Anastasia Rytova: 2021, biography, personal life, instagram, Timati, son, plastic


The title of the first Vice-Miss of the National Beauty Competition opened her doors to sufficiency and fame. And this stubborn girl, from the young age, not accustomed to stop halfway to the goal, which I did not fail to take advantage of the chance. Now she is idol millions, and every day the number of fans of the model is growing steadily.

On January 23, 2021, Anastasia Rytettov was noted on the 25th anniversary of the curious details of the personal life and the biography of which in the material 24cm.

1. Sigor time

Anastasia Racettova, in childhood, did not use any particularly popular among the opposite sex, nor the representatives of his. On the contrary, in school years, the girl was teased, calling for a dilda, then a horse, then inventing nicknames and plentifully.

They recalled the celebrity and the case when it was picked up on the street three rows and beat greatly. At that time, she chose not to complain about anyone from the close, hiding abrasions and bruises under the layer of a tonal cream. Unwillingness to share with someone own problems, be it friends or relatives, Anastasia has kept from that time to this day. The celebrity believes that it is too humering to complain about the presence of difficulties.

2. Come out to be built!

Difficulties in adolescence for the future friend Timati enough not only at school, but also in the family. After the divorce of parents for the education of Anastasia and her younger sister Valentine, a colonel's father, who came up to the question with the whole military clarification and perseverance.

So the girls had to get used to the schedule compiled on the army patterns, which clearly determined when they go to bed when you get up, doing homework or help home. Moreover, Rakettova claims that with her dad, as with an older, asked stricter.

As a result, the future star was tired of living in a registered parent of the parent - at the age of 17, the girl chose to leave his native home and start an independent life. The first young man was helped by Rachetova, and after participating in the "Miss Russia" competition, Anastasia and herself began to earn.

3. Attempt

After school, Anastasia Rytettov tried to continue their education at the Moscow Institute of Economics, Politics and Law (IIPP). However, it turned out to enter a prestigious university. There was little - it was also required to withstand the load given by local teachers. The latter turned out to be no longer able to become famous as a student model because of high employment. As a result, the Educational Institution of the Ratova had to leave - she did a choice in favor of a career.

4. Business Lady

On the Personal Page Star in "Instagram", where Anastasia Ryttov is divided with admirers of her beauty and style with its photos, as well as advice on diet and training, is signed as of 2021 almost 4 million people. And the figure continues to grow, allowing Nasta to receive inconsistency income - the cost of one advertising publication in the celebrity profile fluctuates in the region of 200 thousand rubles.

The social network is not the only way to earn a solid. Anastasia owns its own cosmetology clinic Anatomia Beauty Clinic, and also engaged in the release of clothing. Moreover, it is not only about the line of vintage jackets, but also about babysitters for children - the collection of the last celebrity released in 2019 together with the DNK Russia brand.

5. Useful literature

I tried our own strength Anastasia and in the writer - Racettova released in 2017 the book "Today I woke up another."

Despite the peculiar name, in the work of celebrities we are not talking about its personal problems or difficult moments from the biography, as often happens in the case of the literary works of other stars. The book is devoted to the issues of proper nutrition and maintaining a physical form with the help of exercises, and at the same time it contains useful secrets of the selection of cosmetics and make-up.

6. All available means

In order to remain unchanged in shape, Anastasia Ruttova resorts not only to regular physwomen. Celebrity is trying to follow and beyond the diet. Moreover, the Personal menu of the star changed repeatedly: from vegetarianism and raw foods to refusal from pork and milk.

Moreover, if you believe the celebrity written on its page in "Instagram", it allows Nastya sometimes to relax, not wanting to turn into a fanatical connoisseur diet, blindly the next nutritional guidelines.

In addition to dietary and training, Anastasia Racettova resorted to plastic, seeking to bring her own appearance to perfection. The star changed the form of the nose, corrected the outlines of the cheekbone and adjusted the lips.

Experts argue that the model did not care and its own breasts, increasing its size, as well as buttocks. Although there are those who are confident that with the last paragraph, given the love of the stars to physical education, Rutovs could deal without surgery and achieve additional rounding of the "lower 90" independently.

7. From joy to sadness

After Anastasia became the official passage of the "Chief Russian Rapper" Timura Yunusov, more famous as Timati, its popularity has grown. Like the number of those who refused to take a new friend of the Founder of the Black Star label and was ready to subjected to tough criticism any endeavors of a young model.

For the latest category of people with good news, Anastasia and Yunusov's parting was at the end of 2020. A couple of months after that, rumors were raised about the alleged pair reunification, but the information was not confirmed in the end. Anastasia Rytettova reported that, although they are with an ex-cavalier and support warm relations (first of all, for the sake of the son of Ratmir), they are not going to converge again.

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