Vladimir Voroshilov: biography, personal life, 2020, "What? Where? When?", Daughter, death, in youth


For acquaintances with his professional activities, this person is primarily associated with a number of surprisingly popular projects released on the Soviet television. But for most viewers, he remained a faceless slim voice from the famous game "What? Where? When?". On December 18, 2020, the 90th anniversary of the day, as Vladimir Voroshilov was born. About the personal life and labor biography of the Soviet and Russian television leader - in material 24cm.

1. Non-easy personality

It is difficult to believe that the creator of the intelligent-intellectual casino in the television of the intelligent-intellectual casino appeared in his youth, a violent temper, inconsistency and often turned out to be in the center of all sorts of scandals.

So, being in the 60th theater artist, from Lenkom, Vladimir Voroshilov flew out with a crash after broke out the decorations built for the performance of the scenery, which did not correspond to his vision of production. What caused the discontent of the main director of the Boris Tolmazov Theater, - the head of the hole in the ceiling, necessary, according to Voroshilov's statements, to create a "post of light night sky", did not approve. And fired from the Theater of the High Artist.

Even earlier, immediately after the end of the Art Institute, being on the distribution of Soviet troops sent to the group in Germany, where he was obliged to respond for decorations in the theater, also managed to distinguish itself. Vladimir painted portraits of girls in the restaurant, despite repeated warnings from the authorities. As a result, the Theater of the Disposher Artist was fired, but it was not sent to the USSR immediately, leaving in the part responsible for the creation of wall newspaper and posters.

2. Character

Many familiar TV host argued that Vladimir Voroshilov was an unbearable man who had a capricious and complex character. But it is invariably interesting.

Voroshilov himself, speaking of themselves, confessed that from ornamental years was an uncommunicative, closed. Confident that surrounding him hate. He kept such an opinion and years later. Therefore, without seeing the reasons to trust people and try to smooth out the angles in communicating with them, talking to the interlocutors, according to its own description, is accustomed to the unimportantly, because of what created a certain opinion about himself.

3. "Auction"

The remaining popular for four and a half decades is the intellectual game "What? Where? When?" - This is not the first project of the "Question-Answer" format created by Voroshilov. In 1969, Vladimir Yakovlevich had already launched an advertising-game program on the central television called "auction", in which the participants were asked to win the prize, correctly answering questions.

4. "And well, guys!"

In addition to the knowledge and intelligence games, Vladimir Voroshilov has a project somewhat other orientation. This is the transfer of "and well-ka, guys!" In the early 70s, which was an analogue of athletic contests popular abroad. The project enjoyed hot love of viewers, but in 1972 it was temporarily closed.

According to information from some sources, to stop the release of the game guide forced the tragic death of the participant during the ether. Others argue that the decision on the closing of the transfer received by Voroshilov himself, having considered that she turns into a means of propaganda of service in the army.

5. The most darling

The main woman in the life of Voroshilov invariably remained his mother, with whom the television figure was extremely close. At the same time, the unauthorized person of the mother relationship with his son seemed to be strange - Vero Borisovna Vladimir invariably called by name. Periodically played. Sometimes it silently cheated over a woman, while not moving certain boundaries.

In addition to sown maternal love, there was a strong friendship between them, which made these two even closer. Probably the roots of such relationships lie in the distant past and are associated with military time and lives in evacuation.

6. Ladies of the Heart of the TV

Real surname of celebrity - Kalmanovich. Voroshilov Vladimir Yakovlevich became the first time married. On behalf of his chosen and her profession, reliable information was not preserved: some sources called her ballerina, while others are a model. The second wife of Vladimir was the former wife of the director Radomir Vasilevsky Tatyana Kuccakina. The third partition is a certain nurse on the last name Music.

Only about the last official life companion is known enough, because with Natalia Stetsenko, who speaking co-author of the game "What? Where? When? ", Vladimir Voroshilov lived in marriage for more than 30 years.

None of the official wives did not give the children to the telecademic department. The only child, to the upbringing of which Vladimir Yakovlevich put his hand until the end of the 90s, became his stepper Boris Hook, born Stepsenko from the previous marriage.

Father Voroshilov became only in 1997 - his mistress Natalia Klimova, to which the man left the last official spouse, and not making a divorce (did not want to humiliate a woman with which three dozen years lived), gave birth to a daughter called Natalia .

7. Monument

Vladimir Voroshilov died on March 10, 2001 - death came as a result of a heart attack. At his grave at the Vagankovsky cemetery, a monument was established, made in the form of a "black box", an integral attribute of the game "What? Where? When?". Previously considered other options (glasses, owl, wolf), but in the end they stopped on such a concept.

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