Captain Cossacks (Ivan Kazakov) - Photo, biography, personal life, news, show "Soldier" 2021



The genuine star of the project "Soldier", shown in the spring of 2020, was the officer of the Russian army named Ivan, re-introducing in the military unit under the Sevastopol of glamorous beauties. Like fictional colleagues from the predecessors series (Major Rothmisters and the ensign of Kantemirov from the "Cadet"), the soldier of the marines is very combat ones. The captain of the Cossacks delighted the viewers of men by handling and correctness and forced the many hearts of young Russians to tremble.

Personal life

Unlike the lard of Roman Radchenko and the older sailor of Artem Levchenko, the officer did not get into the affectionate, but the cunning networks of the participants, immediately informing the girls that he had full order with his personal life.

Ivan is happy in marriage, the spouse of Alena Kazakova provides a soldier reliable rear. Photo of his wife and son regularly appear in the "Instagram" men.

Military Career and Tele Show

Details of the early biography and combat route The officer does not open. However, it is known that Ivan Kazakov is the commander of the ardent-assault battalion of the 810th Guards Marine Brigade. Male happened to participate in hostilities. Exposure and an intelligence of the officer identified the choice of producers of the show "Soldier", which they saw the perfect lead in it.

Realistic show was the development of attempts undertaken in Russia with the help of multi-sized television projects to form a positive attitude to the army of the Russian Federation, demonstrate the role of the military in the upbringing of the younger generation. The first swallow in this business was the series "Soldiers", which started at Ren-TV in 2004.

Soon the recruits were joined by Suvorians from the Motheric Picture of the "Cadet" production of the CTC. In 2019, the TNT channel surpassed the creativity of competitors, removing the soldiers' weekdays not artistic tape, but a reality show, and sending to serve not guys, but girls.

Despite a small difference in age with the participants of the project, who risked to go to the army, the captain of the Cossack became for them not only by the father-commander who won the bass of naughty beauties-subordinates who have learned the girls to walk and dig the trenches, but also the mother and comforter. So, in the first series Ivan very tactfully reassured Lisa Sergeyev, suffering from alopecia.

Sometimes the commander and man in the Cossack joined the contradiction. So it came out when an officer for non-interference by the order contributed from the project one of the most conscientious soldiers Alexander Chitrichenko.

The girl was appointed senior on the platoon, but shellites not only did not fulfill the orders of miniature Sasha, but also mocked her. In protest, Chitrichenko refused to go for dinner along with the offenders. The captain built a platoon and repeatedly ordered Alexander to go to the dining room, forced Sasha before the ranking of the fragment of the Charter on unites in the army.

Captain Cossacks (Ivan Kazakov) - Photo, biography, personal life, news, show

However, emotions in Chitrichenko took over the mind and desire to win a reality show. After the next refusal of the girl-sailor, the captain of the Cossacks ordered Sasha to collect things and leave the military unit.

Some incidents in the barracks near Sevastopol reminded the collisions from the "Cadet". So, at the sailor Jan Zaichenko in the 3rd episode of the project, a headdress was disappeared. In the series about Suvorovtsy, the shaped cap was lost from the village of Stepan Perebchko.

The officer taught the soldier to overcome not only the bar of obstacles, but also themselves, whims and phobias, formed the team spirit in the girls. When Daria Razumovskaya in the 5th series overlapping fear of falling from a height, she applauded all colleagues-competitors.

Capant Cossacks now

Now Ivan Cossacks continues to serve in the same part in the Crimea, in which the shooting of the 1st season of the "Soldier" took place. The officer was assigned the next military rank, now the Cossacks - Major.

It is not known whether Ivan will lead the 2nd season of the realistic show "Soldier". Probably producers of the project, in order to avoid repetition, send new participants to another part. But it is obvious that if the leading military show will change, the successor of Ivan will be equal to Captain Kazakov.

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