The film "Saw: Spiral" (2021): Release date, actors, roles


The film "Saw: Spiral" will be a continuation of the famous horror film system. The release date of the tape is scheduled for May 2021. In the center of the plot - a police officer from New York, which is taken for investigating a series of cruel crimes, mysteriously related to events from the gloomy past. In the material 24cmi - interesting facts about the plot, actors and filming the film.


In the center of the events of the film "Saw: Spiral" - impulsive New York Detective Zik Banks. His father is the famous veteran of human rights bodies, so the heir pursues the goal to get out of his shadow and prove that he is also able to disclose crimes.

Detective Banks and his young partner get a chance to investigate a series of murders in which common features are traced with terrible crimes of the past years. Mysterious events involve heroes in a real nightmare and open new shocking details from the past. The police are becoming direct participants in a strange criminal game in which the loss is equivalent to death.


The main roles in the film "Saw: Spiral" performed:

  • Chris Rock - Zik Banks;
  • Samuel L. Jackson - Marcus, Father Zika;
  • Morgan David Jones - officer Barrett;
  • Ali Johnson - Jenny Lewis;
  • Leila Lee is an officer Mark;
  • Max Minghell - William Shank;
  • Christopher Tai - Johnson officer;
  • Zoe Palmer - Kara Bosvik.

Also in Kinolent were filmed: Dan Petronievich, John Tokatlidis, Edid Inksetter, General Williams, Marisol Nichols and other actors.

Interesting Facts

1. The beginning of work on the film was announced in April 2018: then the screamers of the painting became known. In 2019, the LionSgate film company announced that Chris Rock developed a storyline of the film. The head of the company noted that the idea of ​​Rock "revives the brand by his wit, creativity and love for this classical horror franchise, and at the same time a significant relevant attitude towards the heritage of the material."

2. Shooting Horror took place in the summer of 2019, from July to August, in Toronto. The first teaser came out in February 2020.

3. The release date of the film "Saw: Spiral" was transferred to the rental several times: initially the prime minister was planned for autumn 2020, then called May 14 of the same year, but due to the pandemic, the plans changed again. Now the appearance of the film is expected on May 20, 2021.

4. The director of Horror was the author of the previous parts of the franchise "Pila" - Darren Lynn Bouusman. Also, Bouseman worked on other famous horror films: "Happy Death Day", "Abatouire. Labyrinth of fear "," Devilish Carnival ".

5. Mark Bourg, Oren Kaulz, Jason Konstantin, Kevin Grotert, became produced by ribbons. Chris Rock, who played in the film of a key character, also made the executive producer and participated in writing the script.

6. The authors of the scenario were Josh Tribgg and Pete Goldfinger.

The film "Saw: Spiral" - Trailer:

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