Victoria Vorozhbit (Zhigunova) - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Sergey Zhigunov. married 2021



Victoria Vorzorbit was known as a journalist only in the Far East. However, in 2020, electronic and printed publications were sent to the headlines with its name. A woman suspected in the novel with Sergey Zhigunov. Piquancy of the situation added the fact that beautiful brunette is similar to the former love of actor Anastasia Zavorotnyuk.

Childhood and youth

About children's and adolescent years in Victoria's biography, about family, parents, there is no information. Also reversal hides its age.

Personal life

About personal life Woman prefers not to tell the press. Journalists learned that she until recently was (and perhaps still remains) married to the media signal Viktor Sukhanov. When the couple met and when the wedding took place, it was not disclosed. The man started a business with a small news agency in Vladivostok.

Gradually, the company has grown, gained popularity and turned into the largest holding "Primyamy" holding. Representative offices of the businessman appeared in different cities of Russia, and its activities were supported by grants from the federal authorities. Victoria played a direct role in the work of the spouse, had its own program on the basis of the agency and engaged in charitable projects.

In 2018, the festival of television films "Morning Motherland" took place on Sakhalin. The famous Russian actor, director, producer Sergey Zhigunov became president of the project. Participants in the event became popular artists of theater and cinema, cultural and art figures. The Sukhanova Agency at the same time played the main media covered by the event.

At the festival held in March of the same year, Victoria performed the functions of the PR manager. Then, as the press is now, and the Zhigunov acquaintance occurred and burns. By the time Sergey Viktorovich managed to re-marry the faith Novikova.

In 2006, one of the most beautiful couples of Russian cinema became the object of attention of journalists. Many of the editions "shouted" about the fact that "Gardemarine" started a novel with a partner on the comedy TV series "My beautiful nanny" Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. When rumors were confirmed, Novikov and Zhigunov divorced.

I broke out a passion (which might have been part of the well-thought-out PR campaign) soon I was swiftly extinct. The actor tried to return to his wife, and in 2009 a re-marriage took place. Nevertheless, the press periodically appeared messages about new hobbies of producer.

After the journalists built guesses about the novel of Sergei Viktorovich with Victoria, Victor Sukhanov deleted work interviews from the channel and projects created by his wife. The "Lovers" themselves did not comment on the rumors that appeared, but in 2020, similar photos appeared in Instagram accounts of both.

The subscribers saw in different angles the same buildings that made it possible to assume that the couple lives in a country house in Abramtsevo. The snapshots of the cat, whom Surgei and Victoria were surprising and Victoria were promoted. At the same time, everyone put under the photo of Hestegi with a nickname of an animal Pynet (Samson).

And at the end of October 2020 it became known that the Zhigunov officially divorced Novikov faith. In March 2021, the reversal and Zhigunov shared the news that they officially became her husband and wife. In addition, Victoria hinted to change the name.


Living in the Far East, Sukhanova's spouse performed a journalist in Ria Primamedia. The woman had a cycle of programs in which she took interviews from local celebrities, entrepreneurs, officials and other persons. So, a program with the wife of the former governor of the Primorsky Territory Sergey Darkin - actress Larisa Belobrova is known.

In the release, the woman shared with the stories about his personal life, about how meeting with her husband turned her life, about his own house and many other things. In addition to journalistic activities, Victoria conducted various campaigns, including charitable, engaged in advertising.

Victoria exorbit now

In 2020, exorbate continues to work in the Famfer. So, in early March, the woman reappeared by Sergey Zhigunov's assistant at the Morning Mother Festival. In "Instagram", she laid out a video from the opening ceremony of this event, which took place for the third time in a row.

Victoria Vorozhbit and Anastasia Zavorotnyuk are similar

During self-insulation during the COVID-19 pandemic, Victoria remained in the house in Abramtsevo, as evidenced by the geolocation mark on the pictures laid out. A copy of Zavorotnyuk, as journalists managed to paint it, shared with fans of the news that he was very much recovered in a quarantine.

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