Dmitry Dyuzhev: 2021, biography, personal life, instagram, funny stories, roles


Dmitry Dyuzhev proved himself as an excellent family man and a professional. His communication with fans resembles related ties: the actor demands respect for artists, and the audience after the incident at the airport unsuccessfully trying to find the girls with whom he meets and compromise the star.

Other funny stories from the life of Dmitry Duzhev - in the material 24cmi.

1. Cosmos was wrong

The first major role in the core of the artist was space in the series "Brigade". And after the premiere of Dyuzhev, it had to face psychological pressure. For the celebrity post, letters came, in which the mother reproached the artist in the fact that his character served as an example for his son and he chose a criminal lifestyle.

And in the movie "Vacation of a strict regime" Duzhev sulpped the stunned oceanoral ring. To get away from the role of the criminal authority of space, it was decided to make the character blond, emphasizing his justice.

Dmitry in an interview with Autoradio suggests that the staining procedure itself turned out to be unpleasant, and the head of the head was harvested. In a conversation, the artist stressed that men should respect women who seek to please their loved ones with a light tone of hair.

2. courage in images

The actor is not afraid of bold images in the frame and on stage. In the play "Primateonna" actor played an unlucky character, which is disguised as a woman. And in the film "Pregnant" Duzhev happened to fulfill a man on demolitions.

However, even in the skirt, Dmitry Dyuzhev remains a gentleman. In 2007, within the framework of the PR-shares for the film "Antidur", according to the organizers, near the Sochi Hotel Dyuzhev and his colleague on Kadru Vladimir Turchinsky, in kilts, were thrown into the swimming pool of girls invited specifically for the event. The weather was cold and rainy.

At first, the actor embarrassed the aesthetics of what was happening, and he thought about how to better pick up models for throwing into the water. And then Dmitry and all regretted the ladies and sentenced: "In the pool in such weather ...".

3. The main thing - so that the suit is sitting

To participate in the film "Disassembly in Manila", the actor was invited to eradicate the stereotype of Russians - in the Ushanka, with a bear and a balalaica.

What was the surprise of the artist when he was called on shooting with his costume. Then the actor found out whether he was a professional athlete. And only later, the curious situation cleared up, and it turned out that only professional athletes are removed in American militants who are also sewn to shoot suits from proven fabrics.

4. Coil

In the biography of Dmitry Duzhev there is a funny case on the road. Somehow the actor rode on his car to Astrakhan, and his traffic police officers began to stop him. The actor asked not to transmit further on the highway, the star goes in the car.

However, stopped to stop it. And on one of the posts were asked to go to the booth, where his car marked "hijacking" was on the monitor.

As it turned out, during the path of Moshkara hung to the room and shoved the figure, turning 6 in 8. To avoid misunderstandings, the actor had to regularly go on the track and wipe the rooms and glasses.

5. Ring

In his instagram account, the actor hides the details of his personal life and pays attention to creativity. However, one item did not slip away from journalists. In an interview with "", Dmitry admitted that the wedding ring was bought by his mother in childhood. Then gold was in short supply and took it about the reserve. When Dyuzhe made a proposal to the future spouse Tatiana, it turned out that the ring is fit. And then the bride picked up a similar accessory.

6. Not fell

Dmitry Dyuzhez admits that in the work on the role of Peter I in the TV series "Tobol" studied his historical character thoroughly. And in the scene, when the emperor falls in the scenario in the dirt, the artist survived the faint.

In the plot on the hero, 5 clothes were wearing and each of the dense cloth. When immersing in the swampy dirt, clothes wedroch and turned into an unbearable burden. The actor finished the scene and managed to make a couple of steps from the frame, and after he lost consciousness. Later, the performer admitted that even 5 minutes of the scene could not stand and surprised by Peter's energy.

7. Not out of the role

In the transfer of "Evening Urgant" Dmitry Dyuzhev talked about his work in the TV series "Tobol". The story turned out to be so emotional that Ivan had even had to wipe the sweat from the forehead of celebrities.

Then they said that the actor did not come out of the role. Someone the behavior of the performer seemed interesting, and the fans saw the passion for Dmitry. In the comments to the release of the transfer on Youtube Channel and in 2021, subscribers continue to talk about the acting talent of the stars.

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