Andrey Cadetov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, "House-2"



Andrei Cadetov - a former participant of the "Dom-2" teleproject. Leading refused the ether star in collaboration due to non-compliance with the rules of the show. A young man did not have time to return to the shooting, as it was brutally killed. The tragic incident caused a resonance in the media, because the man was considered a media person.

Childhood and youth

About the biography of Andrei Kadetova before coming to the world of show business knows a bit. He was born in Leningrad on September 17, 1987. He studied in the gymnasium.

Judging by the photographs from social networks, after school, the young man became a cadet of the naval educational institution. A career with a specialty guy decided not to build.

Personal life

Cadets always enjoyed the attention of representatives of the fine sex. Attractive appearance, charm and self-confidence helped Andrey with ease of conquer maiden hearts. The proof of this was the army of the fans, which the television show participant gained, barely hitting "Dom-2".

Andrey Cadetov and wife Anna

Before the project, the young man tried to build his happiness in his hometown and even married. Spouse Cadet called Anna. The girl managed to give a man's son. When it became clear that the personal life of the couple would not be laid, Andrei decided to change the lifestyle and left his wife.

Andrei Kadetov was an attractive blond with bright blue eyes and a strong physique. The guy's growth was 192 cm, and the weight is 90 kg.

"House 2"

The young man decided to become a member of the teleproject to build his love. He planned at the same time to get an additional passive income, because for the appearance of a scandalous show in the frame of the scandalous show. On April 30, 2010, the arrival of beginners, among whom was Andrei. Appearing on the "frontal place", he stated that he was experiencing sympathy for Zhanayim Alybayeva. The girl did not reciprocate. At that time, she was too passionate about Vezseyslaw Wengrozhanovsky.

Then the man drew attention to Catherine Balakin. The participant was paired with Vladimir Cheremshanov. Their union in the team was considered strong. Cadet managed to interest Catherine, but, contrary to expectations, he did not build relationships with her. The young man turned out to be more interesting to communicate and flirt with several partners. So, on the influence of his charms, 3 participants of the project were hit by: Ekaterina Kratilina, Olga Agibalova and even an impregnable Natalia Varvin.

Andrei Kadetov and Olga Agibalova (Frame from the show

By deceiving other fans, the cadets preferred to Agibalova. For the sake of him, the girl became the official participant of the show. Couple began to live together. At that moment, the leading became known that Andrei was still married. It pushed his chief, and Olga left Cadet. Confirming the rumors that Alphonse and Lovelace, he surrounded himself with the attention of Lilily Kulik, Elina Lieberman and other beauties.

Noticing the frivolous behavior of a man, the leading insisted on his trip to Petersburg for a divorce. Cadets came home several times, but it did not contribute to the change of marital status. Then Showman put before choosing: return home or divorce and participation in "House-2". Andrei left the project to formally arrange parting with his wife.


On December 24, 2010, Cadetov found the dead near his house at Svetlanovsky Prospect. The cause of the death of the guy was 14 knife wounds, which caused the killer. After receiving the injuries, Andrei tried to call for help, but the eyewitnesses of the event decided that a banal fight had occurred, and did not immediately respond.

Suspicions of the investigation fell on the spouse of a young man, because the crime occurred the day before the divorce. The investigation has shown that third parties are involved in the case. Leaving the TV project, Andrei met a girl named Alexander. The couple consisted in intimate relations, due to which the cadets became a victim of fraudulent scheme.

The mistress wrote for him a statement to the police, saying rape. For recalling a statement, she requested 100 thousand rubles. Andrei paid half the amount, promising later to provide the 2nd part. The case did not get a move, but now the representative of the law enforcement service, demanding 150 thousand RUB, was decided on the guy, demanding 150 thousand RUB. For termination of the proceedings.

Funeral Andrei Kadetova (Shot from the show

According to friends, a young man has repeatedly called a mobile phone and threatened with violence. During the last call, Andrei even voiced the attack date. Cadets tried to negotiate with representatives of the USB on providing protection and even recorded a conversation with the extortionist on the recorder. It turned out to be the main proof upon subsequent investigation of his death.

On March 3, 2011, it became known that the murder committed a certain Yuri Lodine. Inspector of supervisory activity and lieutenant Police was accused of a crime. He had to boyfriend Alexandra, with which the Cadet had proximity.

Andrei's funeral was held without hype. His parents organized a grave at the Bogoslovsky cemetery. The death of a young man at the age of 24 shocked the participants of the "House-2" and a long time remained a lawsuit for the media. Close guy starred in the transfer "Let them talk," where the investigation of the murder was discussed.

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