Sergey Alyoshkov (Son Shelf) - Photo, biography, cause of death, war hero



The Great Patriotic War left many heroic names in the memory of the people. Among them are not only adults and experienced warriors, but also small children. Sergey Alyoshkov belongs to the number of fighters with hard fate - the most young defender in the Stalingrad battle, the youngest soldier who became the son of the regiment.

Childhood and youth

The boy was born on January 31, 1936 in a small village of Gryn (now it is the territory of the Ulyanovsky district of the Kaluga region). The child was younger in the family, parents brought up with him three senior brothers. Andrei's father died even before the war, so the care of the family fell on the fragile shoulders of the mother.

In the fall of 1941, a partisan detachment was organized to combat the Hitler's troops who captured the region in the village. Local residents, among whom were children, sought to benefit homeland. Serge Alyoshkov's mother also entered the partisans, as well as Brother Petya, who was 10 years old at that time. The older brothers by the time went to the front.

During one of the tasks, the woman and the child were captured by the fascists and are subject to torture. After that, Peter hung, and the mother who tried to save his son was shot. In the summer of 1942, German troops, punishers, attacked the partisan headquarters in Hryni.

The peasants were fleeing, and in the general panic Seryozha was lost. A few days later, the Soviet intelligence officer of the 47th Rifle Division was discovered and delivered the boy to his regiment.

Personal life

About a personal life in the biography of the son of the shelf is known. The man was married twice, and both marriage turned out to be unsuccessful - ended in divorce. During family life, Sergey managed to become the father of his son and daughter.

Son Shelf

The exhausted child brought in the 142nd Guards Rifle Regiment was decided to leave. At that time, Mikhail Danilovich Vorobyov was ruled by regimental soldiers. The man at the time was unmarried and childless. Little Seryozha Alyoshkov awakened his father's feelings in the Warrior, and on September 8, 1942, he officially adopted the child.

For a 6-year-old "servant" launched a form, and his real military life began. History has kept photo of a boy in an outfit. Of course, the shelf was not allowed to the field of combat battles of the son of the Son, but he performed many important and useful instructions that facilitate the life of soldiers. So, Seryozha brought letters to fighters, she filed the cartridges, raised the morale of one-cap, reciting verses and performing songs at the moments of recreation of the shooters.

The smallest soldier Sergey Alyoshkov

Sudier's observation helped him discover two Hitler soldiers, then captured. The child, from whose angry look, was not covered, noticed that someone hiding behind the hay of the village. The commander sent to the suspicious place of intelligence officers. It turned out that the firearms adjustments approached the place of the regiment. For this, the boy received the first gratitude from the military team.

In November 1942, the regiment went to Stalingrad. Soon the event occurred, which made the serge of the real hero. During the rotation of enemy aircraft, the blonde, in which there were sparrows and several Soviet officers, poured as a result of the explosion.

A little soldier, seeing it, tried to independently disassemble the log logs, but only wrapped his hands. Then Alyoshkov, not paying attention to the external explosions on the continuing nearby, ran after the help. And after, when the sappers arrived, along with them continued the rescue operation.

For the courage and speed of the reaction of a young soldier in April 1943 awarded the medal "For military merit". In addition, having learned about the feat of the boy, General Vasily Chuikov (hereinafter - twice the hero of the Soviet Union) presented him with the name "Walter". In May of the same year, the adoptive son of Vorobyva almost broke up with life. It happened when his regiment was moved across the northern Donets.

Sergey Alyoshkov, adoptive father Mikhail Vorobyov and his family

On a dangerous crossing of Soviet soldiers attacked German troops, arranged shelling. The raft on which he was Sernezh, turned over from the power of an explosive wave. By the time the child had already learned to read, but I could not swim yet. Fortunately, one of the fighters dived in time.

One day, together with Mikhail Danilovich, the son of the regiment was again in the hairs of death. The car in which they returned from the army headquarters to the forefront, hooked the wheel lying on the ground a unreleased mine. As a result, the driver of the car was killed, Vorobyva contusted, and Alyoshkova rejected the force of the explosion to the side of the road.

During the hostilities, the boy was injured. During one of the actors, the fragment of the shell had a child in his leg, as a result of which he was sent for treatment in the hospital. After leaving the hospital, Sergey no longer appeared on the battlefields: the adoptive father in 1944 sent him to study to the Tula Suvorov military school.

After the war

Studying was given to a teenager with difficulty, let's know about themselves underwent health, injured. At the end of the course after the war, Sergey often came to the receptional parents - by that time Mikhail Danilovich managed to marry the front nurse Nina Andreevna.

Later, the young man became a student of the Kharkov Faculty of Law. Alurskov's further career tied with jurisprudence, held the position of prosecutor. Having moved to Chelyabinsk, he worked as a legal adviser at the Chelyabinsk Plant Plexiglary.


Sergey Andreevich did not become February 1, 1990. A man died on the way to work, straight at the bus stop. The cause of death was a heart attack.

Sergey Alyoshkov (Son Shelf) - Photo, biography, cause of death, war hero 5953_3

The hero of war is buried in Chelyabinsk. Children and grandchildren keep the memory of the bright exploits of their relative and bring flowers to his grave. Do not forget about Alyoshkov and members of the adoptive family, native children Sparrow.


  • 1942 - Medal "For Combat Merit"
  • 1945 - Medal "For victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945"
  • 1985 - Order of the Patriotic War I degree

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