OSA (Character) - Photo, Marvel Comics, Janet Wang Dyan, "Avengers", actress


Character History

Osa - superheroine of the Universe "Marvel". The peculiarity of the wife Hank Pima (Anura Man) was a lot of costumes. Scripts and artists considered that the changing uniform would be an interesting feature of the member of the Avengers team.

History of character creation

Janet Van Dyan (real name) appeared in Marvel Comics in 1963. The creators of the series, Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, conceived the wasp as a colleague and the main partner of Hank Pima.

Initially, the character's biography was based on revenge for her father's death - Vernon Van Dain. About the romantic speech line did not go, but in the 44th issue of comic Janet fell in love with Pima. And they performed a couple in the 56th issue.

The girl was in the first composition of the Avengers team. As a defender of the Earth, she received visual love. It is interesting that at first it was perceived as the weakest link. Over time, the woman has proven its significance, becoming an indispensable member of the group with her husband.

However, soon declared his desire to leave. With Hank, they still arose on the charts of the comic. The ant man soon became the main character in Marvel Feature, while his wife was content with the role of a second violin.

The couple returned to the Avengers team when the wasp was injured. The spouse cured her, and the woman decided to continue the work of the Defender of the Earth. Now she could boast of their significance in missions. Simultaneously with the successes in the "career", family life crackled on the seams.

And even the leadership post did not make the character linger in one place. Soon the readers met the wasp in the organization called "The Avengers of the Western Coast". After the death of Janet her image tried on Hank. And later - the daughter of Hope.

In Ultimate Marvel, the main characteristic of the heroine is saved. The creators of the alternative version counted the right to leave the woman to change in size. However, Pima's wife acquired Asian appearance.

The prehistory of the character is also corrected, in which there is no indication of vengeful motives. Instead, a romantic storyline demonstrating the relationship between two students, Janet and Hank. However, the sad finale of their marriage, as well as the death of a woman in this version repeats.

The image and biography of the wasp

Dr. Vernon Van Dyan was a talented scientist. In the course of a dangerous experiment, a man killed an alien monster. The daughter had no time to grieve, because she lived only one thought about revenge. In addition, the mound remained alive, and therefore threatened with the death of innocent and defenseless.

The girl asked for help at the address - to the colleague of Father Hank Pima. The future anthole man spoke about his invention - some particles that could change body sizes.

Janet volunteered to be "experimental", and Pim did not resist this. As a result, the young superheroine gained superpost.

Together, they eliminated the deadly danger by sending the monster to the measurement where it came from. After these events, the duet called the "Ant and Osa Man" continued its existence, because there was enough evil in the world.

Heroes joined the avengers, asking for partners to the Hulka, Tora and Iron man who had already manifested themselves in the case.

Janet quickly mastered and thanks to a resistant and brave nature, he was gave out into the leaders of the team. Once an interesting situation happened to her. A yellow jacket attacked the tower of defenders, who recognized himself a killer of an ant man. Osa, in turn, was fought, which is going to go beyond the mysterious "guest" married.

Her colleagues perceived such news in the bayonets. However, everything was resolved quickly. It turned out that the yellow jacket is HACK. The ant man had earlier in an accident, after which he had developed schizophrenia.

The consequences of the accident were given themselves to know. The man became paranoid, often showed aggression and malice with respect to the team. Such behavior entailed a divorce as Pim began to beat his wife. After years, Hank's well-being has improved. There are feelings again between the former spouses.

Janet as a superheroid on a par with others participated in battles. For example, fought with scrules during the time of the secret invasion. However, she failed to launch an enemy in the image of her husband. Considering that in front of her Pim, the woman took another serum from him.

The consequences of the "experiment" were tragic. Lia-Hank was able to control the sizes of her body, and after the launch of the mechanism of the heroine began to swell. The Character "Marvel" eventually resembled a biological bomb, ready to explode at any time.

The decision was not easy. Thor, wanting to save the planet, kills his colleague. For a real man-an ant news about the tragic death beloved became a shock. A man decides to give the tribute to the wife of the spouse and puts on her raincoat. For some time it acts under the pseudonym of the OSA. After "Leach" superheroid passes by Hope.

The abilities of Janet were explained by the exposure to particles that Pima developed. For a long time, this substance allowed her to change its sizes. Subsequently, the structure of the woman's body has changed so much that no auxiliary means for metamorphosis have not needed.

Another feature of the character was implanted wings. True, they could use the OSA only when her growth did not exceed 10 cm. With such "devices" the heroine has developed a speed of up to 60 km / h.

Finally, as an opponent, Janet was a real threat. She created energy impulses, with the help of which struck strikes. Sometimes she managed to even punch concrete walls. And if at the beginning of the career had to carry a charger to generate pulses, then with time a woman learned to produce them independently.

Osa in films

The character made his debut in the "Marvel superhero" in 1966, where the role of Women-Os is voiced Peg Dixon. Following the experienced defender of the Earth was noticed in the "Avengers. Always together. "

The list of cartoons with the participation of Janet was replenished - "Fantastic Four", "Superhero Detachment", "Avengers: the most powerful heroes of the Earth."

In the world of big film, the lady with superpowers appeared in the film "Man-Agrusy" 2015. The plot is built on the memories of a man about the deceased spouse. So, a woman sacrificed to neutralize a bomb. For this mission, she had to join the stage of an infinite decrease, to penetrate the ICBM and save millions of land inhabitants. Actress, who played her role, - Haley Lovitt.

Hanka manages to find his wife in Sicvel 2018. The audience was delighted, seeing Michelle Pfaiffer in a superhero costume. In the finals, the pictures of Janet and her daughter Hope turn into dust. The question of whether the character will continue its existence in the film franchise, today remains open.

Interesting Facts

  • The OSA appeared in the film "Avengers: Final", visiting along with other disappeared characters of the funeral of Tony Stark.
  • In Ultimate Marvel, the heroine was killed by Frederick Jeide Dux (bubble).
  • Janet Van Dyan ranked 99th in the Marvel Comics superhero list.
  • Catherine Zeta-Johns and Sharon Stone were tried on the role in the 2018 blockbuster.


"I didn't do anything more steeper! I manage Jet! "" The main thing - you came. Let's go home. "" I am not the one you knew 30 years ago. This world ... everything is different in it. "Adaptation is inevitable, but then the evolution follows."


  • 1994 - "Fantastic Four"
  • 1999-2000 - "Avengers. Always together "
  • 2010-2012 - "Avengers: Mighty Heroes of Earth"
  • 2015 - "Agrove Man"
  • 2018 - "Ant and Osa Man"
  • 2019 - "Avengers: Final"

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