Mikhail Romm: 2021, biography, personal life, disciples, dream, cinema, death


The tragic "dream", soaked in the knowledge of the "nine days of one year", documentary "ordinary fascism" - these and other films of cinematographer remained for a long time in the memory of the audience. And among his students, many have achieved large heights in filmmaster: Tarkovsky, Shukshin, Mikhalkov, Konchalovsky and the mass of others.

January 24, 2021 turned 120 years from the day, as Mikhail Romm was born. On the curious details of the personal life and the biography of the director - in the material 24cmi.

1. Revolutionary artist

Mikhail Romm talent for the first time manifested in school years. True, the speech at that time was not at all about the cinema - the future screenwriter and the director during the years of study in the gymnasium showed the challenges of the artist and the sculptor, drawing paintings and cloaks from clay.

Noticing the gifting of the boy, her parents girlfriend recommended the Misha to continue to develop already proceeding creative deposits. Renting to the Council, the young man came after the gymnasium to the Moscow School of Painting, Drainies and Architecture. However, the educational institution did not graduate, checking into the number of Bolsheviks during the October Revolution.

2. again for the desk

Only in 1921, after the end of revolutionary drone, in the years of which Mikhail worked by the Red Food Agent and engaged in confiscation of forage and products from Kulakov, and services in the army, Romm continued his studies. Now at the faculty of sculptures of the highest artistic workshops.

According to the memoirs of the future director, the first time in the institution did not even taught general educational items, and each student scored that the soul was pleased. Only on the last courses began to appear from among the professors, the creations of students began to appear. Moreover, the control from the top of the youth, brought up in the spirit of revolutionary ideas, first perceived in the bayonets, considering the terrible manifestation of the bureaucracy, with which they all recently fought with all the people.

3. New look

Actually, it was during the student period, Mikhail Romm and decided to try his own strength in other directions of creative development. The reason for this was an unsuccessful sculpture - a self-portrait made from a solid piece of pine for the All-Russian agricultural and shrub-industrial exhibition, which was first conducted at all in 1923, did not like the creator.

This discontent and won the fact that Romm began to pay more attention to not modeling, but acting, the basics of theatrical and filmorezhissurai, became interested in music, began to try himself as a writer and engaged in translations of foreign classics into Russian.

4. Singleposils

It is said that when, in the 30s of the last century, Mikhail finally decided to associate his own fate with a movie, he met his named-named - Abram Rommom, who was on a quarter of a century older than newly new cinematographer. An experienced director recommended a green novice to take a creative pseudonym, "so that they are not confused." Mikhail replied to offer that he would make all the strength so that this did not happen.

And the younger to achieve the goal has succeeded - even if you forget about the comparison of the number of cinematic awards of different levels, in the memory of the audience, the surname Romm is primarily associated with the younger owner.

It's funny that much more often because of the originality of the generic name, our contemporaries, if you believe the stories of requests in search engines, confuse Romma with Alexander Row - the director who created one and a half dozen favorite films of fairy tales.

5. Heavy in teaching

The art of writing the script Mikhail Romm has fastened the way it is difficult, so and original. The young man three times looked through the affordable paintings, diligently remembering what was happening on the screen. After that, repeated the procedure already on the mounting table, writing the script with hardly a second routing and a thorough analysis of each individual frame. Only after a number of such experiments, Romm took up writing the first scenario.

6. Character

Speaking of father, Mikhail Romm recalled that Ilya Maksimovich was distinguished by a striking for a person exiled to Siberia for revolutionary activities, kindness. This trait of character was at romma-senior extremely pronounced. The last even flies sticking to the special adhesive paper, produced secret from his wife, persuading to go to another place and no longer return.

Mikhail Ilyich's acquaintances argued that the kindness from the parent cinematographer inherited to the fully. But, despite the seemingly soft and fuel nature, the young director, to whom at first the actors treated with disgraceing, had enough willpower to bring order on the shooting platform and to instill with respect for their person.

7. Favorite

Until the death of Romm lived with his beloved wife, Elena Kuzmin, the meeting was held in some way thanks to the whims of Voroshilov's Clement.

The Narc of Defense saw the American film "Lost Patrol", shot by John Ford. And the idea caught fire - in the USSR, it is obliged to remove something similar, but on their manner and in closest to the Soviet man decorations.

Thirteen tape, telling about the intense confrontation of a few detachment of the Red Army team Banda Basmachi, entrusted to Romma. The only female role in the picture and performed Kuznetsov, who later became the director's wife. The couple was never born of their children, but Elena's daughter from the first marriage - Natalia - cinematographer climbed as if native. And the girl herself never doubted that Mikhail Romm is, and there is her real dad.

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