Dmitry Sharacisis: Biography, Personal Life, 2021, Filmography, Accident, London, Waiter, Now, Builder


Fame to this actor presented the project TNT "Interns", forcing the viewers to fall in love with a funny and non-frosted, but charming point. Unfortunately, despite the attempts to achieve more, the role of Levin is still a ceiling of cinematic achievements of the artist, who decided to try creative happiness abroad. On January 15, 2021, he noted the 35th anniversary of Dmitry Sharacisis, about the entertaining details of the personal life and the biography of which - in the material 24cm.

1. Farmer

In orphanage, Dmitry Sharacisis acting profession was not interested, because it was not before. Born in a large family, the boy remained early without his father - he left, leaving his wife and three sons to deal with the coming problems independently. So the boys had to start work early, helping the mother. And sometimes starve because of a distinguished financial situation.

The best memories of the period of life in Dmitry remained from the visits to the grandmother, whose boy spent the summer holidays. A large utility household of a senior relative in the Yaroslavl region, where Sharacisa stayed in the warm months, helping the garden and garden, the Dmitry pushed to think in the future farmer. What, however, did not happen.

2. F. I. O.

Real surname Dmitry - Kozlov. However, given that the relationship with the father after the departure of the last of the family from the actor was not charged, afterwards the artist chose the generic name to change, taking Dedovo - Sharacis.

3. Disorder

The specific shape of the Dmitry nose is due to the fact that even in school the latter was broken to him in a fight. Despite the image of a garbage botany created on the screen, in reality the artist always was distinguished by a strong character, love for sport, and in his youth was considered in the yard one of the main hooligans.

By the way, violent character did not give peace by artist and in adulthood. Dmitry Sharacisa, for example, often sat down behind the wheel drunk, without experiencing any remorse, despite the danger to themselves and others. Only happening to him in 2011 in Cyprus an accident forced the actor to revise their own life guidelines.

4. Another road

The decision to go to the theater university came to the head of Sharacisus due to the story of his school teacher. The latter shared with the wards of history about how his acquaintance came to Gitis. After receiving the certificate of middle education, Dmitry Sharacisis tried to enter several universities immediately, but it was possible to go through the very guitis. And only on a fee basis.

Despite the fact that due to financial difficulties in the family, he had to occupy money from acquaintances, a celebrity did not refuse to learn from the venture. And when after the first course, the student began to earn independently, removing in the cinema and on television, the case of obtaining education was significantly simplified.

By the way, just at that time Dmitry, just started to replenish your own filmography, played episodic roles in those years in those years "My beautiful nanny" and the picture of Fedor Bondarchuk "9 Rota".

5. "Interns" and others

The series "Interns", which liked the mass of the audience, not only did Dmitry Sharacisis with the person of the famous and popular, but also consolidated on the artist's role of funny shroud-hearth. After the TNT project, the artist never managed to establish himself on the big screen - the remake of the Caucasian Captive, in which Sharacisis played a new Shurik, turned out to be such a loud failure that he had a negative impact on the actor's reputation.

By the way, Dmitry Sharacisis approached Dmitry Sharacis for samples in the "Interns". Inserted in old grandfather's glasses special lenses without diopters - there are no problems with the vision of the actor - and in this form it was announced. The image of a young man liked the creators of the series so much that Dmitry was approved for the role. And the modified glasses were subsequently useful more than once - in them Sharacisis and played Boris Levin.

6. On the will, in Pampas!

In an effort to get rid of the hero-loser sticking to him and not hoping more to another attitude in Russia, Dmitry Sharakis chose to move abroad, moved in 2018 in London. True, the capital of Great Britain was not so hospitable, as it seemed to the artist.

At first, he had to eat exclusively with products with expiring shelf life - such in local supermarkets are sold at a discount. Yes, and the work on the profile was not immediately failed - the builder and the waiter had to work in the restaurant.

Although, on his page in "Instagram", the artist managed to praise that the black band was already behind and now he was recognized as an actor (Sharacisa managed to conclude a contract with a single agency from almost a hundred, where he sent a questionnaire), in reality, Dmitry's situation still Not so rainbow.

While he was entrusted only to play beer advertising to the Euro 2020 football championship, which was transferred due to a pandemic of coronavirus infection, but to voice several phrases in Russian for the series from Netflix.

7. Hobby

The actor has a lot of hobbies. He likes to follow the football championships, pain for his favorite team. Grow miniature bonsai - a lesson who helps not only calm down in difficult moments, but also to concentrate, considering the way to solve the tasks.

Dmitry Sharacisis loves pets and modern gadgets. In his free time, prefers to sit with a book, delving into reading, or play all sorts of computer games. Also, the artist follows his physical condition, not neglecting not only regular training, but also by the control of the diet, implying the presence of unloading days.

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