Konstantin Levin (character) - photo, "Anna Karenina", village, image, lion thick


Character History

Konstantin Levin - the character of the Roman Lion Tolstoy "Anna Karenina". The hero of the spiritual path embodied the reflection of the author about life. Through his storyline, the writer opposed the idleness and a lie of Christian love and all-promenade.

History of character creation

Lion Tolstoy created a whole series of religious and philosophical works, where the established rules of the state and society criticized. This includes such works as the "kingdom of God within you", "Confession".

The views of the Russian classic relied on the idea of ​​confrontation in a man of spiritual and carnal. Reflecting on such issues, the writer expressed his attitude to life through Konstantin Lövin.

In 1873, Lev Nikolayevich began working on the book. After 2 years, the 1st part in the "Russian Bulletin" was printed. In the 1878th, the work was published completely.

Tolstoy himself compared the book with the "war and the world". There is no place for the great historical events, however, in Anna Karenina, it was possible to demonstrate an ordered reality and "fragmented world", where the search for good is not always successful.

Readers found in characters and their thoughts themes that are close to everyone. Lev Nikolayevich, according to Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, presented readers to "psychological development of the human soul".

In the hero of Lyowin, the creator invested a number of autobiographical features. Konstantin, the prototype of which was the lion of Tolstoy himself, often thinking about the meaning of life, faith, moral health. You can see the similarity between the writer and the character at the level of name and surname: "Lev - Lövin". In addition, there is something close and in appearance. According to the author's description, this is a "broad-handed man with curly beard."

But it is impossible to call a thick prototype. Rather, his hero became an artistic way in which the creator of the "war and the world" summarized his problems.

Despite the fact that Konstantin was a secondary acting person in the novel and his literary "life" deprived of vivid plot turns, mental sequences are as important as the events of the outside world.

Image and biography of Konstantin Levin

The hero appears a good man with a restless conscience. The nobleman and the landowner comes to the negation of city secular life and bourgeois transformations in the country. He is close to the peasantry, in the village he sees good nature, and in labor - the highest benefit for moral growth.

The biography of the literary character begins with the fact that he comes to Moscow to ask the hands and hearts of Kitty Shcherbatskaya. The family of Prince Shcherbatsky he knew since his student years. However, when a man made a proposal, he received a refusal.

For the landowner it became a great blow. In the name of facilitating its condition, it will dip in everyday rustic concerns. In them, Lethin feels part of the people, and it brings him more happiness than noble privileges.

When he goes to the pouch, along with the rest, the physical work and unity with nature lead the hero in delight. And even more please feeling the usefulness and understanding that his dedication serves as a common cause.

Boris Golduev as Konstantin Lövina

The landowner feels the inner denial of Western transformations and bourgeois forms of ownership. In his opinion, such economic establishments are damaged by the estate of the peasant. And even the emergence of schools and hospitals Lewin considers it useless for agrarian society. After all, the enlightenment will interfere with the worker to engage in agricultural labor.

Desire and initiatives of Konstantin Dmitrievich improve the organization and form the optimal conditions for subordinates encourage him to start learning abroad. However, at the same time, the writer makes Levina remember the family and love. The hero sees the rejected his Kitty on the road, and feelings ignite with the tripled force.

Returning to Russia, the landowner meets a girl visiting Obolonsky. Kitty sympathizes a man and soon agrees to marry. Before the wedding, the hero must pass confession. This ritual provokes him to think about the meaning of being and about faith.

Donal Gleason as Konstantin Lövina

After the wedding, newlyweds are leaving to the village. There are also faced with the first problems - small quarrels, misunderstanding. The situation is exacerbated by the death of Brother Konstantin - Nicholas. The loss of close to Levin on the obsessive thoughts of the body and the importance of spiritual life.

From the stupor, it displays the news about the pregnancy of his wife. In contrast states of death and birth, the man faces, perhaps, with the main idea of ​​the novel. The question of the boundaries of non-existence and being will grow in full growth before the character not once.

For childbirth, the couple comes to Moscow. At the time of the adoption of the long-awaited son, Konstantin is shaken by internal experiences. Do not extinguish the word of the doctor, the hero thought that Kitty dies. And he was horrified, realizing that he had no feelings for the child.

Max Background Tun as Konstantin Lövina

Subsequent events, failures and doubts of the landowner lead him to awareness of the collapse of their own life. Healthy and strong man, having a family, began to think about suicide. And even hid from herself a gun, so as not to succumb to the temptation.

The long-awaited soothing of Konstantin Dmitrievich found in faith. The landowner realized that it was necessary to live in God's and for the soul. However, it dreamed of home affairs, Lövin gradually forgets about high aspirations. On the one hand, the character becomes happier, on the other, Lion Tolstoy considers his behavior of the end of spiritual life.

Sincere and firmly standing on Earth, a person comes to compromise with the surrounding reality. Anna Karenina novel ends in a thunderstorm scene. A man, having experienced fear for his wife and son, finally feels love for the heir. And it makes him incredibly happy, he opens good, peace and God.

Konstantin Lövin in films

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy wanted his work to not lose relevance. Questions affected in the plot are really "out of time." It is not surprising that now "Anna Karenina" remains a popular book.

Today there are more than 30 shields of the novel. Movies based on the history of tragic love were filmed in the USSR, and abroad.

The greatest fame uses the film from 1967 by the director Alexander Zarkha. Tatyana Samoilova (Anna Karenina) and Vasily Lanovova (Alexey Vronsky) played the main roles. An interesting fact: the actors at the time of the start of the filming were former spouses. The image of Konstantin Lövin embodied Boris Golduev, for which this work was the second in his career.

Alfred Molina as Konstantin Lövin

Western film studios were repeatedly addressed to the plot. Critics have positively assessed the picture of 2012 with Kira Knightley in the lead role. Of course, this film can not be shielded. According to the quotation from the "Profile" magazine, Joe Wright's work is a sketch based on the work. The role of an exemplary family man here played Irish actor Donal Glison.

Sergey Soloviev presented a mini-series in 2009, consisting of 5 episodes. The role of the landowner, a strong Russian nobleman, close to the people, demonstrated a talented actor Sergey Garmash.

Interesting Facts

  • The age of the hero at the beginning of the narration is 32 years.
  • Despite the fact that Levin and Vronsky are the best friends, opposition their characteristics are the most popular topic in discussing the plot.
  • Anna Karenina ends with an enthusiastic monologue Konstantin Dmitrievich, who finally knew the secret of Being.


"No, do not talk. This is a mystery, for me one needed, important and infectious words. "" I personally, my heart is open, undoubtedly, knowledge, incomprehensible mind, and I stubbornly want a mind and words to express this knowledge. "" Question about other beliefs and their relationship. To the Divine I have no right and the opportunity to decide. "


  • 1878 - "Anna Karenina"


  • 1967 - "Anna Karenina" (USSR)
  • 1997 - "Anna Karenina" (USA)
  • 2000 - "Anna Karenina" (United Kingdom)
  • 2009 - "Anna Karenina" (Russia)
  • 2012 - "Anna Karenina" (United Kingdom)
  • 2013 - "Anna Karenina" (Italy)

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