Egor Konchalovsky: biography, personal life, 2021, filmography, love Tolkalina, children


In his youth, he had an excellent chance to live and work in the West, but the cinematographer eventually could not refuse Russia. In his filmography as a director, actor and producer, more than two dozen works are barely scored, but among them there will be pictures for various viewers - from cartoons for teens before militants.

On January 15, 2021, Egor Konchalovsky celebrated the 55th anniversary. On curious facts from the biography and personal life of the star - in the material 24cmi.

1. Mikhalkov / Konchalovsky

In 2017, in the transfer of the "Fate of Man", the director told Boris Korchevnikov and the audience that Egor Konchalovsky is only a pseudonym. The real name obtained by cinematographer at birth - Georgy Mikhalkov. So I decided to record the mother, actress and ballerina Natalia Arbasarov, and the father-director, who had a double surname, Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky who had a double surname, who preferred himself was not called Andron, and Andron.

Unfortunately, the marriage of parents of Russian cinematographer was not long - after three years after the birth of the Son, a divorce followed. However, Egor Konchalovsky himself evaluates what happened as not the worst alignment. It is insecable noticing that it is unknown, who would result in the result, if he was brought up by a biological father, who in his youth was distinguished by a fair frightness.

But stepfather, which became the artist-producer Nikolay Dvigubsky, paid a lot of attention to a lot of attention, never staying away from the problems of the child. With the family dad, the artist began to communicate only in adolescence and even worked later from the last assistant on the set of such paintings as "Tango and Cash" or "Middle Circle".

2. Language flour

Even in his youth at the insistence of Father, Egor began to learn English and French. The tutor for the young Konchalovsky spoke himself in those years for a young sociologist and publicist Boris Kagarlitsky, who helped the disciple to understand the intricacies of English literature, as well as history and culture. So already in the youth, Egor got acquainted with the works of William Shakespeare in the script.

True, as a further life has shown, the knowledge of the knowledge was subsequently not too much useful, since Egor Andreevich himself confessed that the level of English at the time of his arrival in the UK remained at a very primitive level.

3. Army and Study

After serving in the army, which Egor Konchalovsky took place in the Alabinsky cavalry regiment, often called "cinema" for frequent use in the extras of all sorts of films, the future director at the insistence of his native father went abroad. Konchalovsky-senior helped with financing the trip, but it was limited.

So in the international school St. Clares, located in Oxford, and in the Kensington Business College, located in the capital of Misty Albion, to learn Konchalovsky-younger had to be independently, counting only on himself. Subsequently, Higher education, Egor received at the University of Cambridge, to get after that a diploma art historian.

4. In vain!

For the education received abroad, Egor Konchalovsky is not too grateful to Father. It believes that the latter made a mistake, insisting that his son worked in the West - Andrei Sergeevich wanted his offspring to become producer.

According to the director, he wanted to be as soon as possible in Moscow abroad, and in English reality it was tight and mutually to live nor work after such a desire did not arise.

5. Sam

Despite the fact that Egor Andreevich is a representative of the famous creative dynasty, the director always tried to distance themselves from the achievements of the grandfather, uncle and his father, seeking to find his own way.

Although there was no high-profile awards for their projects by cinematographer, it is not possible, it cannot be attributed to the number of persons that the general public does not know. Considerable merit in this filmed director of the Antikiller painting, after which the recognition came. The film was awarded award award "Blockbuster" as the most cash register Russian tape, published on the screens in 2002.

6. Curious story

In the youth, Egor Konchalovsky enjoyed considerable popularity at the opposite sex. And one of his first girlfriends was "offended" at the native father. More precisely, during the next visit abroad to the parent admitted in the conversation, he fell along the heart of the companion Andrei Konchalovsky, and asked for permission to begin for the last to care for.

The director who, by the time Passia, was already bored, gladly agreed to "convey" a girl his own offspring.

7. Wives and children

Celebrity has two children from different women. For two decades, Egor Konchalovsky was married to the actress with the love of Tolkalina, who gave birth from the director and actor, Maryia's daughter. Such a long time of living together, however, did not save a couple of parting - in 2017, the spouses were separated.

Soon, the cinematographer came out with a lawyer Maria Leonova, who met during one of the court sessions. By that time, the new chief of Konchalovsky was already waiting for a child from him - the son of Timur. Despite parting, the relationship with the former actual wife, the artist retained the warmest.

By the way, with the love of Tolkalina, Egor Konchalovsky met by chance - initially he cared for her girlfriend. But one day she suggested a crowded stroll along with her and her young man. After his time, Yegor began calling love from time to time, and then the couple began to live together, preferably to do without official design relationship.

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