Series "Walker" (2021): Release date, actors, roles


The release date of the American series "Walker" - January 21, 2021. The picture was a remake of the legendary film of the 1990s with Chuck Norris in the lead role - Texas Ranger Walker, which in Russia is more famous called "Steep Walker". The main role in the restart was played by the star "Supernatural" Jared Padalekia.

In the material 24cm - a selection of interesting facts associated with ribbon, actors and roles, as well as the content of the plot.


The main hero of the criminal militant - the police officer Cordell Walker, who worked under cover 2 years. Fate ordered so that the man became a widow. Together with two children, he is forced to return to Texas, in the hometown of Austin. Here he understands that his work is not completed, and again takes over the fight against crime.

Helps the chief hero of his new Parliament Mika, who became the first woman in the history of the Rangers. Together, characters adhere to their own moral code and fight for justice. Also, the ranger considers in detail the circumstances of his wife's death and finds more and more oddities and inconsistencies there.


The main roles in the series "Walker" performed:

  • Jared Padalekia - Cordell Walker, police officer;
  • Lindsay Morgan - Miki, a new partner of Cordell from Texas Rangers;
  • King Allen - Liam, Brother of the Main Hero;
  • Mitch PIILEGI - Bonm, Father Conder and Liam;
  • Molly Heygan - Abelin, the mother of the main character;
  • Kobe Bell - Captain Larry James;
  • Jeff Pierre - Trey Barnett;
  • Violet Brinson - Stella, 16-year-old daughter Conder;
  • Kyle Callie - Arlo, the 14-year-old son of Ranger.

Also in the episodic roles of the multi-vester, Geneva Padalekia is involved, which embodied the image of the late spouse of the main character, Emily. Actress Odetta Ennabin played in the series Jerry, a long friend of Walker and his deceased wife.

Interesting Facts

1. The restart of the legendary tape became known at the beginning of the fall of 2019.

2. Family duet is involved in the film: Actors Jared and Geneva Padalekia are married. It is noteworthy that the spouses in the city of Austin State Texas, where the action of the Walker series is unfolding.

3. The director of the tape was Steve Robin, who previously worked on the creation of multi-sized "Good Doctor", "Scandal", "Boston Lawyers" and other paintings.

4. The scenario for the remake of the legendary criminal militant wrote Anna Friton, which was also previously involved in the projects "Red Bracelets", "Pines", "Dawson Bay" and others. Together with Jared Padalekia, David Lin and Lindji Liberator Anna Fritz came up as a producer of the project.

5. According to the creators, the plot of the series "Walker" will affect "Issues of morality, family and search for mutual understanding", as in the original version.

TV series "Walker" - Trailer:

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