Mark Williams - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor 2021



Actor Mark Williams starred in the office blockbusters of the United Kingdom and the United States. Despite this, the artist is modest and in privacy is not much different from the ordinary British.

Childhood and youth

The actor appeared in the summer of 1959 in the town of Bromrsgrove, known as the Center for the Festival of Classical Music. Now most residents of Bromrsgrova work in Birmingham, located 21 km from the town.

While studying at Oxford College Brasenose Williams played in the "Drama Society" of Oxford University, and then made a career on the "Royal Shakespearean Troupe" stands and the National Theater of Great Britain. In his youth, Mark often acted in television sketch show, and later in an interview confessed that he was perceived in his homeland primarily as a comedian.

Personal life

Mark prefers to hold a personal life behind the curtain and does not lead the page in "Instagram". It is known that a man whose height is 186 cm, married to the lady named Diana and has one child. The actor is sick for Football Clubs Aston Villa FC and Brighton & Hove Albion.


Like Hugh Grant, Williams debuted into a movie in 1982 in the tragicomedy "privileged", which told about the preparation for student spectral. In 1988, Mark flashed in the episode of the comedy melodrama "Peak of the season", in which the main role was performed by Jacqueline Bisset. In 1989, Williams played in the mini-series Kevin Connor "Higher Hope" based on the novel of the name of Charles Dickens, in which Anthony Hopkins took part.

1996 presented a role in the family comedy "101 Dalmatian". The actor reincarnated in Horace Byakina - Tolstoy Junior Brother Bandit Jasper, who played Hugh Laurie. The image of the main villain of Sterlella de Ville, dreaming of a fur coat of dog skins, in the film created Glenn clowd.

After 2 years, Williams joined the star of the tragicomedy "Shakespeare in love". In the picture, which won the 7 Oscar premiums, played celebrities such as Joseph Fains, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jeffrey Rush, Colin Ferth, Ben Affleck and Judy Dench, but the character Mark - actor Zaika Wabash (Wabash) - I remember the audience. The producer of the film was honored by Harvey Winestein, in February 2020 he was recognized by the jury guilty of sexual violence.

While "Shakespeare's in love" was collected by Kinonagrada, the writer Neil Geiman wrote the Roman "Star dust", was shielded in 2007. And again, the native of Bromrsgrowwa was not lost among celebrities, although in the picture with a slogan "Tale that you will not tell for the night" by partners Mark on the set were Michel Pfeiffer and Robert de Niro. Earlier, in 2003, Williams starred in a series with a similar name "Star".

In 2002, the actor joined the project to be destined to become the most famous in his filmography. In Kinosha about Harry Potter Williams reincarnated in Arthur Weasley. The director of films changed, the leaders of the main roles changed, and Mark continued to recreate the biography on the screen not using the authority in the family of Ron's father - a red-haired friend of a young wizard.

The series "Father Brown" was the other long-playing project of Williams - the series "Father Brown" - the film by the cycle of the detective stories of Gilbert Chesterton, in which the actor plays the main character. Mark is joking that he infected with his hero with insight and sometimes when reading the scenario, he guesses who committed a crime.

In 2009, Williams starred in one of the episodes of the series "Miss Marple Agatha Christie", to which, in different years, stars like Jack Deavenport, Timothy Dalton and Benedict Cumberbatch. Another multiserious project in which Mark flashed, "Doctor Who". The actor is known as the leading scientific and popular films "Large explosions Mark Williams", "Mark Williams on the rails" and "Industrial Revelations".

Mark Williams now

At 2020, the premiere of the picture of Louis Mandoki was planned with Williams "Bank account of Mr. Toda" - Symbiosis of Baisten and Animated Movie. When the coronavirus pandemic is retreating, Williams planned to continue to remove the next season of the "Father Brown" and Ribe Matthew Batler "Curse of a full whore." Ironically, the comedy tells about the epidemic. The characters of the film, living in the XVIII century in a small English town, are infected with an unknown disease, the main symptom of which is voraciousness.


  • 1982 - "Privileged"
  • 1988 - "Peak Season"
  • 1989 - "Highel Hope"
  • 1996 - "101 Dalmatian"
  • 1998 - "Shakespeare in love"
  • 2002 - "Harry Potter and a Secret Room"
  • 2003 - "Star"
  • 2004 - "Harry Potter and a prisoner of Azkaban"
  • 2005 - "Harry Potter and Fire Cup"
  • 2007 - "Star dust"
  • 2007 - "Harry Potter and Order of Phoenix"
  • 2009 - Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince »
  • 2009 - "Miss Marple Agatha Christie"
  • 2010 - "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Part 1"
  • 2011 - "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Part 2"
  • 2012 - "Doctor Who"
  • 2013- ... - "Father Brown"
  • 2020 - Mr. Toda Bank Account

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