Magda Goebbels - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, My wife Josef Goebbels



Magda Goebbels - the wife of the Minister of Fascist Germany Joseph Goebbels, was an approximate Adolf Hitler during World War II. She poisoned his own offspring and committed suicide, thus occurring in the number of politicians who were considered a shame of the country.

Childhood and youth

Johanna Maria Magdalena Goebbels was an extramarital daughter of a German engineer, her saturated biography began in 1901. Because of the complex relationship between parents, the girl matured early and became a real beauty.

Augustus Berend tried to protect his daughter from evil influence and gave it to a religious school at the age of incomplete five years. The educational institution, located in the value of the Belgian province, had its own history, traditions and mentality.

While Magda was under the supervision of strict nuns, the mother married the industrialist, thereby setting a personal life. The spouse of Jewish nationality decided to settle in Germany, where at this time National Socialism was born.

The family where the girl was brought up was not a relation to politics: stepfather was engaged in doing business, and August was equipped with a house. Magdalena studied in a lyceum, and then in a prestigious boarding house, where the time behind closed doors was going on with his guy.

Personal life

The first serious hobby of Magda was the gymnasium Victor Arlozorov. The guy who fled from Russia was hoping for the official union. Relations built on romance and dreams about the distant bright future, to the disappointment of the immigrant, did not lead to the formation of marriages.

After breaking, the girl, as a result of the first Frau of Germany, fell in love with the German Gunter Kwindt, got rich in the war years. A student of a private boarding house after a short period of courtship with the blessing of the parents received the status of a legitimate wife.

After the wedding, held in mid-1921, a strong healthy son was born in the family. At first, the spouse took care of the well-being of the child and spouse and, according to others, was the best of men.

Despite this, Magdalena was soon disappointed at the Institute of Marriage, because her husband who could count money did not provide her worthy leisure. She brought up a young Harald, being in complete loneliness, not having access to the entertainment and society of friends and girlfriends.

The only interesting event was the journey through Latin America, during which Magda met the nephew of the President of the United States. Herbert Goover, who turned out to be a misinterpretation "whining", made it so that the attachment arose did not cost anything.

Returning to the Motherland, the woman remembered the novel that happened in distant youth, and resumed relations with Arlozorov, who adopted the Jewish name Him. The husband discovered love letters and insisted on a rapid divorce, but could not be in winning for a number of objective reasons.

Magdalena sued significant funds with the help of experienced lawyers and received long-awaited freedom, which made it possible to diversify life. Together with hikes for events and presence in a secular society in life, women returned joy, faith in happiness and optimism.

In the 1930s, the ex-wife of a prominent German entrepreneur met with the activist Joseph Goebbels, admiring the whole country. She fell under the hypnotic charm of the chrome doctor of philology and began to dream of an inconspicuous man.

In December 1931, a woman achieved the desired and married the future Reichskanzler and the author of speech about the total war. Children born in marriage strengthened mutual attachment and minimized the likelihood of love ties on the side.

Adolf Hitler remained the only secret love of Magda, who appreciated the true Arye for the inner and external beauty. The commander-in-chief of Nazi Germany was not amenable to a loving temptation and preferred a challenged reputation necessary in the leading post.


In September 1930, Magda joined the political party and became Adolf Hitler's companion and other high-ranking men. The beauty with the appearance of the photo model and the corresponding growth rather quickly became known and reached career vertices.

After the wedding with Josef Goebbels, the woman began to attend rallies, and then got a job in the Supreme Government Secretariat. She traveled in Germany, comforted the widows of the deceased Germans, despite the fact that these trips demanded considerable costs.

Personalized by numerous missions designed to support the morale of the army, Magdalena quickly received the status of lovers of thousands of German people. He adhered to ideals formulated by National Socialists, and kept loyalty to Hitler for a long time.


In the 40s, Magda Goebbels suffered from numerous diseases, she had to spend a lot of time under the supervision of doctors. On the physical and moral state of the woman influenced the state of affairs in Germany, which she constantly thought.

In April 1945, when Adolf Hitler, the spouse of the Minister and Reichskanzler decided to kill his children. She poisoned six siblings with capsules with cyanium potassium, which made it a sequence of the devil in the eyes of millions of people.

Before dying along with a high-ranking spouse, Magdalena sent a letter to his son who was outside the country. She admitted that German values ​​without the founder of the Third Reich she and other True Aryans are not interested and not needed.

On May 1, 1945, a small tablet was caused by the death of the first frau, which contained a dangerous poison. The suicide of the couples was mentioned in the film "Sacrifice", awarded the audience recognition and a number of informal awards.

The burial place of the fascist criminals was not disclosed in the interests of society, but in the 70s it became known where the graves of domestic children are. The remains of juvenile Goebbels removed the light and cremated, and the dust were dispelled over the Elbe and the North Sea pool.

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