Juliet Mazina - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Actress



Italian Juliet Mazin was called the tragic clownes and Charlie Chaplin in the skirt. The great comedian himself said that there was no other actress, whom he would admire as much as the executor of the leading role in the picture "Night of the Cabiria". In 1998, the New York Times magazine stated that the smile of the Heroine Mazina in the last frames of this film Federico Fellini in the value exceeds all the "Hollywood Furgeted Blockbasers".

Childhood and youth

The actress was born in the town of San George-Di-Drino, located in the vicinity of Bologna. The birthday of the Italian celebrated February 22, and in the quality of the year, the 1920s indicated, then 1921. Parents are a former cellist who retrained in an account at a factory producing mineral fertilizers, and a school teacher called the newborn double name Julia Anna.

The girl was the firstborn in the family, in which three more children were born after her. Therefore, a mother with his father, given the musical and artistic gifting of the eldest daughter, easily responded to the request of a childless aunt and sent a little Julia Anna to live to a relative in the capital of Italy.

The guardian gave provincial brilliant education. Mazin studied in a privileged gymnasium founded by Ursulinki's nuns, took the lessons of vocals, dances and piano games. Then the girl received a diploma teacher of literature in Roman University. In the student years, Julia Anna played in an experimental theater studio, and after the university he joined the Caveryino Theater Torpe.

Personal life

Poleca Mazina was Fellini's wife. Having worked on the radio, Julia Anna voiced the transferd to the miniatures of the caricaturist, subscribing Federico, who told about the Chicko and Palline couple in love. A future husband first fell in love with Mazina's voice and only then saw her.

A miniature girl appeared in front of the novice screenwriter (the growth of the actress was 157 cm) with the eyes of the "lost dog". Federico swell, but invited a new acquaintance in the restaurant. Wedding Fellini and Mazina took place on October 30, 1943. At the request of her husband, a young wife replaced her name to Shakespeare's Juliet.

Personal life of spouses overshadowed the absence of children. In the youth, Love Juliet and Federico twice led to conception. But the first pregnancy after the fall of the actress from the stepladder ended with miscarriage. The second leaks with complications, and the son appeared in 1945 in infancy died of encephalitis. Doctors made a sentence to Mazine: a woman will never become a mother.

Shocked spouses swore to be together in Mountain, in the disease and in old age. In Mazin's memoirs, they called their marriage the image of Jelsomina from the Picture of Fellini "Road", which he created from observations of his wife and from her children's photos.

The life of creative spouses did not correspond to the philistine standards of family happiness. Federico spent money on tailoring ties and cervices from the best European couturies, restaurants and expensive hotel rooms. For fur and jewels to his wife, who became a muse and mother for the director, the man did not remain.

Like the Soviet genius of Lev Landau, Federico combined the love of a spouse with numerous treason and immediately told the beloved about his adventures. As if in the second-ended husband, Juliet smoked one cigarette for another in the presence of fellini non-tobacco smoke.


Usually the first picture in the filmography of Mazines is called the Alberto Latthada tape "without pity", in which the actress played an innocent prostitute Marchell. However, 2 years earlier, Juliet appeared in the episode of the film Roberto Rossellini "Payza" ("Countryman").

In the director's debut of Fellini - Drama "Lights Variety" - Mazina reincarnated in the actress of the stray troupe Melin Amur. The main in the creative biography of Juliet became the roles in the paintings of the spouse "Road" and "Night of the Cabiria", shot at an interval of 3 years. Each of these tapes was awarded the Oscar award in the "Best Foreign Film" category.

Both the main heroines of Mazina, contrary to the circumstances, idealists and optimists. Cook of Jelsomin from the Road sold to Circus slavery remains good and sincere. A prostitute Kabiria seemed to meet a fabulous prince in the person of an accountant, but when a woman gives his beloved all the savings, he wants to kill her. Artistic intake of Mazina - to give the audience a smile when they sob on the fate of her character.

Among the roles of Juliet, filled not in the films of the spouse, Mother Methelitz stands out in the simply screening of the fairy tale of the Grimm brothers, performed by Slovak Yuram Yakubisko. It is curious that the director was called East European Fellini. The last manner created by Mazine in the cinema, became the elderly Frenchman Berryl in the painting of Jean-Louis Bertichelli "Perhaps today" ("Day you need to remember).


The actress died in the spring of 1994, six months after the departure from Federico. Until the last day of life, Juliet's husband cared for his beloved. The cause of the death of Mazina was the lung cancer.

After performing the last will Juliet, Trumpeters and composer Mauro Maur at the funeral of the actress played Nino Rota Melody from the movie "Road". On a joint monument on the grave of Fellini and Mazina in Rimini, the phrase "Now, Juliet, you can cry."


  • 1946 - "Payza" ("Countryman")
  • 1948 - "No pity"
  • 1950 - "Lights Variety"
  • 1952 - "White Sheikh"
  • 1952 - "EUROPE-51"
  • 1954 - "Road"
  • 1955 - "Scammers"
  • 1957 - "Night of the Cabiria"
  • 1965 - "Juliet and Perfume"
  • 1985 - "Mother Metelitsa"
  • 1986 - "Ginger and Fred"
  • 1991 - "Perhaps today"

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