Matvey feet - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, Ataman, general



There were no such battles in the history of the Russian Empire of the Rake of the 18th and 19th centuries, where they would not show the valor of the famous Ataman Matvey feet. The hero passed the way from the ledge to the general and became the most famous leader of the Cossack troops.

Childhood and youth

Matvey on the family was written to become a warrior. He was born in 1753 in the Cossack family of military elder Ivan Fedorovich Platov and his wife Anna Larionna. The Old Believer Family lived in Cherkassk, formerly at that time the capital of the Don Cossacks. The future Ataman grew up with three brothers, Stefan, Andrei and Peter. The literacy of the boys did not teach, but to the military case they joined since childhood.

Portrait of Matthew Platov

Matvey went to serve when he was almost 13 years old. The young man was accepted by a ledger to the Don military office and after 3 years he received Chin Esoula. By that time, he already sniffed the gunpowder in the Russian-Turkish war, which began in 1768.

The young Cossack was distinguished by courage and combat impulse, which was not left unnoticed among the commander. Military Career Platov developed rapidly, and he soon earned a reputation as a brave and experienced fighter capable of leading.

Personal life

Matvey Ivanovich spent years in military campaigns, but it did not prevent him from arrange a personal life. For the first time, the boards married in 1777 by choosing the hope of Hope Stepanovna Efremov. The girl accounted for his daughter to the nationality of Ataman Stepan Efremov, and therefore a restless nomadic life was familiar from birth. However, this marriage lasted a little over six years: leaving the husband of the son of Ivan, the hope of Platov died in 1783.

Having grown up a couple of years, Ataman sucks the widow of Colonel Pavel Kirsanova Marfa Dmitrievna, who gave him four daughters and two sons. In addition to them, the children of his wife from the first marriage grew in a friendly family. Almost all the descendants of Platov remained in the military environment: daughters married commanders, and sons built an impressive officer career. It happened, the heirs fought on one battlefield with the Father, for example, participated in the Patriotic War of 1812.

Ataman survived the two of his offspring: Firstborn Ivan died at 6 years of age, and Matvey died in his youth, in the flourishing of forces and military glory. In 1813, the Wife of Platov died, and he lived his age official widow. However, his weekdays asked the Englishman Elizabeth, which General brought from London. Despite the fact that in English, a man did not say and did not understand, they managed to live together to his very death.


The military biography of Platov began almost in childhood. Matvey has not yet been 20 years old when he has already commanded the Cossack regiment. Being a strong and fearless person, he quickly gained fame in military circles. The brave Cossack participated in both internal battles and foreign campaigns. At his account, taking the line of reset and kinburn, the defeat of Pugachevtsev, the suppression of the rebellions of the Chechens and Lezgin, the war against the mountaineers and the Tatars in the Kuban, the assault of Ochakov and Izmail, the capture of Akkerman and Bender, the battle near Kaushans.

Ataman Don Cossack troops Matvey board

The boards headed the volatile Cossack troops, which suppressed the enemy pressure and suddenness of the attack. Matthews most often went into battle in the first rows, which was repeatedly awarded award-winning and special mention in the consensions of the monarchs. Alexander Suvorov himself wrote about him the sovereign of Catherine II, noting the courage of Ataman and an example of courage, which he filed his subordinates.

It is not surprising that in the experience and numerous merit in 1793, Platov presented to the rank of major general. High chin imposed on the hero of war even more responsibilities that he carried with honor. Under his beginning, there were Ekaterinoslav and Chuguevsky Cossack troops with whom he walked into the Persian campaign of 1796, after which he fell into opal to Emperor Paul I.

Ataman had a chance to survive a link to Kostroma and even imprisonment in the Peter and Paul Fortress, but his headquarters soon needed a sovereign, who sent Matvey Ivanovich to the Indian Cossack campaign. The adventurous event had to be collapsed due to the sudden death of the emperor, and the throne of Alexander I for the "exhaust service" elevated the platforms to the Atamans of the Don Cossack troops, the largest in the Russian Empire.

The commander held an impressive organizational work on managing the adopted division, and in 1805 founded Novocherkassk, where the Don Cossacks began to be based. Already 2 years later, under the command of the Platov, all Cossack shelves of the Russian army were located, with whom he fought under Precisch Eilau. Matvey gained fame not only among countrymen, but also at Napoleon himself, with whom he met at the conclusion of the Tilzite world.

Monument to Matvey Platov

During the Patriotic War of 1812, the Major General fought under the world and Romanov, in the battle of Molevo. In Battle, Borodino, together with Fyodor, the Uvarov Plan, was responsible for the left flank, but Mikhail Kutuzov considered that both commander did not fully cope with the task, and therefore both were left without award for a great battle. The last campaign in the Cossack career was the overseas campaign ending with the Paris World in 1814.


In 1817, Ataman seriously fell ill. The ailments lasted for several months and caused death on January 3, 1818. Cards died in the Taganrog estate, however, buried a man in Novocherkassk, near the Ascension Cossack Cathedral. The funeral ceremony was accompanied by the honors who gave the hero of the war with the appreciation of his contemporaries. Later on the grave of Platov installed a monument to Ivan Martos. In 1911, the coffin with the body of the general was transferred to the tomb to the colon's revolutions.


  • 1789 - The Order of St. George 4th Class
  • 1791 - the Order of St. George 3rd Class
  • 1796 - Holy Vladimir 3rd degree
  • 1801 - Order of St. Anne 1st degree
  • 1801 - Order of St. John Jerusalem, Commander Cross
  • 1806 - Order of St. Alexander Nevsky
  • 1807 - the Order of St. George 2nd Class
  • 1807 - the Order of St. Vladimir 2nd degree
  • 1809 - the Order of St. Vladimir 1st degree
  • 1812 - Silver medal "In memory of the Patriotic War of 1812"
  • 1813 - the Order of the Holy Apostle Andrei First Called
  • 1813 - Mary of Mary Teresia 3rd degree


The name of Matthew Platov were named:

  • Belokaltvinsky Cossack Cadet Corps,
  • Donskoy Cossack Choir,
  • Airport near Rostov-on-Don,
  • Polytechnic University in Novocherkassk.

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