Film "Former" (2021): Release date, actors, roles


The film "Former" is a story in the horror key on how the Internet and social networks affect the life and human worldview. The release date of the Russian thriller, filmed by the director-debutant Evgenia Pubyrevsky, - March 11, 2021. In the material 24cm - the content of the plot, the cast and the selection of interesting facts about the filming of the picture.


Being a 16-year-old teenager, the main character put a photo of an unfamiliar girl on a network to demonstrate to friends that he had a loved one. Time passed, the hero matured, got a job and met his real happiness. With the bride of Katte the hero of the film soon going to make marriage. However, suddenly with his beloved begin to occur inexplicable things. Kate come mysterious messages from the past life of the groom, and her life turns into horror.


The main roles in the film "Former" played by Konstantin Beloshaka and Vera Panfilov. Their colleagues on the set were: Sergey Dolinov, Ekaterina Shumakova, Elena Morozova, Vladimir Seleznev and other actors.

Interesting Facts

1. Filming the film "Former" took place in the fall of 2019 in Moscow.

2. The director of the tape was Evgeny Pububevsky, who used to work on short film kinocartins "Mom always nearby", "under water", "she is angry." This project is the debut of Evgeny Pubyrevsky in the full-length movie format.

3. Vladislav Severgers and Dmitry Litvinov, who also rented Russian horror "Dawn", "Picovaya Lady", "Dawn", "Picking Lady", "Bride", and others were also filmed with producers. The operator was appointed Denis Alarkon Ramirez, who in 2013 removed the picture of the horror "Mystery of Dyatlov Pass", based on real events.

4. The leading role in the film "Former" Konstantin Beloshaka in 2019 was held in another thriller of Svyatoslav Podgaevsky "Love spell. Black wedding ", whose premiere will be held in February 2021.

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