Movie "Intercessor" (2021): Release date, actors, roles


In mid-January 2021, the film will be released on the screens with the cult actor Liam Nison in the lead role. Action-thriller director Robert Lorentz also affects social nuances of life near the border, which adds the plot of acute. Details and interesting facts of the project - in material 24cm.


Jim - Former Morpekh and Professional Sniper. He lives a quiet life on the ranch near the Mexican border. However, the calm comes to an end when he becomes a witness to the meeting of drug carriers and a defenseless child. Now the hero has to come into a fight with a criminal world and remain as long as possible for representatives of the authorities who are not able to help the orphaned boy.


  • Liam Nison - Jim, former Morpe, whose cases on the ranch are not very smooth. The bank exposes Rancho to the auction. But becoming a witness of the brewing crime, he arises to defend the boy to give him a chance to survive. After the film "Hoster", the actor often appears in the role of an action-hero, which pleases the audience.
  • Catherine Vinnik - Sarah, a relative of Jim, worried about his secluded lifestyle. Woman works by a federal agent. When the motives of the actions of Jima became clear to her, she takes the side of the former Morpeca and helps him to escape from the persecution of the authorities who could not protect the boy from death. The actress is known for the main role in the TV series "Vikings" and work at the Dark Tower Cash Film.
  • Teresa Ruis - Rosa, a boy's mother, asking for a mortal to protect the heir. The actress was filmed in the projects of "criminal ties" and the TV series "Narc: Mexico."
  • Hein Pablo slave - as Mauricio. The actor became noticeable after the telenovella "my beautiful fatty" and the series "Agents Sh.I.T.".
  • Dylan Kenin - Randall. The artist was remembered by the TV shows "and fires are smoldering everywhere", "Duncushka Betty". In the creative biography of the artist, the roles in the interrogation of the Criminal Drama "Interrogation" and the cash film "Case Brave".

Interesting Facts

1. Kinokarttina prepared for the show by the fall of 2019. However, in the 2020th, on the wave of a coronavirus infection, the creators did not risk running the project to view. The film "Intercessor" will be released on the screens on January 21, 2021. For Russian viewers, the release date fell on February 4.

2. The director of the project is Robert Lorenz, in whose career is the second director or producer in well-known projects, among which "Baby per million" and "substitution".

3. The locations of the film became small towns of Ohio. The shooting was also held at the border and in Albuquerque Trade and Exhibition Center.

4. To achieve reliability during filming, the world-famous truck driver John Makar was invited to work on a movie cornocarty.

5. Ukrainian spectators are welcome by the premiere of the film with the participation of the Canadian Star with the Ukrainian roots of Catherine Vinnik.

6. The initial name of the project is "Soldier". Later, the picture was called Sniper. "The Intercessor" is the Russian adaptation of the project.

7. The film "The Intercessor" fell in the expectation of the audience. Project rating, where the main role is performed by the artist, which at the time of the premiere turned 68 years, amounted to 98%.

The film "Intercessor" - Trailer:

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