Alexey Shabunin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Brother Elena Malysheva 2021



Alexey Shabunin is a bright figure in the sphere of Russian medicine. A man is a famous surgeon, professor, an employee of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The doctor made a career in the field of health care, since 2013 took the post of head doctor of the Botkin Hospital in Moscow. In addition to doing practice, scientific works writes, participates in international conferences.

Childhood and youth

Surgeon was born on March 13, 1961 in Kemerovo, in the family of physicians. Father Vasily worked as a doctor and dealt with the organization of health care. Galina's mother was engaged in pediatrics. Also, Alexei has two sisters. The eldest, Marina, continued the family dynasty and became a neuropathologist.

The second, Elena, was born with his brother in one day. Now the lady is known to the audience as leading popular show programs "Health" and "Live Great". From an early age, the boy turned out to be close to the world of medicine, which determined the choice of career. In 1978, graduating from school, the young man entered the Kemerovo State Medical Institute. During the student, practiced at work at ambulance station.

Personal life

About personal life, the professor prefers not to tell the press. It is known that Alexey Vasilyevich is married. Spouse Elina also devoted himself to a medical career. A woman is working as a resuscitative anesthesiologist. The beloved husband presented two children - daughters Daria and Elina. The first became a philologist, another cosmetologist.


After the Institute, the young specialist received a surgeon's position in the Kemerovo Hospital. Here the Shabunin worked until the 1990th. A year later, the man became the head of the Liver Surgery and Pancreatic Department, and also headed the Kuzbass Regional Hepatological Center. In parallel with the work, Alexey was preparing the dissertation he defended in 2001.

Soon, Kemerovo received an invitation to move to Moscow and take the place of deputy head physician for surgery in the hospital. S. P. Botkin. Since 2002, a man has not only performed direct responsibilities for a new position, but also became a professor at the Department of Surgery in the Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Vocational Education.

Since 2006, Alexey Vasilyevich began lectures at the surgery rate. Already being an experienced specialist, teaching other intricacies of therapeutic art, the doctor did not cease to improve the qualifications. From 2011, the man passed courses in the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Service under the President of the Russian Federation.

In the same year, Shabunin was appointed as the head doctor of the Moscow City Hospital. N. I. Pirogova, where he served 3 years. This institution is considered the largest in the field of domestic medicine, has a centuries-old history.

Alexey Shabunin and Vladimir Putin

In 2013, an important event was happening in the biography of Kemerovo - Brother Malysheva headed the hospital to them. S. P. Botkin. A year later, Alexey Vasilyevich took the place of the Chief Surgeon in the Moscow Department of Health. And in 2016, the doctor was elected a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

In his own work, the professor uses not only the achievements of domestic medicine, but also the experience of Western colleagues. For this, a man regularly visits scientific and practical conferences in Tokyo, Brussels, Stockholm and other cities in the world. In 2017, Russian President Vladimir Putin awarded Shabunin to the Order of Friendship. Taking this opportunity, the surgeon expressed gratitude on behalf of the "four-thousandth team of the Botkin Hospital."

In a solemn speech, Kemerovo noted that in recent years, Russian health care has undergone great changes, progress has emerged. For example, in Moscow in urban hospitals and clinics, employees assist in international standards, thanks to which the lives of hundreds of thousands of patients are saved.

Alexey Shabunin now

At the beginning of 2020, the world covered the coronavirus pandemic. The first cases of COVID-19 diseases in Russia were confirmed at the end of January. The main part of the infection fell on residents of the capital. Moscow clinics rebuilt towards receiving patients with a new virus. Not left aside and Botkin Hospital. For several months, together with the treatment of planned patients, doctors accepted those who ill "crown".

In early May, Brother Malysheva made an official statement that COVID-19 was infected. Feeling the symptoms of the disease, the man made the necessary tests for the identification of the virus. After the resulting results confirmed the presence of the disease, the surgeon was self-injected in the working office, without leaving the clinic limits and not stopping work.

In a statement, Shabunin noted that he observes the necessary measures against the epidemic, communicates with colleagues remotely, through video conferencing. Alexey Vasilyevich, despite an unexpected diagnosis, seeks to make the medical institution continue to function in the same mode, performed obligations to assist patients.

Information on the state of health The head physician appeared on the Internet, social networks. In "Instagram" of the Botkin hospital, a post with a statement of a doctor, reinforced with a photo appeared. Subscribers wished the speedy surgeon.


  • 2002 - Honorary title "Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation" for merits in the development of Kuzbass surgery
  • 2008 - Medal "For merits to domestic health care"
  • 2010 - the medal of the Order "For Merit to Fatherland" II degree
  • 2016 - Honorary title "Honored Doctor of the city of Moscow"
  • 2017 - "Order of Friendship"
  • 2017 - Medal named A. V. Vishnevsky
  • 2018 - Medal named S. S. Yudina

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