Tim Allen - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Tim Allen is a popular American comedian actor, which does not cease to delight admirers with bright and colorful roles. Also, a man is known as a parodist, a sound imitator - his concert performances are impressive no less than working in the cinema. Now the performer is filmed in films and voicing the cartoon paintings.

Childhood and youth

The artist who received the name of Timothy Alan Dick at birth was born on June 13, 1953 in Denver. His mother, Martha Catherine, was engaged in public works. Father, Gerald Dick, was an real estate agent. In addition to Tim, 4 sons and daughter were brought up in the family. In 1964, his father died, encountered a drunk driver. After 2 years of March, Catherine re-married.

The chief of ladies was a person who has previously studied with her in the same school. After the mother's wedding, Allen and his family moved to American Birmingham. Here the boy studied in a general education institution, where he visited classes in theatrical and musical circles. Having received secondary education, the teenager entered the University of Central Michigan.

In 1974, Tim moved to the University of Western Michigan. In the youth, the young man began working at the student radio station, received a bachelor's degree in communications. From 1976 he studied in the specialties "Philosophy" and "Design".

Personal life

In 1984, the actor married Lore Daibel, who met at the university. In 1989, a couple of Catherine's daughter was born. However, the cinema of the artist took him a lot of time. The man communicated little with his family. Therefore, the relationship between spouses began to deteriorate, and after 15 years of marriage, in 1999, a divorce took place.

In 2006, changes were made in the personal life of the artist - he found new love. She became an actress Jane Hyduk. The wedding ceremony was held in the format of a private celebration, which was attended only close.

The new union was successful not only in everyday life, but also in creative terms. Husband and wife together shot in several paintings. In 2009, the couple was born Baby Elizabeth. In "Instagram", Jane appeared a photo of a happy family, as well as snapshots of joint exits on a red carpet.


Since 1975, Tim began an acting career. The young man performed as a comedian at different American sites, and also starred in commercials and comedy series. However, in a short time, a critical incident occurred in the guy's biography - because of harmful addictions he fell behind bars. In 1978, Allen was arrested at the airport for storing cocaine.

The artist would threaten a life sentence. By understanding the seriousness of the accusations, he decided to cooperate with the police and issued the names of familiar drug dealers, thereby reducing the possible period of stay in conclusion from 7 to 3 years. In 1981, Tim received conditional liberation, having spent almost 2.5 years in correctional work.

After prison, the guy continued to remove. He moved to Los Angeles, where he quickly got a job in the popular show "Comedy Shop". The young man performed the producer in the film "People - Pigs".

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Since 1991, the "Big Repair" series has been released on the screens, in which Allen receives a major role. His hero, Tim Taylor, lives with his wife Jill and 3 children - the sons of Brad, Randy and Mark. Worked earlier by the Seller in the Binford Tools Store The character creates his own TV show "It's time for business."

In the creation of releases, a man helps a friend of ED and Assistant Lisa (performed by the young Pamela Anderson), which Heidi replaces later. Despite the fact that Tim teaches the audience to the subtleties of repair, he himself during the workflow constantly falls into awkward and comic situations.

In 1994, Allen again received a major role - this time in the Full-length film "Santa Claus" of Disney company. In the plot of the picture of the hero of the artist, Scott Calvin, recently divorced his wife. Christmas is nearing, and the man decides to invite the Son to the new home to hold holidays with him.

Preparing the dwelling for the arrival of the child, the character discovers on the roof of a strange old man. Scott's invasion scares the unusual stranger so much that the heart attack happens. The old man admits that he is Santa Claus, and now he will not be able to fulfill traditional festive duties. Calvina with her son will have to save Christmas.

Actor's voice spectators heard in the cartoon "Toy History", the 1st part of which came out in 1995. In the animation project Tim voiced the hero of the Basza Laera. Partner of Allen at work was Tom Hanks. After entering the picture was nominated for the Oscar Award. Cooperation with Pixar was successful for the Contractor - he was again invited to work in the 2nd part of the tape in 1999.

In the same year, the artist was invited to shoot a fantastic comedy "in search of the Galaxy." Tim's partners on the site of Sigurnie Weaver, Alan Rickman and Sam Rockwell. The film became a parody of the popular series "Star Path" and received high ratings. In 2002, the Contractor again used to continue Christmas history - the picture "Santa Claus - 2".

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The topic of the winter holiday has become the main thing in the tape "Christmas with losers" ("Christmas with crackers"). Jamie Lee Curtis and Tim Allen depict a married couple, Luther and Nora, who wants to hold Christmas holidays on the Caribbean Islands. Residents of the town rise against this - after all, the spouses did not decorate the house and did not put the Christmas tree.

In addition, unexpectedly, heroes will learn that the holiday is going to come their daughter to introduce parents with the fiance. Understanding that plans for rest rushes, husband and wife are in a hurry order begin to prepare for the celebration. However, there are almost nothing in the stores.

In 2006, the artist's filmography was replenished with several bright work - Lochmal Pope tapes, Santa Claus - 3, as well as the voice of the cartoon "cars". In 2010, the actor first acted as director, submitting a comedy "crazy on the will." In this picture, Allen also played the main character, the former concluded Tommy. In 2011, Tim's work began in the TV series "Last Real Man".

In 2018, the performer voiced the Latura's favorite Lamer in the cartoon "Ralph against the Internet". In the story in the events, popular characters of the animation projects of Disney, Pixar and others take part in the events. In 2019, the actors were invited to work in the "Toy Story - 4".

Tim Allen now

In the 2020s, Allen continues to film, and also acts as a welcome guest in various television shows. So, on the program "Jimmy Kimvel in the Light Air", the artist told about how he collaborated with Kian Reeves on the set of the 4th part of the "Toy Story".


  • 1994 - "Santa Claus"
  • 1995 - "Toy Story"
  • 1999 - "Toy Story - 2"
  • 1999 - "In search of the galaxy"
  • 2000 - "Basz Lyter from the Star Team: Adventures begin"
  • 2001 - "Cool Joe"
  • 2002 - "Big trouble"
  • 2002 - "Santa Claus - 2"
  • 2004 - "Christmas with losers"
  • 2006 - "Lochmatic Dad"
  • 2006 - "Cars"
  • 2006 - "Santa Claus - 3"
  • 2010 - "Toy Story - 3"
  • 2010 - "Crazy on the Will"
  • 2018 - "Ralph against the Internet"
  • 2019 - "Toy Story - 4"

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