John Lord - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Songs, Deep Purple



Keystrap-virtuoso John Lord is known primarily as the founder of Deep Purple. Thanks to him in the 1960s, the group gained a classic sound and recorded the Simor album CONCERTO FOR GROUP AND ORCHESTRA, absolutely unique at that time. John Lord lit up in WhitesNake. But its solo creativity is a special value - music created at the junction of classics and rock.

Childhood and youth

Jonathan Douglas Lord was born on June 9, 1941 in Leicester, United Kingdom. The musical formation of one of the founders of Deep Purple influenced Miriam's parents (in the Maiden Hudson) and Reginald Lord. With the filing of the Father, who played on the saxophone, at the age of 6 he sat down for the piano. Training began with classics. Especially John Lord for the work of Johanna Sebastian Baha (therefore, later and mastered the authority) and Eduard Elgar.

In 1952-1958, John Lord received education in Wyggeston - gymnasium for boys. Especially managed in French, music and mathematics, the theatrical circle and school chorus visited in his free time.

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In his youth, John really bought to music, but did not think to associate life with her. After school, he became a solicitor - this is lawyers, the main responsibility of which is to prepare materials for the court. Jurisprudence captured John Lord for 2 years.

At the same time, the future "father" of Deep Purple studied at the central school of scenic speech and dramatic art in London, the heart of Great Britain. He mined funds on food and rent, playing blues in pubs.

In 1963, John Lord realized that music was his vocation. He bought the first body and began ascent to the creative Olympus.

Personal life

John Lord - twice father and twice spouse.

In 1969, his wife became Judith Feldman. The daughter of Sarah was born in marriage. She went in the footsteps of the Father and took up the music business, however, not creative part of it, but organizer. Sarah Lord - manager.

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The personal life of John Lord and Judith Feldman was distinguished by silence and tranquility, but did not suit the musician for his known reasons. In 1981, divorce was decorated.

In 1983, the keyboard was headed by Wiki Gibbs. They brought up the daughter of Amy Lord. After marriage, the girl took the surname Cherrington. She works as an assistant film director.


Before exploring Richie Blackmore and creating Deep Purple, John Lord spoke with Artwoods - Blues-Team Art Wood, Brother Guitarist The Rolling Stones Ronnie Wood. After 4 years of vain attempts to conquer the charts of Great Britain, the musicians diverged. She went 1967.

By that time, John Lord masterfully owned keyboards. Therefore, Elton John, David Bowie, The Kinks and other bright musicians of the 1970s were invited to themselves as a session musician. And in the early 1968, Deep Purple appeared, and John Lord became a star.

DEEP PURPLE - HARD ROCA PIONER. By the end of the decade, they have implemented more than 100 million albums, collected more than 10 million people at stadiums, and in 1972 they fell into the Guinness Book of Records as the loud group in the world.

At the height of the 1960s and 1970s, the confrontation of Richie Blackmore, who believed that Deep Purple is a rock band, and John Lord, who wants to make a little classic in the "heavy" songs, ended with a Simor album Concerto for Group and Orchestra (1969 ). The record participated in the royal philharmonic orchestra.

CONCERTO FOR GROUP AND ORCHESTRA is considered one of the best Deep Purple albums and definitely by the Triumph of John Lord. Richie Blackmore, accustomed to being the leader, later envied the idea to combine rock music and the classics did not come to him.

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John Lord has never been a "silent" participant of Deep Purple. With his creative support, SMoke On The Water, Highway Star and Lazy song were born. The texts for them wrote Richie Blackmore, and the arrangement is the keyboard player. By the way, John Lord is the first musician who managed to screw the keyboard in Hard-fat songs.

A lot of participants have passed through Deep Purple, and John Lord is the most calm of them. Often he performed the "shock absorber" quarrel. Particularly seriously accounted for in the times of rivalry Richie Blackmore with Iean Gillan. By 2001, the keyboard was so tired of life in the team that he went into free swimming.

John Lord devoted Deep Purple 25 years old. In 1978-1984, when the group was experiencing a decay, the keyboard player was playing WhiteSnake.

The tabloids argued that Lord left Deep Purple, because tired of tour. It is true only in part: the keyboard player is tired of long touring. Being in the group, he gave 80-100 concerts per year. The schedule of John Lord as an independent artist included 25-30 speeches.

Men's solo career began with the Debut Album Gemini Suite (1971), inspired by CONCERTO FOR GROUP AND ORCHESTRA. Tony Ashton and Ivonne Elliman sounds on the record on the record. And the strongest work of John Lord is called Sarabande - the third album in discography. It consists of eight plays, for each of which is characterized by a rich orchestral part and a powerful rock sound.

Giving solo concerts John Lord began only in 2002. Preparation for each occupied 3-4 days, because the keyboard player opposed the orchestra. It is important to note that he did not bring musicians with him, but found the best in the city, which came. A vivid example of the perfect cooperation of John Lord and Orchestra - "Daurus Concert".

In the youth of John Lord Deep Purple often performed in Russia. After becoming a solo artist, he was happy to return. So, in 2009, he gave concerts in Moscow, Yekaterinburg and St. Petersburg, and in 2011, shortly before death, played in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don and Krasnodar.


In July 2011, John Lord discovered a malignant pancreatic tumor. The musician was treated in the UK and Israel, but the disease progressed and eventually won.

One of the last speeches of John Lord has become a "duel" with Rick Wakeman, the keyboard player YES, on The Sunflower Jam in 2011.

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July 16, 2012, at the 71st year of life, the biography of John Lord broke off. The cause of death was the pulmonary embolism. The tomb of the keyboard player is located on the cemetery at Saint Mary The Virgin Church in Hamblend, which in the south of the Buckinghamshire county in the UK.

In April 2014, a concert of memory of John Lord took place in Albert Hall. Judging by the photographs, Deep Purple took part in the event, the frontman of the Iron Maiden group Bruce Dickinson, actor Jeremy Irons, Guitarists Joe Brown and Miller Anderson and many others.


  • 1971 - Gemini Suite
  • 1974 - Windows.
  • 1976 - Sarabande.
  • 1982 - Before I Forget
  • 1996 - The Best
  • 1998 - Pictured Within
  • 2008 - Durham Concerto
  • 2010 - To Notice Such Things
  • 2011 - Jon Lord Live (2011)

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