Group The Jackson 5 - Photo, History of Creation, Composition, News, Songs 2021



The Jackson 5 is a group of the small American town Gary, which for several years has managed to become a phenomenal phenomenon in the music of the 1970s. Stylish melodies in which disco elements, funky, coolers and other genres merged, young dancing vocalists in bright costumes attracted the army of fans. And, of course, the main role in the project was played by young Michael Jackson, the future pop king.

The history of creation and composition

The history of the Group's creation began by chance, due to children's leprosy. The father of the Jackson family, Joseph, in his youth played in the group The Falcons, but he failed to save great glory.

Later, already being a family man, a man did not leave interest in music, engaged in singing with sons. The father had a guitar, and when he went to work, the brothers secretly took the tool from Chulana and learned to pick up the melodies popular at it.

When the deception revealed, Joseph was very dissatisfied. However, having heard how boys perform songs, changed the opinion. The singing of adolescents was so professional that his father understood: it's time to do business on this. The new music team appeared in 1964. The group of "family" team, which was called The Jackson Brothers, included three older brothers, Tito, Jermain and Jackie Jackson.

In addition, the team had two invited amateur musicians, guitarist Reynold Jones and Milford Hight. A year later, it was decided to add to the project of younger children Marlon and Michael. Joseph himself led the rehearsal process, working out not only the sound, but also the dance part, as well as thinking out the details of the stage images. He became a project manager.

Later, in 1966, when a family quintet was popular, the Mentor of the Shirley Carta Group proposed to rename it to The Jackson 5. She also advised to replace Jones and Height on two professional musicians, drummer Johnny Jackson and Keyman Ronnie Rentsifer. The location of the main guitarist occupied Tito, and Jermaine, before that, playing a rhythm guitar, changed the tool on the bass.

In the late 70s, the composition of the collective was changed. By this time, the group broke out a contract with a record company "Motun", with which several years collaborated. As a result of the conflict, the musicians were forced to change the name on the Jacksons: the right to the brand belonged to the studio.

In addition, the team temporarily left Jermain, the cause of the care was the marriage. The place in the project was taken by Randy Jackson, the youngest of the brothers. Michael also left a team job and engaged in a solo project. The albums of the brothers were gradually lost popularity, and by the end of the 80s the team stopped concert activities. Nevertheless, official declarations of the group decay did not appear.


The Jackson 5 Music Concept was formed under the influence of popular Western performers of the 1960s. Young singers performed both famous hits and songs created specifically for their project.

In these tracks, elements of rhythm-end-blues, coil, disco and other directions were organically mixed. Jackson themselves later admitted that the music was always sounded in their home. Joseph, together with his brother, played the guitar of the Melody of Chuck Berry, Litla Richard - Children from the young age absorbed the rhythms of rock and roll.

In 1966, the new group won the talent contest at the local school, where one of the brothers studied. This event has become a starting point in the growth of the team's fame. Subsequent prizes engaged in sons convinced the Father of the family to invest more money in the project.

A new technique and tools appeared in the team, which has a beneficial effect on sound. Gastro activities began in the United States. At first, Jacksons appeared not in concert halls, but in small clubs, called swine scars in slang. Such institutions were safe for black performers, while in America there was still segregation.

Young artists alternated performances with comedian numbers, strippers and other entertainment genre artists. The first song, immediately received the recognition of the public, became Big Boy. There were several no less successful singles behind it. In 1967, the group won the Competition Amateur Night Competition, after which the representatives of the label "Motown Records" were interested.

In July next year, audition was held, after which the project was concluded. The first song I Want You BACK, recorded in the studio in a matter of days, has become a hit. The main vocal party was performed by the young Michael Jackson, who managed to make the composition especially expressive.

Soon the discography The Jackson 5 was replenished with such singles as ABC, The Love You Save and the I'll Be There's penetrated ballad. These tracks hit the American charts, and later to the world. Thanks to the well-thought-out concept, the group image has become recognizable. Particularly published dances, which brothers accompanied performances.

In order to increase the attractiveness of the young vocalist in the eyes of the audience, the producers changed Michael's age in advertising messages about the group. At that time, the singer was already 11, but the number of years decreased to 8. In addition, the invited professional musicians of Jackson and Rentifer called the team cousins.

Such a PR proof allowed to create the appearance of a big friendly family. In addition, the process of promoting the team at the music market was connected by the popular star of the American scene Diaan Ross. The singer presented a new project to the public. Since 1971, Motun starts working with Michael in parallel, helping him to record solo compositions.

From the mid-70s commercial success of the group began to gradually decline, despite the fact that new records were included in the musical tops. This happened because "Motun" did not want to change the image of the team, did not allow the performers to grow and try themselves in new currents. Joseph decided to find another label for The Jackson.

In 1975, negotiations with CBS Records recording company, which offered more favorable terms of cooperation. Under the contract, the brothers could perform their own songs and playing the tools, which was forbidden in the previous studio. After that, Motun began a trial, demanding compensation for violating the terms of the contract.

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According to the results of the proceedings, the project changed the name on the jacksons. Changes have a beneficial effect on Quintet: the team has released several albums. Among them, the sign became TRIUMPH, and the best song of the disk - Can You Feel It.

In 1984, Michael left the "family", and Marlon went to solo creativity soon. In the late 80s, Jackie, Tito, Jermain and Randy remained in the group. In 1989, the last plate of the team came out, which turned into a quartet. In 2001, after a long silence, the brothers reunited on a speech dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the pop-king solo career. After Michael's death, they were collected at the events dedicated to the singer's memory.

The Jackson 5 now

In 2020, the project continues creative activities, although concerts can be seen infrequently. The team remained Jackie, Tito Jermain and the returned Marlon Jackson. Now the team has its own instagram account, where the musicians laid posts with photos and video clips of past years. The group's site also works.


Studio Albums The Jackson 5:

  • 1969 - Diana Ross Presents The Jackson 5
  • 1970 - ABC.
  • 1970 - Third Album
  • 1971 - Maybe Tomorrow
  • 1972 - Lookin 'Through The Windows
  • 1974 - Dancing Machine
  • 1975 - Moving Violation

Studio albums The Jacksons:

  • 1976 - The Jacksons
  • 1977 - Goin 'Places
  • 1978 - Destiny
  • 1980 - TriUmph.
  • 1984 - Victory.
  • 1989 - 2300 Jackson Street

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