Stars who do not like mother-in-law: 2021, Russian, Hollywood, conflict,


For each mother, her children, and especially sons, is hope and support. Therefore, many women critically perceive the elect and the applicant for the role of the wife of the Son, not wanting to give a native person in unreliable hands. In 2021, the relationship between daughter-in-law and mother-in-law rarely become the subject of discussion, but often the situation is very difficult, because two women are fighting for the attention of one man.

Family celebrities are no exception. In the material 24cm - the stars who do not like the mother-in-law.

1. Irina Shayk

Russian model Irina Shayk twice fell into a selection of stars that do not like mother-in-law. Football player's mother, Cristiano Ronaldo, did not believe the future daughter-in-law from the first days of dating. And the mother of Bradley Cooper Gloria also perceived the choice of the son's cold and with caution - she believed that it was an inappropriate option for him. There were no disputes and conflicts between the famous women, and the loving son took the side of the mother. As a result, the Union of Irina and Bradley collapsed, and the main reason, according to the model, were their relations with mother-in-law.

Gloria Cooper, Bradley Cooper and Irina Shayk

2. Anastasia Makeev

Russian actress Anastasia Makeeva 6 years old was married to actor Gleb Matvechuk, however, the celebrity also entered the list of stars, who do not like her mother-in-law. Gleb's mother unexpectedly became the producer of the play, in which the spouses participated. Such an intervention led to family conflicts: Olga Shalimovna's mother-in-law constantly demanded changes to the production, and the Son went to meet the whims of the mother. Anastasia had to endure the fact that the mother-in-law led to the performance of the former beloved Gleb, which supported communication. As a result, quarrels and conflicts in the family caused a break.

3. Svetlana Permicova

The Russian actress and the KVN Svetlana Permakov star dreamed of children, but she failed to find a suitable candidate for the role of his father. The director of celebrities succumbed to her friend and director Maxim Scriabin, who under the stars for 20 years. It was not a speech about marriage, but the mother of Maxim perceived this situation negatively, believing that Svetlana her son was not a couple. Over time, the relationship was still warmer: the grandmother does not refuse sometimes sit with his granddaughter.

4. Blake Lively

Hollywood actress and Fashion model Blake Lively could not find a common language with Mother Leonardo Di Caprio, Irmelin Indidarken. DiCaprio and Liveli met for 5 months, and the actor decided to introduce the future bride with her mother. However, she immediately expressed his son's disapproval, and the couple soon broke up.

5. Elena Corikov

Actress Elena Korikov became acquainted with the future husband and the father of her child in student years. They became her classmate Dmitry Roshchin. However, Dmitry's mother, the Russian actress Ekaterina Vasilyeva, was against their relationship and made efforts so that the wedding would not take place. The mother-in-law believed that the girl wishes to get a metropolitan residence permit. Despite the difficulties and failures, Korikov gave birth to a son of arsenia and managed to succeed in cinema and show business.

6. Daria Pynzar

Ex-participant "House-2" Daria Pynzar also did not immediately be able to achieve the location of the mother-in-law. In the media there were reports that the mother of Sergei, the spouse Darya, tuned his son against his beloved, complained about her slurry and inability to cook. With the birth of the second child in the family, the relationship has improved.

7. Jessica Bil

Justin Timberlake, an actress and singer Jessica Beil, also found himself in a selection of Hollywood stars, who do not like her mother-in-law. The mother of the musician Lin Harless did not appreciate the choice of his son and allowed himself to participate in the relationship of the couple in love. It is also known that she was against their wedding and constantly heard the future daughter-in-law. To establish communication failed and after the birth of grandson: Harless is trying to control the educational process of the boy, why Jessica is not delighted.

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