Alla Meshcheryakova - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, actress



Alla Mescheryakova first appeared on the television screens at a young age and quickly won folk love. The actress was remembered by the bright and heartfelt images of Russian women who left the mark in the hearts of connoisseurs of Soviet cinema.

Childhood and youth

Alla Meshcheryakova was born on February 22, 1943 in the Russian capital. Her parents were far from creativity: the Father worked as a driver of a trolleybus, Mom led a household, but they did not interfere with the development of the daughter's talent.

Actress Alla Meshcheryakova in his youth (frame from the movie "Friend's Heart")

In the school years, Alla loved to perform songs, read poems, which led her to the acting studio at the Poland of Pioneers. The girl studied under the leadership of Anna Bovshchka, who at one time helped lit by the stars of Sergei Nikonenko and Lyudmila Kashatkina.

Studio Meshcheryakova attended for eight years, which contributed to the work out of her right Russian speech. But on auditions in Mkate, Shchepkinskoye and Schukinsky schools, the girl fell. But she was taken to VGIK, which she successfully graduated in 1965.

Personal life

In his youth, Alla had to work with such famous men, like Alexey Batalov, Stanislav Lyutin and Valery Zolotukhin, but the girl did not even think about the service novels. Her heart belonged to the director Vladimir Konovalov, with whom the artist met thanks to a common acquaintance.

In December 1962, lovers played a modest wedding, and in January 1963 they celebrated the event in the circle of friends. Honeymoon young spent in the Urals from the parents of the groom. People in that edge then lived difficult, but the newly-handed spouses met generously with covered tables.

After that, Alla and Vladimir took care of his career. The actress began to receive the first major roles, the director shot films about famous athletes. A man always dreamed of creating an artistic ribbon to work with his talented wife, but she was against, because he was afraid that disagreements on the set would find off on his personal life.

Alla Meshcheryakova and husband Vladimir Konovalov

And to worry about what, because family idyll reigned in their house. Soon a woman gave birth to her husband's daughter Natalia. They dreamed of a second child for a long time, but Meshcheryakova did not get pregnant. She was almost 40 years old when Son Fedor appeared on the world. The boy was named after the grandfather in the father's line, and later learned that the name means "God's gift".

Children actresses in her feet did not go: the daughter became an economist, the son was engaged in programming. They made a woman's birth of grandchildren. Natalia gave birth to Arkady, Anice and Masha, and Fedor's family was replenished with Vladimir and Dmitry, named after his father and grandfather on the maternal line.

Theater and films

Soon after the release from Vgika Alla Dmitrievna joined the troupe of the theater-studio of the film actor, but little is known about her scenic works. Actress was much more popular on the screens, where her debut was the picture "Pages of First Love".

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Later, the girl starred in the films "Friend's Heart" and "People as Rivers", and received the recognition of the spectators after working on the "Master of Taiga" detective, where Tatiana's head hero played a wife. 3 years after the successful ribbon exit, the continuation of the "Witness's Lost" appeared, in which Meshcheryakov returned to the role.

In the following years, the artist's filmography was regularly replenished with new interesting projects. She starred in the military picture "And the dawns here are quiet", the melodrame "strange people", the comedy "you - I, I - you" and the Bayopic "Sophia Kovalevskaya". In the movie Alla Dmitrievna embodied predominantly positive heroines - loyal wives, caring mothers and honest grandmothers.

In the 90s, the career of celebrities went to the decline, and it was less and less appeared on the screens. According to a woman, she rarely received standing proposals, and had to abandon roles or search for positive moments.

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Only in 2002, Meshcheryakov pleased the fans with a temporary return. She appeared in the image of a mother of one of the main characters of the series "Brigade", which Paul Mikov played. After that, Alla Dmitrievna participated in several more film projects, the latter of which was the drama "Optimists".


The actress died on May 11, 2020 in Moscow, the cause of death was not disclosed. The sad news was published on the website of the Union of Cinematographers along with the photo from the Celebrity Archive.


  • 1964 - "Pages of First Love"
  • 1968 - "Taiga Master"
  • 1971 - "Witness's Lost"
  • 1972 - "And dawns here are quiet"
  • 1973 - "Kalina Red"
  • 1974 - "Ksenia, Fedor's beloved wife"
  • 1974 - "Strange Adults"
  • 1976 - "You - I, I - You"
  • 1984 - "Success"
  • 1985 - "Sophia Kovalevskaya"
  • 1992 - "Smoke"
  • 2002 - "Brigade"
  • 2012 - "Once in Rostov"
  • 2017 - "Optimists"

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