Michael Pare - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Michael Pare could make a brilliant career in the restaurant business, but I realized that I was called an acting. He did not regret his choice and became famous for the bright images of courageous heroes on television and in the cinema.

Childhood and youth

The year of the birth of American actor Michael Kevin Pare - 1958, he was born on October 9 and is the scales on the sign of the zodiac. Early years of the biography of the future stars were held in New York. The boy was brought up in a large family along with six sisters and three brothers.

When he was 5 years old, his father died, and mom cared for children. She was forced to move to Westchester, since life in New York was not affordable. Little Michael before his eyes did not have a male example, so he was looking for him on television screens. A pair with admiration watched the famous actors, adopting their skill.

Then he did not even think about the fact that in the future will become a star of cinema. Another teenager Michael began to work out in a diner to financially help the family, and soon realized that he enjoyed cooking classes. The guy passed the training course in the Culinary Institute of America and got a job in a French restaurant.

During this period, the pair met with a girl who worked as a waitress at the bar, where representatives of the television and cinema industry often said. It was there that the guy drew attention to the Yvette Bikoff agent, which offered him to try himself as an actor.

The first time the young man doubted whether it was worth changing the occupation. But, following the advice of women, he began to study the profession of artist, continuing to work in restaurants at night. He studied at Marwine Nelson and Hagen's coats, and then joined the ABC Talent Development Program, where he met George Selznik, who became the unofficial agent of the star.

Personal life

To establish a personal life to the performer was not immediately married - he was married 3 times. With his first spouse, Liza Katcelas Michael met in his youth, but the marriage was rapidly ended in divorce, as the girl decided to sacrifice the happy family life for his own ambitions.

After that, the man played a wedding with a beginner artist Marisa Robak, but the chosen also chose his career.

For some time, the pair was in a relationship with Nancy Allen, swaying with which, met model Marzholin Bui. Shortly after they toned the relationship, the wife gave birth to the son of the Son.


The debut of a young actor was the series "The greatest American hero," where he immediately fell to play the central role of Tony Williquans. Despite the fact that the comedy was broadcast on screens for three seasons, she did not bring a big popularity pair.

But the next role made a guy with the object of increased attention of the audience and critics. He starred in the Eddie and Cruisers drama, which embodied the image of the musician named Eddie Wilson. After disagreements with a group and release of the second album, the hero unexpectedly disappears, while after 20 years they do not declare the restart of his debut release. 6 years after the successful premiere of the picture, the continuation of "Eddie and Cruises II: Eddie is alive!".

The artist admitted that it was after this film that he began to take autographs and invite to an interview. Successful success helped participation in the action movie "Streets on fire", where a pair played a guy named Tom who is trying to save his girlfriend, kidnapped by biker gangs. His partner became Diane Lane, who at that time was very young and guided 18 years on the court. Michael also could not boast of great vital and acting experience, because of what he had misunderstanding with director Walter Hill.

No less brightly artist became Felix Stone, the role of which he performed in the fantastic thriller "Luna-44". On the set, the pair was made up by Malcolm McDaull, Brian Thompson and Din Devlin. Later, he played Eric Wright in the "midnight heat" and Sam Browning in the tape "In the blink of an eye", starred in the "blow point" in conjunction with Barbara Carrera.

In subsequent years, a man continued to regularly replenish the filmography with new projects, among which "ominous moon", "red snakes", "rage", "Kostya Tomahawk" and "City of Lie". Michael has become famous for impressive performance, because he can participate simultaneously in several projects, and the quality of acting from this does not deteriorate.

Michael Pare now

In 2020, the actor pleased the fans at once several premieres, among which The Insurrection and Emerald Run. Now he continues to actively engage in creativity, communicating the subscribers about the successes on the "Instagram" and "Twitter" pages, where news and photos are published.


  • 1981-1983 - "The greatest American hero"
  • 1983 - "Eddie and Cruisers"
  • 1989 - "Eddie and Cruises II: Eddie is alive!"
  • 1993 - "Starting point"
  • 1993 - "deadly"
  • 1999 - "Suician Virgin"
  • 2003 - "Fate"
  • 2003 - "Red Snake"
  • 2009 - "Beautiful Sleep"
  • 2013 - "Real Gangsters"
  • 2013 - "Elite"
  • 2019 - "City of Lie"

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