Series "Bridgeertons" (2020): Release date, actors, roles


The melodramatic series "Bridgeertons" is a story about the heirs and the heirs of the aristocratic surname, one of whose daughters did not want to marry the unloved man. Circumstances forced the heroine to become a participant of a love scam, which in the end will become a fairy tale with a happy ending.

The release date of the 1st season of the Master Series on the Netflix Stregnation Service - December 25, 2020. On this day, all 8 episodes will be available. In material 24cmi - the content of the plot, the actors and their roles, as well as curious facts associated with the creation of the picture.


The action of the picture occurs in London of the XIX century. In the center of the plot is an influential and rich family from the Aristocratic Society of England. The head of the name Viscount Bridgeerton died suddenly and all the troubles about the family and her wealth moved to the mother, who should take care of the fate of 8 children, without losing hope at the same time and get married the second time.

The main concern of the widow Bridgeerton is the search for a worthy groom for the mature daughter of Daphne. However, the raining girl does not want to connect his destiny with a uninteresting man: among numerous candidates, there was no suitable guy for her. The girl in despair has already managed to come to terms with the fact that he will remain old Virgin. But in the meantime, the heroine accidentally meets the young Duke of Simon Basset Gastings, whom parents also persistently push into marriage.

Between them from the first minutes of communication, there is a feeling of dislike and irresistible disagreements. But circumstances forcing Simon and Daphne to agree among themselves and participate in a certain scam, which will benefit both by both. The guy and the girl have to depict in the secular society of lovers, and gradually they understand that their feelings are not talked, but real.


The main roles in the TV series "Bridgeerton" played:

  • Phoebe Daynevor - Daphne Bridgeerton;
  • Rege Jean Page - Duke Simon Basset Hastings;
  • Ruth Gemmell - Lady Vaolet, head of the Bridgeerton family;
  • Jonathan Bailey - Anthony, the eldest son of the family.

Also in the film starred : Polly Walker, Ajoa Andoch, Ben Miller, Ruby Barker, Julie Andrews, Nicolas Kohlin and other actors.

Interesting Facts

1. Directors of the project were Shary Foxon, Olrik Riley, Julie Ann Robinson.

2. The series "Bridgeletons" became the result of the transaction of the producer of Sunda Rims, which received fame after the series "Anatomy of Passion" and "Scandal" and NetFlix service. The estimated value of the 8-serial film is 100 million dollars.

3. At the heart of the plot, the film was lied by the same name of the love-historical novels of the American writer Julia Quen. An individual book is devoted to each of the children of the Bridgeerton family. Works of the writer 20 times appeared in the topsellers of New York Times.

4. It is known that the 1st season will be devoted to the first book of the series about Bridgertons "Duke and I". Whether NetFlix will take a continuation by the rest of 7 novels - this question remains open yet.

5. In the series, the actors are dressed in suits of the XIX century. Artists of major roles told in an interview that the creators of the tape helped them to immerse themselves in the atmosphere. For example, they arranged a tour of historical estates and castles, and also organized the lessons of playing on the piano, riding and etiquette.

Series "Bridgeertons" - Trailer:

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