Peter Flat - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "Instagram", Orientation 2021



Peter Flat, since childhood, was hardworking and sociable, which helped him to build a career in the field of international relations. But even after a man decided to change the activity, he did not stay without work and quickly managed to become a successful producer, and then a successful blogger.

Childhood and youth

Peter Andreevich Flystov appeared on March 21, 1985 in Tyumen, on the sign of the zodiac he was Aries. Parents were still young then. They did not have connections with show business and worked a lot to maintain a family: Mom served in the police, his father was interrupted by part-time on the unloading of wagons and publisher.

There was not enough money, and all three junteled in a small removable room. Despite this, the parents did everything so that Peter would receive education and learned English. Looking at their hard work, the boy tried not to deliver extra hassle. Staying alone, he read a lot and began to earn up in adolescence.

Flat grew creative, independently signed up in the music school, where I mastered the piano. In parallel, the young man visited theatrical studio and a circle of sports ballroom dancing. He even managed to become a laureate of regional competitions, but soon the hobby had to quit.

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At 13, Peter became interested in local motion of electronic music, but to join him, they needed money. Then he began to accept any work - I sold the newspapers, he handed out the leaflets, was a waiter and stood on the spill of beer in the summer café, hiding his age cunning.

It did not bother to study, because flat since childhood was used to be the best. He glanced with an excellent student, a star of school holidays and events, pride of the educational institution.

When it came to choose a future profession, the guy already knew who would become. Then, in Tyumen State University, the Faculty of International Relations was opened only, and Petya firmly decided that he wanted to learn there.

The young man easily entered the diplomat and enthusiastically plunged into the study of the specialty. He liked the atmosphere of the university, teachers, in-depth study of English and travel perspective. Therefore, only warm memories remained about the student period of biography.

Personal life

Producer prefers not to comment on information about personal life and sexual orientation. It is known that he has never been married.


Already in the student years, Peter began to work in a specialty, which allowed him to make a rapid career. In 2006, he became a manager in the Tyumen Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and a year later he rose to the head, first the external relationship department, then foreign economic activity.

When the crisis began in the country, the salary workers were cut off, and the plane quickly understood the futility of such a situation. During this period, he was offered a contract in Montenegro, and the guy agreed.

An obstacle to the work was not even if ignorance of local languages, which Petya learned in the shortest possible time. He settled in the house by the sea and, it seemed, he got everything about to dream about. But from nature an active and sociable guy lacked new acquaintances and impressions, so soon he agreed to see the consultant in the Serbian government.

Being in Serbia, Peter thought about obtaining a second higher education, so he entered London School of Commerce. There for the first time I learned about algorithms for the promotion of personal brands, which awakened interest in it.

At work in the government, Petya did not delay - did not suit a small salary, so he moved to Moscow and settled in the Swiss holding Assstra Associated Traffic AG. Life coolly changed when he decided to help Nastasya Sambursk, which is sometimes called his cousin in the "Comedy Club", to become popular on the net.

Then the girl was still a little-known actress, and the plane came to create a website for her, organize photo shoots and interviews to attract the attention of the audience. He did not even assume that he would turn his passion to his profession, but just wanted to help his friend.

Nastasya's popularity began to grow rapidly, she was among the first million dollar bloggers in the Russian segment "Instagram". Then Petya threw all his strength to help in the promotion of Mashash Mingarov, and only after that he had an idea of ​​the founding of his own production studio, called Ploskov Production.

The purpose of the project was assistance in the acquisition of fame in social networks. Among the clients of the flat in different years were Natalia Rudova, Alexander Khomenko, Dmitry Malikov, Anna Semenovich and Anastasia Ivanov, for whom he created plans to gain success. In addition, Peter began to lead master classes, where it was shared by the Councils on the promotion in "Instagram".

Peter Flat Now

In 2020, Peter continues the work of the producer. Now he supports communication with fans in "Instagram", "Facebook" and in Vkontakte, where the photo is postponing and talks about news.

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