Aristarkh Venez - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Drift on Kamaja, Filmography, Series 2021



Aristarh Venezes is a Russian actor who has recognized the public after the appearance in the rating youth series. Over the years, the performer managed to hone acting, learned to organically build into diverse images, reveal the depth of the characters played. Now in the filmography of the artist, both Russian and foreign projects are listed.

Childhood and youth

Aristarh Viktorovich Venez was born in October 1989 in Moscow. Venezest parents - actors. Father Viktor Venezes - the son of Greek political immigrants. It is known for the audience as the role of Lutsik in the picture "Outside". Mom Svetlana Shabaeva after the end of the Yaroslavl Theater Institute worked in one of the theaters of the capital, but with the advent of children was forced to say goodbye to the acting career. At often a sound question about nationality, the response of a young artist is simple: he is Russian with Greek roots.

Aristarkh Venezes is not the only child in the family, he has a younger sister Marusya, who was born when his brother was 13 years old. The girl has already tried herself in cinema, but with the continuation of the acting dynasty while Medlit.

The boy since childhood showed a versatility: he studied in the English special school and managed to deal with a dozen other things. In the biography of Aristarch Venezes, there was a serious passion for football, swimming, karate and dancing. And in the school years he played a violin.

According to the artist, if he did not choose an actor career, then, most likely, would become a professional football player. Aristarkh Venez was so passionate about this sport that in early youth regularly collected the team in the courtyard to "break away" well. In addition, from childhood, Venezes is sick for the Moscow Locomotive. But the genes won.

After graduating from school, Aristarkh expanded the circle of hobbies: he took care of parachute and rally. It is noteworthy that the school years of Venezes recalls mixed feelings. He claims that then met a betrayal and cruelty.


Aristarkh began to film by another child. When Venezu was 12 years old, he appeared in the first episodic role in the Film Film Film. At the end of the 9th grades, it was excluded from school. The actor is convinced that this should have happened. Nevertheless, the guy still received a certificate, graduating from learning externally a year earlier.

In 2005, the 15th-year-old Aristarkh Venezes came to the course to Arkady Raykin to the MCAT Studio School. But later, due to some events in his personal life, he stopped studying in the studio. In the same year, the young actor played in the Master Series "Cadets" Son General Kotov. Then followed small roles in the "Code of Honor" and "Lily of Silver - 2". In the last picture of Aristarkh, I met Yuri Stoyanov - as it turned out, it was his children's dream.

In 2006, Aristarkh played the role of Ilya Sukhomlyn in the TV series "Cadet". He brilliantly reincarnated in an intelligent, brought up Suvorov. Like colleagues on the set, Venezes lived in a barracks in the Tver region. The actor said that the city himself was extremely beautiful, in which he repeatedly convinced, walking around the neighborhoods of Tver in rare breaks between the filming.

In this film, Aristarkh appeared with the ascending stars of the Russian cinema Boris Korchevnikov, Ivan Dobronravov, Arthur Zelois. But the main thing - Venezos is incredibly lucky to work with such matrahs as Alexander Porokhovshchikov, Vladimir Pokhlov and Valery Barinov.

After the release of the series Aristarh, Venezes woke up famous. The popularity of this tape simply broke. Moreover, it fell in love with not only the teenagers, but also the audience of all age categories. Vennes began to find out on the street, the fans were on duty near the house and did not give a guy a pass.

In 2007, the screens were the continuation of this story, and after some time another project appeared about the favorite Heroes of Suvorov, entitled "Kremlin cadets", in which Aristarkh Venez was played by one of the main roles.

The second attempt to obtain a higher education took place only in 2010. Venezes entered the acting director's workshop Sergey Solovyov and Valery Rubinchik in Vgika. Within a long time, the artist collaborated with the modern theater of Artypriza, where he played with the stars of the Russian screen Svetlana Permikova, Marina Fedunkiv and others.

After the filming of filming in the "Kremlin cadets", the young actor often appeared on the screens in the film projects of a different genre. Among them, the comedy "Angelica" was especially bright, in which the performer played one of the main roles.

And in March 2015, the premiere of the new youth television series "The Law of Stone Jungle" was held, where Venezes appeared in one of the main roles - a drug addicted guy from the secured family. Especially for this project, Aristarh began smoking - it allowed the artist to lose weight, and also provided the necessary dark circles under the eyes. Makeleers even said that the performer could do without a grima. The project was so successful that it was continued in a year.

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At that time, the press appeared information about the shooting of the remake of the British series "Drops", in which Aristarkh will appear as a gopnik with superpowers. The film produced Alexander Tsekalo. The events of the picture unfold in Chelyabinsk and contacted the fall of the meteorite. Sergey Svetlakov, Igor Zizhikin and other artists were involved in the project. But at some point, the work on the picture stopped.

