Joy group - photo, history of creation, composition, news, songs 2021



Austrian musicians from the Joy group became famous in the 1980s, it was then that their outstanding hits appeared. Albums released at this time have won the love of the public due to lyrical content and melodic beauty.

The history of creation and composition

The history of the Joy group is connected with the city of Bad Ause, where three school friends lived in 1984. The atmosphere of the Austrian resort contributed to the development of talents and ideally suited for the origin of creative ideas.

Andy Schweisser, Manfred Temmel and Freddie Jaclich began to communicate, being developed by adolescents 14-15 years. At that time, they did not suspect that wonderful songs would write and provide photos for covers of European magazines and newspapers.

The guys were fond of pop music and played in amateur teams, each of them sought to master his musical instrument. In high school classes, bass, guitar and synthesizer were abandoned, because for mature creativity did not come down.

After the release from the educational institution, Andy entered the police service, and Freddie became a teacher of history and foreign languages. Manfred, who strived to be fame, served local discos, in the process of learning the subtleties of creating great hits.

For several months, a native of Bad Ausza, who was considered by the intelligent DJ, worked in Germany in the Orion institution. Return to Austria and try to assemble your own pop-group of the guy pushed the laudatory reviews that came from different sides.

In early 1984, Schweisser met old comrades and persuaded them to make music in memory of school times. Jaclich and Temmer, reflected, threw the main work, despite the fact that the insecurity in the future and fear were felt.

After several rehearsals and approval of the name, friends believed in the prospects and success of the Joy team. Freddie soloist, bass player Manfred and the keyboard player and Percussionist Andy decided that the creation of songs would be their fate.

Over time, the musicians have enlisted the support of the producer of Michael Schekl, which represented Austria in Eurovision in the early 1980s. In a number of debut compositions, he performed the role of the backbone, and was also a sound operator and the author of arrangements and words.

In 2010, Michael became a full member of the team: he replaced Freddie Yaklich, who left the composition forever. Andy Schweizer and Manfred Demels sincerely rejoiced the fact that there is a star next to them.

Fans of music 80s are known that such musicians as Anzo Moravitz and Leo Bay played in the Austrian team. The last of these came to the place of sustainably died bass player and remained a member of the group until today's days.


In his youth, the Austrian musicians chose the right direction and decided to submit a number of bright dance hits to the public. Participants of the group were lucky enough to sign a contract with an independent label, their professional career started in the mid-1980s.

The Lost In Hong Kong composition, composed by the producer Michael Schekel, did not become superpopular, but interested listeners. The artist's photos appeared in magazines dedicated to music, and debut concert performances became the topic of newspaper articles.

In the fall of 1985, the Single Touch By Touch, recorded by the group, a week after the presentation entered the Austrian Hit Parade. Thanks to the radio, Joy has gained fame in Europe and selling 50 thousand copies of the record, received a gold certificate.

The song that sounded at discos became in the debut album Hello, represented by OK-Musica label to listeners from different countries. Thanks to this release, which came to the top of the National Chart, talented guys joined elite professional circles.

Tracks that have not become separate singles presented at the tour, the public sincerely loved Night of the Nights and Valerie. Later, together with other melodies, these incendiary compositions group Joy overwritten as remixes and popurery.

Colleagues from Eastern Europe highly appreciated the talent of the Austrians, and the Hungarian team Inflagranty made a Caver version of Te Meg EN. Satisfied with the result, the musicians decided to move on, thinking that the release of the second album would not have problems.

Indeed, Joy and Tears won the audience and allowed the executors to conquer the Asian continent. Disks with new compositions in Bangkok, Hong Kong, Singapore and the cities of South Korea were at a time.

After full-scale tour in support of the second studio record, the group decided that it was time to release the collection of the best hits. At the same time, video clips broadcast on television, as well as a soundtrack for a detective end of the 1980s appeared.

Glory and infinite love of the public provoked a creative crisis - the Joy group stopped existing for a while. Andy, who received the right to name, recorded several songs, but without other members of the team there were not interesting to play.

In the 90s, the bass guitarist with the keyboard played his own attempt to return to the peak of the popularity of the once famous team. They set together work on new compositions, but then they canceled the release of the records and sent it to the archive.

In 2010, Joy decided to perform in the original composition, the announcements of the upcoming concerts were pleased with thousands of not indifferent people. In the subsequent rewriting of singles, popular around the world, producer Michael Schaikl played one of the main roles.

The man participated in the presentation of the new studio album, which Major Babies studio released under the name Enjoy. The time of participation in festivals and a mini-tour in Europe Andy, Freddie and Manfred considered a white creative stripe.

During this period, the group's discography was replenished by a number of new singles, Sunshine Boogie and Lunapark appeared on the official site. The fans decided that idols work on the next studio album, regarding the released compositions as a reliable favorable sign.

In fact, the Austrians did not plan to release a new record, focusing at concerts in European capitals and cities. They wrote a lot about the intense touring schedule on the Internet, it was announced in the corporate articles dedicated to the pop group.

Group Joy now

Now the Joy group is a member of the 1980s discos, in 2020-2021 the musicians planned to appear in Moscow. With the hits and the last songs met the audience, who came to solo concerts in Norway, Poland and Lithuania.


  • 1986 - Hello.
  • 1986 - Joy and Tears
  • 1989 - Joy
  • 2011 - Enjoy


  • Hello.
  • Ne Postoji Grad.

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