Series "Sklifosovsky" (2012): 2021, season 6, interesting facts, actors, Russia-1


At the beginning of the new 2021, the audience of the channel "Russia-1" will again see the series "Sklifosovsky". Fans of the medical drama carefully follow the development of the plot and believe in the plausibility of what is happening on the screen, where Dr. Bragin remains "on the front basis", saving lives. Interesting facts of the franchise, the heroes of which are sincerely wishing happiness and health, - in the material 24cm.

Ahead of desire

TV show the series "Sklifosovsky" took place on September 24, 2012. Already during the first episodes, the project was extended for another season. After the 6th season, the franchise decided to complete. However, later, it was decided to continue the multi-sized film, as the fans arranged Flashmob in the social networks "Return Bragin."

The producer of the project Irina Smirnov opened the secret and admitted that the audience interest in the franchise largely dictates plans for the coming seasons. And the creators of the series look into the future with optimism and more often during the demonstration of the premiere episodes of the new season already plan to continue.

The plot dictates life

The series "Sklifosovsky" screenwriters adapt to life circumstances. So, in the film crew only in the first 3 season, the performers became parents 7 times, and the operators chose the desired angle to continue actress in an interesting position.

The family replenishment occurred at the Laura Keosayan (Emma), Marina Mogilev (Zimenskaya), Maria Kulikova (Marina Narotinskaya) and the hopes of burner (Lena). And the heroine of Olga Krasko (Larisa Kulikova) had to die, because the actress decided to leave the project. By the way, in the 8th season, the creators promise to affect the topic of pandemic and self-insulation, following the trends of 2020.


The life of the hospital is described by the scenarios on the stories of physicians. By the way, and the "bloody scenes" were left on the recommendation of consultants from Squilt, which did not want to embello on the eve of the doctors.

Medical hats for Lovelassa Bragin The costumes were picked up in foreign online stores. Medical costumes and bathrobes were ordered in special catalogs, as well as gloves, booties, tampons and bandages. The equipment was taken to rent. Internal organs for scenes are made of plastic makeup. And on the operating table lies the lingerie, which is called the body. It is concerned that the silicone mannequin "survived" more than 100 operations.

Every little doctor

During the filming, Maxim Averin received minimal medical knowledge. The actor mastered how to put injections and droppers, knows how to sew the wounds. The executor studied on the chicken stew. And the medical humor, which sometimes seems cynical, the Contractor explains the "peculiar defense in order not to be angry."

By the way, Dmitry Miller, who performed the surgeon Pastukhov, studied at a medical university, but did not graduate from him. And the director Julia Krasnova, who is working on a project from the 2nd to the 8th season, was able to help bring the diagnosis of a nephew, who was suspected of swelling of Quince.

On the same wave

The series "Sklifosovsky" was originally planned as the adaptation of the Franchise "Dr. House". Nevertheless, the leading leadership is recognized that he did not try to copy real doctors, but created his own image. Maxim Averin was on one wave with Oleg Bragin, who was passionate about the work, is characterized by professionalism and sense of humor. The artist admits that he identifies himself with his character - a guy from the people with a strong character.

Serial truth

The shooting process of the series passes in the pavilion, which was created in the factory of the Likhachev plant. Decorators did not set the task to recreate the premises of the Sklifosovsky Institute, and they tried to show the modern medical center, which I would like to see in reality.

The main thing is to effect

Discussions about the plausibility of the shown medical episodes do not subside in 2021. And although the series "Sklifosovsky" is created to popularize the work of doctors, failed to avoid incident.

The main mistake professionals consider the chatty of surgeons during the operation. In fact, doctors try to communicate in essentially at the operating table, but the audience would seek such dialogs. Claims arise and when the medical instrument keeps back in advance, as well as a heart stop too often.

However, the creators of the series are attentive to detail, and Maxim Averin does not start shooting until they receive recommendations from consultants who tell in detail what Bragin makes.

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