Star fees in Pandemic: 2020, New Year, Russian, price tags, as changed


Show business during the Pandemic period COVID-19 froze and smoothly switched to online format. And restrictions on the eve of New Year's corporate standards forced celebrities of the first echelon to revise the price tag and offer an alternative value of speeches. How the stars' fees in the pandemic changed in the material 24cm.

Lev Leshchenko

"Solovy Russian pop" Lev Leshchenko, who in the spring of 2020 faced with a coronavirus infection, but managed to defeat the disease, ready to speak at a corporate party for 1.5 million rubles.

For comparison: his friend Vladimir Vinokur remained without work and has already thought about changing the profession. And the stars of the 90s, whose audience is now at the age of 50+, and remained at all without earnings, because customers fear mass events.

Sofia Rotaru

Sofia Rotaru reduced the fee refused. And since its price tag is calculated in the euro, then with the growth of the course, it would remain in profits. However, 6-7 million rubles. For the "farm", they do not hurt and celebrities recommend to reduce the cost of 20-30 thousand euros. For comparison: in December 2019, Rotaru received 100 thousand euros, and the new year of the star preferred to spend in a family circle.

Olga Buzova

To hear New Year's chait "Mandarinka" from Olga Buzova in 2019 it was possible for 3.5 million rubles. In 2020, the cost of performing an artist dropped to 2.5 million rubles., The concert time will be 45 minutes, and the star will delight the audience in the festive image without a medical mask. And if the Customer sees the participant of the "Ice period" as a leading according to the original scenario to the corporate party, then for 4 hours of communication will have to lay out 3 million rubles.

Sergey Zhukov

The gorers of the stars in the pandemic may depend on the readiness of the performers to comply with anti-epidemiological regime. Will adhere to the social distance, and on ballet dancers with pleasure, the masks will try, the soloist of the group "Hands up!" Sergey Zhukov. The idol 90s is ready to sing for 3.5 million rubles. And restrictions caused by coronavirus infection, he is even grateful, because he can perform on stage without fans who strive to hug or kiss celebrity.


"Man of the Year" in the musical nomination, according to GQ magazine, Raper Morgenstern is ready to raise the public for 4 million rubles. By the way, the artist sets the price tag, as he wakes up, and the scatter can be from 2 million rubles. up to 50 thousand euros.

Angelica Varum and Leonid Agutin

Private speeches of the married couple or vocalists separately in 2019 were worth 3.5 million rubles. On the eve of the coming year, the bull fees Angelica Varum and Leonid Agutina changed. Now invite performers to corporate in half cheaper. However, according to the concert director of Sofia Rotaru, Sergey Lavrov, even at the price tag, twice as fewer than last year, the demand for artists is small.

Philip Kirkorov

Philip Kirkorov agrees to a speech, which lasts at least 50 minutes. His fee is about 80 thousand euros. Last year, the King of the Russian Strada pleased the rest for 100 thousand euros, which was equated with the course of 7 million rubles. In approximate circles, they say that Kirkorov remains a sought-after star and is not yet a thing.

Nikolay Baskov

Pasterans of past years equated Nikolay Baskov to the stars of first magnitude, which agreed to speak on a corporate party for 100 thousand euros. In 2020, the price tag of celebrities, according to the site, is 50 thousand euros. At the same time, concert organizers emphasize that the specified price does not include household and technical expenses and is updated when ordering performances.


Her husband's singer Valeria, Producer Joseph Prigogin, said that the entertainment industry needs support, and also made a request to remove the tax burden for musicians. The singer Valeria reduced his fees from 3.5 million rubles. up to 2 million rubles. For speaking on corporate.

Sergei Shnurov

Pandemic gorers can remain at the same level in some artists. Refused to reduce the price tag Sergey Cers. He asks for the concert, there is still $ 150 thousand for this money vocalist is ready to coordinate the repertoire with the customer and pass the test for Coronavirus. But the artist refuses to sing in the mask.

By the way, for speaking on New Year's Eve last year, the cords requested 200 thousand euros. However, then, as the media argued, the customers did not pull this amount.

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