In addition to the appearance in the serials, Venezes was filmed in full meter. A significant premiere in the filmography of the artist was the painting "Maximum blow" - the production experience of Alexander Nevsky, which took place with the participation of American cinematographers. On one stage site met Mark Dakascos, William Baldwin, Eric Roberts, Yevgeny Stychkin, Pavel Maikov.

Aristarkh continued to work with foreign stars in 2018. In March, a film show was started with his participation "Beyond Reality", where the main roles were performed by Antonio Banderas and Milos Bikovich. Venezes reincarnated in a picture of a person with paranormal abilities.

In 2020, the artist filmography was replenished with an exciting detective thriller "whirlpool". In the painting, Aristarchh had the role of Mark, a participant in the operational group, the investigating mysterious killing of adolescents. As in the "stone jungle", Venezes played a character associated with the theme of drugs. Later, the performer confessed to an interview that he did not immediately decide to this work - the news of the death of the director of Igor Khomsky was determining.

The inner state in which the actor was after this sad news, coincided with the state of the hero of the series. Also Aristarchh was close to the theme of adolescents growing in "Ghetto". To make his hero more colorful, alive, Venezes personally picked up drawings for "tattoos" - wanted to make the body "passport", allowing to reveal the character's biography.

Personal life

Since the appearance of Aristarch on the screen, his personal life has become the subject of special attention of the fans. Beautiful girls near Venezov appeared regularly. Even on the set of the second season, the series "Cadet" appeared rumors about the actor's novel with a partner Julia teacher - perhaps because young people portrayed a couple in love. These speculations had nothing to do with reality, but asked a tendency - the Contractor began to attribute novels with colleagues in projects.

After the release of the 100th series of "daddy daughters", the fans spoke about the romantic relations of the artist with a colleague Miroslav Karpovich. In the painting Aristarh played Artem Trunkina, the star of the series "My First Love" and a part-time guy Heroine Miroslava. Perhaps the novel between the two asterisks of cinema and was, but turned out to be fleeting.

In 2009, Venezes stated in one interview that he was going to marry. At that moment, the actor had a favorite name of Tanya, which he called the future spouse. But the relationship of the pair, apparently, did not work out. For some time there were rumors about the passion of the actor singer Nyusha, but the journalists did not find confirmation of this information.

Then on the Internet there were joint pictures of Aristarha with photographer Anna Gorbacheva. They rummed that the couple plans a wedding, but this information was only a convection. In the fall of 2017, the actor became the transfer of TV channel TV-3 "Invisible Man". Tele show experts answered questions why the performer still did not have a serious relationship and music playing in his life.

In 2018, the tabloids were sent to the news about the novel of Venezes and Evelyna Bledans, with which the actor played in an entrepreneurial production "Nutrient weather, or a marriage season at Penguins." On the stage, the actors depict a couple in love.

Later, the media published a photo, captured the kiss of artists. That time Evelyn came to a football match to support Aristarha playing in him. Many were assured by the seriousness of their relationship, despite the significant difference in the age of lovers. However, later Aristarkh denied the information about the novel with Bledans, noting that between them only working relationships.

The company's news feed actor prefers to devote work, rest and meetings with friends. Venezes with attention refers to his health: a great time pays sports training, does not suffer from bad habits, adheres to healthy eating. This allows him to keep the weight of 63 kg with a height of 175 cm. From some time, the actor does not eat fried and pork.

Aristarkh Venez now

In 2021, the artist continued to work in the cinema. Aristarh starred in the exciting film "Master". In the center of the picture - the final of the world races passing in South America. Participants - teams of pilots controlling powerful trucks. The Russian group "KAMAZ-MASTER" is close to victory, but something begins to go not according to plan. Together with Venez, Igor Petrenko, Sergey Shakurov and other famous artists proved to be involved in the project.

Played in the picture and Nikita Pavlenko, with whom Aristarkhu had previously happened to meet on the set of "Stone Jungle". In the course of the work, performers had to fulfill some complex tricks, to build in the role of riders. The ribbon included the spectacular drift scenes on "Kamaza".


  • 2004 - "Cadets"
  • 2006-2007 - "Cadet"
  • 2007-2013 - "Daddy's Daughters"
  • 2009-2010 - "Kremlin cadets"
  • 2010 - "Odnoklassniki"
  • 2013 - "12 months"
  • 2013 - Corporate
  • 2014-2015 - "Angelica"
  • 2015 - "Stone Jungle Law"
  • 2016 - "Friday"
  • 2017 - "Graphomaphy"
  • 2017 - "Maximum Blow"
  • 2018 - "Beyond Reality"
  • 2019 - "Documentalist. Ghost Hunter »
  • 2020 - "Whirlpool"
  • 2021 - "Master"

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