Aristotle Obscis - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Greek Billionaire



Aristotle Oressis is an entrepreneur and a shipowner, a Greek billionaire, known to achievements in business and personal life. Starting independently to engage in shipbuilding business, he created the fleet of supertankers and cargo ships, which still ensures the obedic existence of his heirs.

Childhood and youth

Aristotle was born on January 15, 1906 in the Greek city of Smirna, who now belongs to the Turkish state and is called Izmir. When the boy was 12 years old, the mother died. Father Socrates married the second time. Oressis's family, Greeks by nationality, was from among those secured, but Aristotle achieved everything without the help of parents.

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When Turks attacked Smirnu in 1922, Socrates onssis was in prison, and everything that should have been inherited to his children confiscated. Aristotle saved father. Together with him, the young man went to Greece, and after some time decided to try his happiness on his own and leaned to Argentina.

In Buenos Aires, Aristotle arrived, having less than $ 100 in his pocket. He was taken for any job - soap dishes, traded out on the street, held the position of telephone operator. For a higher paying work, he lacked education. Outssis noticed that the market is a little presented oriental tobacco, and decided to fix this flaw. The case helped open a shop called "Import Eastern Tobacco". The young man has established supplies from Greece and received the first profit.

Personal life

Women played an important role in the biography of the Aristotle of Ossis. Greek was low growth and was not among the most attractive men in Europe, but the girls showed sympathy for him. A universal laundr to the heart of any beautiful businessman considered diamonds in which his chosen was not known.

Ingeborg Dedichen, the daughter of the owner of the Norwegian ship company, met on the path of Aristotle, when he was 28 years old. Union with a girl opened interesting perspectives. The love story of the couple began with the fact that Ortassis "led her to a swimming coach. Seven years "Golden Greek" was near Norwegian, but regularly changed her. Also received his passion. Relationships were not crowned with a wedding, but even after parting Ingeborg, he spoke well about Aristotle, who was already resorted to the hands-written.

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Athena Livanos - 16-year-old beauty, which became a bride of 40-year-old Oressis, was the right choice to increase the state of a businessman. Her Father Stavros Livanos is a famous Greek shipbuilder. Aristotle had to apply the talent of convictions to resist them to the Union Stavros gave consent to the marriage. Wedding took place in 1946. The wife gave Oressis Son Alexander and daughter Kristin.

The marriage was not happy: the spouse has changed the Athena and raised his hand on her, but the woman suffered the rest. After the divorce, she returned the surname and became the wife of Cousin Winston Churchill.

The opera singer Maria Callas turned out to be the next victim of Oressis's charm. Their acquaintance took place in 1957, and the second meeting occurred after a year and a half. Maria was married to the Italian entrepreneur, which did not prevent the party to the yacht to Aristotle. After that, the singer and shipbuilder divorced with his chosentes and began to build relationships.

True, from the moment they ceased to be forbidden, it turned out that the interest was gone. Aristotle again resorted to domestic violence, although Maria threw his career for him in anticipation of the sentence to build a family. The wedding was supposed to pass on the island of scorpions. The location of Callas at the altar on this land was taken by another woman. In 1968, Aristotle Ortassis married Jacqueline Kennedy. About this actions he soon sorry. Relations with Maria lasted until the death of the entrepreneur.

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From Jackie Ossis was familiar from 1963. Marriage took place after the death of her high-ranking spouse John Kennedy. Jacqueline saw in the Aristotle of a man who could provide security to her and her children. For a billionaire, marriage on the president's widow became a step, emphasized the status. Hatting the state of Ossisis, Jackie was rampant, and it turned out to be one of the reasons why the entrepreneur planned to terminate the marriage. The death of the son of Alexander in 1973 seriously undermined the health of the businessman, and the personal life went to the background.

The only woman who Aristotle lovedly loved, was Christina Obstes, in honor of which a luxurious billionaire yacht was named. The girl became famous for excitement and no less shock love loves than her father. By 22 years she turned out to be the heir of the state, but was not ready for this. Soon she developed clinical depression. In 37 years, the woman died with unexplained circumstances.


Aristotle Obstess increased tobacco imports in Argentina from 10 to 35%. Commissions received by him from the sale of goods brought $ 100 thousand in the first 2 years after the launch of the business.

By 1928, Aristotle received the position of Greek Consul in Argentina. Many dreamed of being in this post in youth when the energy beats the key. By 25 years, he became a millionaire, at 26 at the auction acquired 6 dry cargoers who belonged to the bankrupt company. The buyer was difficult to find, so the businessman acquired ships at a minimum price of $ 120 thousand.

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In 1938, Oressis built the first tanker, and by the beginning of World War II, another two models were launched large in size than the extent. In 1940-1950, the business Aristotle has been inconspicuously grew.

In 1953, a businessman bought the company's controlling stake, which was the owner of all casinos, hotels, theaters and entertainment institutions in Monte Carlo. In the period from 1957 to 1974, he was the owner of the Greek airlines Olympic Airlines, which the country's government transferred a man in concession. Aristotle was one of two entrepreneurs who owned airlines at that time. The second was Howard Hughes.


Aristotle Oressis died on March 15, 1975 in Paris. The inheritance of the Greek bequeathed Kristine's daughter. She had to pay $ 26 million Jackie Kennedy so that the widow had disappeared from the life of the family. 45% of Aristotle's state bequeathed to create a charitable foundation.

The official cause of the death of Ossis was the respiratory failure, provoked by Miastenia, a disease that accompanied him all his life. The grave of the entrepreneur is in Greece, on the island of scorpions.

Quotes and aphorisms

  • "Never save, especially when there is no money"
  • "If there were no women, all the money of the world would not mean anything"
  • "I don't have any friends nor enemies - only competitors"
  • "The most difficult to earn the first million dollars"

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