Nicolas Fuce - Portrait, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Palace



The story of Nicolas Fuce, Superintendent Finance of France, many familiar from artwork. It is an approximate to Louis XIV official who often confused his pocket with state. By the middle of the XVI century, Nicolas Fuce achieved such an influence in France, which, when the king-sun fell on him, the public took the side of protection. For love for the magnificence and exorbitant ambition policies eventually had to pay freedom.

Childhood and youth

Nicolas Fuka was born on January 27, 1615 of Paris, the heart of France. He is the second of 12 children Francois Fuce, an adviser to Louis XIII, and Maria de Mopu. Most of them, having matured, were torn to the monks. Two brothers even have served before the bishops, one - to the abbot.

If it were not for Cardinal Arman de Richelo, Nicolas Fuka would also have a life with religion. He studied at Clermont College at Jesuit, and in January 1635 he accepted the victim and entered the service in the Basilica of St. Martin.

History silent how Red Cardinal learned about the talent of Nicolas Fuce to politics and right. But it was at his insistence that the son of the adviser Louis XIII studied at a lawyer at the University of Paris.

Personal life

Marriage with Louise Fulesh de Kechilk, concluded on June 24, 1640, brought £ 160 thousand dowry, weaving and communications in the Parliament of Brittany, already inclined to the wealth of Nicolas.

Enjoying the society Louise Fulesh was lucky enough. She died on August 21, 1641, at the age of 21, while having time to make a daughter Maria.

Mary Magdalene de Castil, the next wife of Nicolas Fuce, with more than compensated for a scanty dowry with an extensive range of dating in the Paris parliament. Their marriage has gained legal force in February 1651. The bride was only 15 years old, the groom - 36.

Maria de Castil bore five children. Of these, only Louis Fuce (1661-1738) continued to give. Unlike the Father, he made a glorious military career, especially distinguished himself in confrontation with Austria. According to open sources, Louis Fuki held the position of Military Minister of France.

Also Maria de Castil gave birth to Francois (1652-1656), Louis Nicolas (1654-1705), Maria Madeleine (1656-1720) and Charles of Armand (1657-1734).

They say the personal life of Nicolas Fuka sometimes diluted with romantic communication with the favorites of Louis XIV.

Career and politics

Cardinal Arman de Richelo had a serious support at an early stage of political career. With his light hand, the son of the adviser Louis XIII was prescribed to posts, despite the age. Until the death of the Red Cardinal in 1642, Nicolas Fuki managed to visit the infantant in Dauphine, during the armies in Catalonia and France.

Julio Mazarini, appointed by Minister of France in 1643, became a new patron saint of Nicolas Fuce. He was bribed with eloquence and courage, with the help of which a young official deftly drove the rebels during the times. If it were not for the diplomacy of Nicolas Fuce, Julio Mazarini would not have resisted in the post.

In 1650, Nicolas Fuku made an important step - bought for £ 450 thousand. Position of the chief prosecutor of the Paris Parliament. And in 1653 he divided the post of superintendent of Finance, in other words, the Minister of Finance of France by Abelia Amerv.

Military actions and personal needs of Louis Xiv brought the economy of France to a catastrophic state. The treasury went bankrupt, the stock of precious metals was rapidly reduced, the people did not pay taxes. To solve these problems, Nicolas Fuce improved the terms of lending by providing merchants and farmers favorable bets.

Nicolas Fuki's ideas brought fruit only in reports for Louis XIV. In fact, France continued to poorly, and Superintendant's pockets burst from coins and bonds. In 1661, after the death of Julio Maazarini, Fuka adopted the title of the richest citizen. Its assets reached £ 19.5 million at an annual salary of £ 150 thousand.

Only the castle of the Vocon Castle cost Nicolas Fuce at £ 4 million. I had to demolish 4 villages to satisfy the prone to gigantomania and luxury of superintendent. The rest of the money went on the mistresses and bribing supporters of Louis XIV, including Jean-Batista Kolbera.

Waiter, the best masters of France Louis Levo, Andre Lenotr and Charles Lebrene. They later built Versailles for Louis XIV.

The pompous Palace of Nicolas Fuce in the style of classicism surrounded water diet and gardens with Arabesque. The housewarming took place on August 17, 1661. Guests entertained Moliere and Lafonten.

It was in-les-vikont brought Louis XIV to the idea to check the purity of the hands and pockets of Nicolas Fuce. Some historians argue that the monarch seemed a suspicious lifestyle, allowing weekly parties with fireworks and overseas dishes. Others say that the Sun King just envied: he himself did not own a similar palace and did not convene such noisy balls.

On September 5, 1661, Louis XIV ordered Charlet d'Artagnan, the Royal Musketer, arrest Nicolas Fuce. To judge the superintendent of France was right only by the Paris Parliament, bribed by 80%. Confident in the power of his money, Nicolas Fuce surrendered to the Sun king after 2 days of searches.

The court began on March 3, 1662. Nicolas Fuka, sharp in the tongue and having a legal education, refused a lawyer and defended himself.

Superintendent was imputed to the insult of the Louis XIV and the estate of the state treasury. Both crimes provided for the death penalty. But only 9 of the 22 judges supported this measure of punishment. As a result, a 3-year-old arrest turned to Nicolas Fuce to life imprisonment and confiscation of property.


A young man with cunning eyes living in prosperity, "So Nicolas Fuku looks like portraits of contemporaries. But in the Pinerolo dungeon in 1664, he descended noticeably aged, loyal and poor.

The next 8 years of Nicolas Fuce spent in a 2-room single-chamber single, without the possibility of writing a letter to someone and without dates. From 1677, he was allowed to walk along the corridors and see the family.

Nicolas Fuki's biography broke off on March 23, 1680, at the 65th year of life. The cause of death was a heart attack.


The image of Nicolas Fuka is still alive in artistic works. The earliest works about it - "Elegy to Nymphs in" and "Ode in the defense of Fuku" Lafontena. In them, the Basinist convinces Louis XIV to change anger to mercy.

Nicolas Fuka is also mentioned in the final part of the trilogy of Alexander Duma-Father about the three Musketeers and D'Artagnan "Vikont de Brazhelon", in the biography of Mikhail Bulgakov "Life of Mr. De Moliere", in the series of books Ann and Sergei Golon "Angelica".

Nicolas Fuka - an integral film of films about "man in an iron mask" (1939, 1977). It is also mentioned in the film "Capturing the power of Louis XIV" (1966), "Fifth Musketeer" (1977), "Versailles, Dream of the King" (2008) and "King, Protein and Oh" (2009).

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