Interesting Facts About Andrei Mozalev - Figure Skating, Coach, Cadmir, Hobbies


The 17-year-old single one Andrei Mozalev has already managed to win a silver medal in the youth of the Olympic Games and to enter into an adult Russian Figure Skating. He reads "War and Peace" before rent, he sees prophetic dreams and puts the goal to win gold in the Olympiad. Other interesting facts about Andrei Mozalev - in the material 24cmi.

Mathematics on ice

Andrei Mozalev successfully combines schools in the Olympic reserve school and figure skating. As well as ordinary schoolchildren, he is developing a school curriculum in the interruptions between training. Somehow an athlete in an interview admitted that he experienced difficulties in mastering English. However, the star of the world of sport assumes that he will deal with the language as soon as a free minute falls.

And from the course of the school program, the athlete allocates mathematics and computer science. To the question of journalists on how helping the knowledge of mathematics on ice, Andrei admitted that the logic and the ability to make solutions quickly.


In an interview for Sport24, Andrei Mozalev admitted that the family tries to do everything to achieve an athlete, but the training process does not interfere. But the sister is ready to participate in the creative preparation of the room and offers musical compositions for setting.

The figure skater does not complain that parents arrive at the competition rarely. On the one hand, mom and dad work and cannot attend every start. And on the other, Andrei prefers during competitions to abstract.

However, for a young figure skateman, there are benchmarks. The Kumir Andrei Mozaleev became Nathan Chen, whose jumps are called phenomenal. Andrei even managed to get into the training of an eminent athlete and see the stars of figure skating championship calm in the working moments.

And the favorite rental of idols is a performance at the World Cup in 2019. Then Chenu had to go to the ice after Yudzuru Khan, and the spectators rated a strong rental from the teddy bears. Meanwhile, Nashan Chen worked his program at the maximum and made his speech better than a competitor.

Among the first

Andrei Mozalev came in figure skating, followed by an older sister. So often happens in families when the youngest child is based on the elder training. Later, the sister left classes, and Andrei at 8 years old decided to focus on the beloved sport.

The coach of the future star of figure skating Kirill Davydenko admitted that he saw a decent basic preparation and leadership in the boy, as well as excellent coordination.

In interesting facts about Andrei Mozaleva include the fact that he was already named the heir to Plushenko and Yagundy. As part of the same competition, the talented athlete performs 5 quadse jumps. And this is, according to the coach, not the limit.

Nevertheless, in the sports career of Mozalev, there are often situations when it rises to a pedestal after the 7th or 13th place according to the preliminary results. The coach lists such intriguing turns as part of the competition for the factor complex of the program.

"Andryukha, you know, since childhood, such: long harnesses, quickly goes," the mentor confesses in an interview and adds that the pupil apparently, it is necessary to feel the element and skip through itself.

By the way, and an arbitrary program of a figure, despite the young age, filled with drama. In it, technically complex elements are superimposed on the image, which at the expense of artistism and transmits an athlete, and adds the accuracy of the appropriate suit and music for the number.

Japanese and Chinese

An interesting facts about Andrei Mozaleva include its activity in social networks. In the publications of the figure, there are often words of gratitude to the audience and a team working with an athlete.

On social networks, fan pages are fans from Japan and China. Foreign fans celebrate amazing skatewoman jumping, the ability to show the sense palette within one program, as well as the ability to overcome their own fears. And Russian fans express the words of support to the athlete and follow Andrei's successes.

King and football

There is no free time in the figure skateman. The day is filled with workouts, the time is dedicated to the school program, and before bedtime, the thought is occupied by new figure skating, which often dreams. This fact from the life of young dating helps not only focus on sports, but also see the prophetic dreams.

Football got into the hobby athlete. In an interview, the skater is recognized: "Football I love, I play it often. But there is no active brew of time. " However, the athlete's life remains and books. The top of his favorite authors includes Stephen King with mystical novels "Pet Cemetery" and "Tomminoxy".

There is such an interesting fact about Andrei Mozalev, as reading works from the school program. So, immediately before an arbitrary program, the athlete read the novel "War and the World" of Lion Tolstoy to focus. However, with reading the classics, the figure skater prefers not to hurry and mastered the first volume of the novel about 1.5 months.

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