SIMO HYUYUHYA - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, Finnish sniper



SIMO HYUYUHYA - the legendary warrior, the participant of the Soviet-Finnish war. This soldier did not cease to surprise those around the abilities, gave birth around him a lot of myths. In the period of hostilities, a man received a nickname white death. According to the materials, the shooter was among the most essential snipers in world history.

Childhood and youth

Finn was born on December 17, 1905 in the village of Rautyarvi in ​​the peasant family. In addition to the boy, parents raised seven children. Simo studied in a folk school, and in his free time he helped the eldest house, worked on Earth. The child learned to fish and hunt, skiing - what helped survive in the harsh conditions of Finland.

In his youth, when he was 17, Khyayuhei joined the youth paramilitary organization "Sujujeluskunta), created in 1917, in the midst of civil war. The young men who became members of society were taught to defend their homeland, to own weapons.

At the base of the security case, Simo regularly trained in sniper shooting, accurately falling into small goals. The guy was distinguished by the speed of the reaction, a large number of effective shots for the designated time. For these successes, the young man received a degree of Master-Arrow, which allowed him to participate in competitions where Häyuhai became the winner.

In the autumn of 1925, a young man called on the army. Finn got into a scooter battalion, was trained in a non-commissioned officer school. In the spring of 1927, Simo gathered home after dismissal. In the village of Junola, not only returned to the peasant work, but also participated in the life of the local "shyzkor".

Military service

In 1939, the Winter War began between Finland and the USSR. By the time the councils had already managed to include in their composition the Baltic countries - Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Then Joseph Stalin considered that the conquest of Finnish territories will give way to the Baltic Sea, and will also allow the enemy borders away from Leningrad.

Diplomatic negotiations conducted between the two parties did not give results. At the end of November, Moscow sent a protest to Finland, accusing the country in the artillery shelling of Soviet territories. This moment has become the beginning for response actions.

Despite the fact that the number of the Soviet Army significantly exceeded Finnish, military operations were largely failed. It turned out that the soldier has no proper masking outfit: dark overcoats were clearly visible on white snow. In addition, at a minus temperature, the firearms of Soviet shooters often gave failure.

Finns were on their own territory more confident and prepared for a meeting with enemies. The fighters knew the terrain, and for battles were selected trained people. Among them was Housing.

In the preserved sources describing the details of the fighting in the Finnish territory, it was reported that in 3 months Snieper managed to kill 500 Soviet soldiers from the rifle and 200 from the gun and the machine gun. The exact figures of the victims are unknown, as many corpses remained in the USSR.

The success of the accurate gets of the fighter subsequently explained by regular training. In addition, over the years of training, Simo has developed tactics and techniques to achieve good results. So, the soldier preferred shooting from an open sight.

In the conditions of the Cold Finland Winter, this type of weapon was optimal: optical sights that other soldiers used, quickly faded and covered in the other. Hayyuha also knew that the brilliance of lenses, which included in the design of firearms, could easily issue the location of the shooter.

The advantage of the open sight consisted in the fact that he allowed the Finnish Snayper to keep his head for several centimeters below, which reduced the risk of becoming a target. As the main weapon, SIMO used modified in Finland M / 28-30, created on the basis of the Mossin rifle, as well as a submachine gun Suomi KP / 31.

The soldier had their tricks and secrets. Housing in front of the work was preparing a place for the gun, specifically making an in front of the trunk. Such a reception allowed the snow not to take off at the time of the shot, hiding the position of the fighter. Often sniper in winter conditions could issue steam appearing when breathing. To avoid this, Finn gained snow in his mouth.

Helped for a long time to remain unnoticed enemies and thick masking clothing of white. Such camouflage was invisible in the snow, and also helped align the pulse and breathing. The growth of the fighter at 152 cm played it on his hand: Simo easily hidden where the soldier above 170 cm would be detected.

In March 1940, Häyuhei received a difficult wound, which almost worth his life. During the battle, when a young arrow call, the discontinuous bullet, hitting the lower half of the face - the jaw was very fragmented. He was sent to the hospital, where a man was unconscious for several days.

This was followed by rehabilitation in several clinics. Doctors managed to restore the jaw of Finn from the femoral bone. Despite the use of new techniques of plastic operations, surgeons could not return the face of the warrior former appearance, as before the injury: it remained worried. For a long time, the information did not appear for a long time that he gave rise to myths about death. When the Soviet-Finnish war continued in 1941, they did not take the man.

After the war

After the war, the sniper could no longer return to his native land: the territory passed the country of the Soviets. A man got a job to the agriculture in South Karelia, bred dogs. I did not leave Khyayuha and hunting.

It is known that President of Finland Urho Keckonen came to visit him to hunt Elkia. Also before old age, the sniper performed the leader of the Battle of Battle when Coll.


The last years of life Simo spent in a nursing home with other veterans. The fighter was not April 1, 2002. The causes of death for the general public remain unnamed. Finn buried in the church cemetery of Ruochalachti in Karelia. To the grave of the national hero and today we bring flowers.

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