Tim Miller - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



"Terminator: Dark fates" is considered the most unsuccessful franchise film. After the commercial and critical failure, the name of his creator Tim Miller did not go with the cover of tabloid. Many were surprised - why director "Deadpool", one of the most cash films with Rating R in history, did not remove the next masterpiece. Tim himself found an explanation in creative disagreements with James Cameron, thanks to which the Terminator was "born".

Childhood and youth

Timothy John Miller appeared on October 10, 1964 in Fort Washington, Maryland. Information about the early period of his biography is not enough. It is only known that the director showed interest in the cartoons earlier than to the movie, because in college he studied illustrating and animation.

Personal life

Tim Miller is fairly secretive. He does not post photos in "Instagram", does not last news from personal life in Facebook.Embed from getty images

At one of the events in support of his Terminator, Tim Miller appeared in the company of a short-haired blonde. It turned out, this is his wife Jennifer. Woman also works in the field of cinema - she producer. If you believe open sources, Tim and Jennifer Miller have no children.


In March 1995, Tim Miller founded Blur Studio. Its activity lies in the field of design, visual effects and animation. The company and now fruitfully works in the field of game cinema, advertising, feature films and many other things.

Illustrators under the leadership of Tim Miller helped in creating computer games Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019), The Elder Scrolls (2020) and League of Legends (2020). And the key achievement Blur Studio is an animation anthology from Netflix "Love, Death and Robots".

Tim Miller's creative path started with the cartoons "Aunt Louise" (2002), "Stone Fish" (2003), "Unintended Almaz" (2004). And his first success in the animation - the Short Master "Suslik broke" (2004), created in co-authorship with Jeff Fowler.

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The main character of the cartoon is resourceful, but non-painted Suslik. The animal invents tricks to make the vegetables "jump out" from the farm cars passing by him. But every time the delicacy burst out of the hands of Suslik, because he is distracted.

"Susshlik broke" in 2004 he was on the list of nominees to Oscar as the best animated short film. Alas, the reward went to Chris Landerta for the documentary mini-cartoon "Ryan" about Raien Larkin, Animator from Canada.

In 2000 and 2010, Tim Miller attracted to the creation of several full-length projects. The irony is that none of them has been implemented. Not a fairy tale on the stories published in the journal Heavy Metal, neither the adaptation of the comic "Grave" nor the science fiction novel "Seasons". Yes, Tim Miller gained experience, but his filmography was detected.

In April 2011, Tim Miller approved as director of the Comedy "Deadpool" (2016) about the Marvel character of the same name with Ryan Reynolds in the lead role. The project was incredibly successful: under the budget of $ 58 million, he collected $ 783 million around the world and headed the list of the most cash films with Rating R. In the winter of 2019, Dadpool moved to the 2nd place, giving way to "Joker" Todd Phillips with a cashier $ 1.066 billion

Success provided Tim Miller directorial chair "Deadpool-2" (2018). But later, he independently left the project due to disagreements with Ryan Reynolds. The actor sought to keep selling in his hands, and Tim Miller could not stand competition.

"It was clear that Ryan [Reynolds] wants to control the franchise. Perhaps some directors can work in such conditions, but not me. I do not think that every my creative decision should be subject to discussion, "so in an interview with Tim Miller explained the reason for the departure from Dadpool-2.

In October 2016, Tim Miller became one of the dozen executive producers of the animation film "Sonic in Cinema" (2020). And a year later, there were reports that the director wants to work with James Cameron, perhaps even create another sequel about the Terminator. Rumors were true.

It was assumed that the continuation of the franchise would have a tremendous success. To the shooting "Terminator: Dark Fate" has long been attracted and hot favor actors Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, Edward Farlong. The production process cost $ 196 million, another $ 100 million was spent on the promotion of the film. To cover these enormous costs, it was necessary to collect more than $ 450 million at the box office, and only $ 261 million was released.

About the failure of the "Terminator: Dark Fate" Tim Miller gave dozens of interviews. But every time he noted that, despite the dissatisfaction of producers, critics and audience, the film is proud of.

"I like the movie. I think that we are simply not lucky or we went to the rotation in an unsuccessful time. Well, or it's just my pride, "Tim Miller commented in the KCRW radio station interview.

Tim Miller jokes that the causes of the failure of his "Terminator" so much that you can create a book. The most loyal of them is the fatigue of the audience from the franchise. Novelties from Marvel, for example, come out annually, and in good times, even on a couple of films for the season. But the kinomans need fresh characters. The terminator is clearly not one of them.

Another, more categorical reason, Tim Miller and James Cameron did not work. The director admitted that many decisions colleagues still agree so far. But he is only a hired worker who is unable to confront the word "father" of the Terminator.

The biggest stumbling block was the role of the Legion - the new version of Skynet. Tim Miller wanted to make the film more dramatic due to the leader's leader's leadership leader. James Cameron rose to the side of mankind. As a result, each of the directors pulled the blanket for himself, and none of the ideas revealed 100%.

After the "Terminator: Dark Fate" Tim Miller repeatedly stated in an interview, which will no longer cooperate with James Cameron:

"This is not connected with those injuries and disappointments that I stay after our duet. I just don't want to be in a situation where I have no opportunity to do everything as I consider it right. "

Tim Miller now

Now Tim Miller and Blur Studio are involved in creating the animated series "Love, Death and Robots" from Netflix. The premiere of the 1st season took place in March 2019.

"Love, death and robots" have not serial in the literal sense of the word. This is an anthology, that is, a collection of short cartoons, plotically connected with each other. The focus is highly "adult topics" - racism, war, will freedom of will and the like.

The first season consisting of 18 short films was a huge success. The anthology is highly evaluated by the anthology, but also critics. Therefore, in June 2019, Netflix announced the extension of the series for the 2nd season. Tim Miller is still at the helm.


  • 2016 - "Deadpool"
  • 2019 - "Terminator: Dark Fates"

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