Georges Jacques Danon - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, French Revolutionary



Georges Jacques Danon entered world history as one of the fathers of the French bourgeois revolution. His political views led to the overthrow of the monarchy and the formation of the first French Republic. Together with other revolutionary, a man sought to radically change the system of society, teach people to live under the slogan "Freedom, equality, fraternity".

Childhood and youth

Danon was born on October 26, 1759 in Arsi-sur-both. The boy's father worked as a local prosecutor and wished her son to continue his business. As a child, the child was studied in the seminary, and later - in the boarding house in Troy, where he was carried away by the culture of the ancient world, antiquity. Being a teenager who is preparing to become a lawyer, George Jacques studied the literature of the XVII and XVIII centuries.

In his youth, Danton met the ideas of European enlighteners seeking to make the world better by refusing to the monarchical forms of the board and give power to the people. Also, the teenager attracted Freemasonry. In 1780, the Frenchman moved to Paris to learn right.

Personal life

Danton was not a happy owner of a beautiful appearance. But he is a man of a huge growth with an explosive Ospin face and a flapped nose - it turned out to be surprisingly charismatic: a powerful voice, a sharp mind and the ability to convince women attracted.

In 1787, Georges Jacques married Antoinette Gabriel Charpathy. In this marriage, which lasted until 1793, was born three sons. The firstborn died in infancy. Immediately after the death of the first spouse, Danton took 16-year-old Louise in his wife, the daughter of the bailiff. But together the couple lived only a year, to the execution of the revolutionary in 1794.

The French Revolution

By the end of the XVIII century, the sharp need for political transformations was stated in France. Thinkings began to openly talk about the "unproductiveness" of the old order and the absolute monarchy outlined. In their opinion, the estate division of citizens contradicted the natural laws of life. Each resident of the country had to have equal rights and freedom.

The beginning of the revolutionary action was taken by the jail of Bastille, which occurred on July 14, 1789. Researchers saw several reasons that led to the named events. First of all, it was the powerlessness of the government before solving the financial problems of the state. At the same time, the nobles did not want to change the procedure for centuries, bringing income and privileges.

During this period, the third estate was also enriched, while political rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens remained the same. The enlighteners in pamphlets and works sought to expose their born problems, thereby preparing the army of revolutionaries, ready to fight for the new system. The royal power in the eyes of the Society has lost their former greatness and power, losing the confidence of the people, clergy, nobility.

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Danton shared the main ideas of the French Mysteries, Rousseau and others. Since 1789, a man shared revolutionary and republican ideas in French meetings. He opened openly against the Royal Court, participated in preparing the take of Bastille, as well as at the basis of the club of Corderes.

In July 1791, Georges Jacques arranged at Mars, where he collected signatures for the petition about the deployment of the ruler. The event conducted by the speaker in the end led to a national uprising in Tuileries in August 1792, and after him and the fall of royal power. According to the results of actions, the Legislative Assembly appointed Danton Minister of Justice.

In the new status, the Frenchman continued propaganda activities, was called the leader in the fight against royalists. The measures proposed by a man prompted many to retreat from the revolutionary, to become his enemies. Opponents of George Jacqua's ideas accused him of sales, estimates, as well as in the organization of September killings.

These deprivation of lives passed after the overthrow of the monarchy. Paris Commune, at that time, the Maximilian Robespiere, represented by the left Jacobins, Jacques-Rene, and other radical revolutionary revolutionary, became the main authority in France. Its members conflicted with the Legislative Assembly, which the girondists and moderate prevailed.

At the request of the Commune, the representatives of the Cuscript compiled a list of "suspicious" persons opposing the ideas of the revolution. Danton, being Minister of Justice, reported soon arrest of suspects, which then entered into local prisons and monasteries before the court. However, the people have eased revenge and decided to arrange a massacre over "traitors" on his own.

As a result, a massacre began in prison cells, as a result of which many people died. The main organizers of the bloody terror later called Jean-Fields of Marat and Danton, but did not find direct evidence of their participation in the process. During the events, the commune understood that he could not cope with the folk anger, and asked for help to the Legislative Assembly. But George Jacques preferred to stay away from what is happening.

An important event in the biography of the policy was to elect him to the convention. Here the man defended the freedom of the press, condemned the rule of the king, opposed emigrants. At the same time, the Frenchman was forced to abandon the post of Minister. In November 1792, Danton went to Belgium to participate in the affairs of the country.

In January of the next year, Georges Jacques returned to Paris, where the court was conducted over King Ludovik XVI, and voted for the execution of the ruler. At this time, the politician was at the peak of a career, but at some point, knowing his own popularity in the people, lost his vigilance. In the meantime, the power is gradually moving on one side to Ebertists, on the other - to the Robespiera.

By this moment, Danton was not so hotly opposed to the people's "trains", said that executions were not so necessary as before. Therefore, when the board fully passed into the hands of Robespierre, George Jacques and his supporters expected arrest from the community salvation committee.


The former Minister of Justice with like-minded people was accused of conspiracy, the purpose of which was the overthrow of the National Representation and the Republic. Each of the arrested was sentenced to death on guillotine. According to the memoirs of the executioner, before death, the revolutionary demanded to show his severe head with the words:"There are no such heads every day to see."


The memory of the French Revolution is immortalized in works of art. In 1891, a monument was established by the decision of the Paris City Council George Jacques. The image of the policy appeared in the literary works - Viktor Hugo's novel "ninety-three", in the play of George Buchner "Danteon's death" and others. He is also mentioned in the cinema - in the films of Angeya Wildon "Danton", Abel Hans "Napoleon".

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