases

1-13 - Moon decreases . Complete cases, close the projects of the outgoing year. Emotional shakes these days will be injected with an depressed state, and with it irritation.

December 14 - Phase New Moon . Recession time. Take on the day of the ran and spend a few hours in solitude. Postulate the solution of questions for 1-2 days, referring to employment, otherwise the conflict cannot be avoided.

15-29 - The moon is growing . Dedicate the organization of a feast and budget planning for gifts. Communication these days will bring a positive charge and will send energy into a peaceful direction.

December 30 - Phase Full moon . On this day, a surge of energy is expected. Decide one-day business and be careful with planning. High probability to block firewood.

December, 31st - waning moon . There comes the time of implementing the intended and completion of the cases started. Communication in the family will help clarify the inconsideration.

Lunar calendar of health and beauty

Lunar calendar for December 2020 recommends strengthening hair 2, 7, 9, 12, 14, 20-21, 27-30. Curl to curls and make a haircut so that the hair is pleased with a dense, 2, 11, 14, 20-21, 27-30 are recommended. The moon will help radically change the image on December 30th. On this day you can make staining and change the hairstyle.

Discard the campaign to the salon 17, 22, 24-25. These days, the curls will become brittle, and therefore visiting the stylist or use home painting is not recommended.

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Favorable days for changing the shape of the nails and edging manicure - 1, 2, 7. Over the days, give preference to the hardware procedure that plan to 4, 11, 13, 15, 19, 20, 27.

6 and 18 - Moon days favorable for massage and body care. Beauty rituals will contribute to rehabilitation if you arrange a unloading day.

14, 22-23, 30 - period for depilation and rejuvenation procedures. The result of other interventions will be in doubt.

In the health calendar, lunar days for surgery are considered from December 1-13 and December 31. On the growing moon - 15-29 - successful operations for transplantation of organs and interventions, which improve the work of the body. Emergency operations and procedures require immediate interference, regardless of lunar days.

Favorable days for the treatment and sealing of teeth will be 1-6, 9-12 and December 31. Discard the removal, prosthetics and removal of the dental stone, if it is not an urgent case, - 7, 13, 15-16, 20-24 and 30.

The best days for conception in December 2020 will be 1-2, 7, 12-13, 15, 17, 31.

Gardener Calendar and Gardener

December - Relative rest time for plants. The plans of the garden should stand the harvesting of the sowing material for 2021, as well as crop processing.

At the beginning of winter, plants are put on the ground with a long period of germination. Favorable days will be 2, 15 and 16. Sloated cabbage and cucumbers on December 16 and 17 will be the favorites of the festive table.

Flowers should be focused on caring for indoor plants. Planning the pest treatment at 13 and 14, and watering 2-3, 11-12, 20-21. Sugghouse plants are recommended on December 16-27.

Gudders should be taken by the shelter of fruit plants. Vaccination is also allowed in the range from 16 to 27.

An adverse days for working with cultural plants are considered to be 1, 8-10, 13, 15, 22, 29 and 30.

Cash calendar

The lunar calendar for December 2020 on the eve of the New Year holidays recalls the need to competently distribute the budget and excess money to hide behind the sinus.

Good time for real estate operations, as well as investment - December 2.

Do not in debt 4, 9-10, otherwise the money well-being will turn long.

Pre-holiday shopping take 15, 25 and 28.

If you want to avoid financial difficulties in early 2021, then buy a new wallet on December 14th. This ritual love luck and prosper in the house.

Lunar calendar weddings

Params that decided to complete 2020 on a positive note should be supposed to bother your plans with wedding calendar.

Favorable for marriage will be 20-21, 25, 27. The ceremony will pass without a championship, and the newlyweds union will turn out to be durable and durable.

Union of people whose wedding accounted for 18, 26, 28, will be built on the ability to listen and understand the partner. Young will bring together joint interests and hobbies.

Wedding in the lunar days 3, 5, 10, 12, December 15 will help beloved to build relationships on bed joy. Outside the bedroom, everyone will live their own life, ignoring the interests of the partner.

Refuse the ceremony 1 and 8. The wedding these days will turn to the beloved by the continuous conflict, which will result in the divorce.

Favorable and unfavorable days

The 12th is unfavorable in December. Emotions will block common sense.

Favorable days - 18, 23-24, 27. In these dates, a temporary respite will come from the pre-New Year fuss. The lunar calendar for December 2020 recommends that the construction of long-term plans and recall the relaxing procedures these days.

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